
31% of Americans give Obama positive grade on handling economic issues 36% of Americans, about 80 million people, believe UFO’s exist.
If aliens arrived at their doorstep. 22% of that 36 percent would try to befriend the alien, 15% would run away, 13% would lock their doors, and only 2% would try to inflict bodily harm.
… the other 48 percent would vote him in as President.


If you oppose ObamaCare, you might as well buy a slave, work him into his old age and then abandon him by the side of the road… or something. No really. Frank Harris III at the Hartford Courant says so.
I’ll skip the part where I fisk his thesis because it’s too easy and it avoids dealing with larger pathology displayed in the article.
Talking about slavery makes folks uncomfortable. It was so long ago, I know. And doggone it Frank, what do you mean doing what you are about to do: proclaim those jilted Republicans as acting out a slave-era legacy in their opposition to the Supreme Court’s ruling that found “Obamacare” constitutional…

Those who had the least suffered the most when it came to health then, just as they do today. Life expectancy for the poor — And who was poorer than a slave? — was far below that of whites. Life expectancy for blacks today remains and has always been lower than whites. Infant mortality is high, too…

It’s 2012 and Republicans seem determined to rally their supporters against health care like the Confederacy rallied its citizens against the North’s efforts to destroy their slave-based way of life.

Let’s unpack the reasoning here.

1. Blacks were slaves then and we didn’t take care of their health.

2. We are still not taking care of their health.

Connecting A to B is the work of a man who on some level still sees black people as slaves who need to be “saved” and “taken care of” because they cannot take care of themselves.

Liberals rarely put forward this formula quite so openly, but it’s at the heart of the old elitist liberalism. Harris is accusing us of being “irresponsible slaveowners”. We aren’t taking care of our black people.

Think about the Emancipation Proclamation, think about Juneteenth and the Fourth of July, and think about the whole rotten assumption that rather than setting everyone free, what we really need is a massive slave state for everyone built on the power of guilt. Think about the contempt for black people who are being treated as if they have no ability to take care of themselves. And think about how pervasive this reasoning is in liberal thinking.

Harris accuses us of protecting a “slave-based way of life”, but who really has the slave-based way of life? Is it the people who want slaves or the people who don’t want slaves? Is it the people who believe that we should be free or the people who believe we should be subservient to the proper authorities who will care for us?

The assumption made by Harris is the same one made by slaveowners, that black people cannot care for themselves. That they must be wards… for their own good. Post-slavery the argument becomes that we must all be wards… for the good of black people.

How much of the welfare state squats on the obscene proposition that black people are unable to take care of themselves?

How much of the misery and troubles of black people in America comes from all the do-gooders who have helped wreck their finances and communities with freebies, subsidies, privileges and leaders who want nothing more than to control where the freebies go?

How many black children have been snatched away from their families to be raised by benevolent white people? How many imported from Africa for the same purpose?

Does it end at our borders? Absolutely not.


http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=2191 Digging up Arafat In addition to having lost cachet, Suha Arafat must be running low on cash. This is not surprising. Parisian haute couture, for which the PLO chief’s widow has always had a taste, does not come cheaply. Nor does her silence, the commodity which has been keeping her in clover since before […]


http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/dem-congressman-wants-u-s-schools-modeled-after-muslim-madrassas/ Dem Congressman wants U.S. schools modeled after Muslim madrassas This sure isn’t America anymore. At least not the America I once knew. In a speech at the Islamic Circle of North America Convention on May 26, 2012, U.S. Congressman André Carson (D-Indiana) told the audience that U. S. schools should be modeled after madrassas […]

J’ACCUSE! ADAM TURNER: The truth is, anti-Semitism is on the march in France, and the French government, media, and elite are doing nothing about it. And I – for one – won’t allow the French to ignore this fact.

http://www.emetonlineblog.com/author/adam-turner/ On July 4, 2012, a 17-year-old Frenchman was the victim of a violent anti-Semitic attack on a train from Lyon to Toulouse. The teenager is a student of Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse, where three children and a family were killed by Mohamed Merah on March 19, 2012. A source close to the investigation […]


Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), chair of the House Budget Committee–and potential running mate of Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney–told Breitbart News this week that the party’s leaders are “absolutely” committed to repealing Obamacare.

“It would have been nice for the Supreme Court to repeal it for us,” he said, “but it’s no harder today than it was the day before the decision. We win, we repeal. It’s just that simple.”

Ryan, speaking exclusively with Breitbart News, added that there was no disagreement about repealing Obamacare among the various Republican leaders, or with the Romney campaign. “Not in any of the meetings I have been having,” he said.

Earlier in the week, conservatives criticized apparently conciliatory postures by the Romney campaign and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). McConnell and Romney have since confirmed their commitment to repealing Obamacare as a first priority after the election.

Asked whether Republicans had a plan ready to replace Obamacare, Ryan pointed to several plans that had already been proposed, including his own and that of Rep.Tom Price (R-GA). While there was common agreement on the need for a “patient-centered” system, Ryan said there were “differences of opinion” on the details of an alternative, particularly on the issue of whether to use tax credits to help people buy insurance.

“I don’t think those differences will be resolved between now and the election,” Ryan said. “There will be a cacophony of ideas.” He explained that Republican leaders would introduce reforms one-by-one, following repeal of Obamacare in the 113th Congress.



At the National Union of Students conference on April 25th, 2012 the Union of Jewish Students stall was defaced. Numerous stickers each bearing the slogan “Boycott Israel” were plastered over the stall. The majority of stickers were deliberately placed on the Star of David symbol, virtually eradicating it so that only the letters UJS could be read with the Star of David no longer properly visible.

How is such an incident to be approached? The fellow traveller (or, better, the useful idiot) would come up with the doped up campus theory that this is simply the manifestation of angst over geo-political concern on the micro-level.

He would probably add some sort of hoary line about this being a demonstration of “freedom of expression” and a legitimate political addition to vital debate through the use of postmodern guerrilla-esque tactics.

The apologist would argue that these are students just being silly students. He would refuse at that point to engage in a justification or discussion of the incident as he would be in full flow about issues and concerns in the Middle East and how this incident should be seen in isolation but in the “context” of much wider problems which all right-minded citizens should be concerned with.

After five minutes he would declare the conversation over without having once tried to understand how upsetting and distressing this incident would have been to Jewish students and the wider Jewish Community.



Jobless numbers: A referendum on the president
Friday, July 6, 2012
The monthly jobs report has taken on so much political significance amid voter discontent with the economy that it amounts to a regular “referendum” on the president, said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. “Once every month the public sees it as a signal of either the competence of the president or his failures.” Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1zpyjsAq1
Presbyterians reject measure to divest from Israel
Associated Press
Thursday, July 5, 2012
By a razor-thin margin, the largest Presbyterian group in the United States rejected a proposal Thursday to divest from three companies that do business with Israel. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1zpz2dwOm
Muslim Brotherhood set to lead Libya after vote
The Telegraph
Thursday, July 5, 2012
While the elections for Libya’s 200-member National Congress is unlikely to grant a majority to any one faction, the Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist allies are confident they can join their counterparts in Tunisia and Egypt at the helm of leadership. Read more…

Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1zpzG6spJ




Israeli settlements ‘jeopardising’ Palestinian prosperity
Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Oxfam International: “These discriminatory policies and practices have pushed more Palestinians into poverty and are destroying the prospects for two states living side by side in security and peace”

The economic potential of Palestinian communities in the Jordan Valley area of the West Bank is being jeopardised by Israeli settlement activity, a report by the UK charity Oxfam says.

The study suggests Palestinians could generate an extra £1bn ($1.5bn) a year if restrictions to their use of land, water and movements were removed.

It says Palestinians can use only 6% of the land, while settlers control 86%.

Israel criticised the report, saying it had “a clearly political agenda”.



The only proper thing for two-staters to do is to admit error, apologize for the vast damage they have wrought, and bow out of public life.

The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them. – Albert Einstein

This insight encapsulates the predicament that two-staters have inflicted on us. The problems that have arisen from the pursuit of the policy of two-states-for-two-peoples cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created those problems – i.e. by the continued pursuit of that policy.

Two-stater bewilderment
Over the past several months, two-staters have been in a flap, displaying growing frustration and bewilderment over the refusal of reality to conform to their political prescription. Increasingly, their public statements show signs of despair and desperation, at times tinged with tones of panic. It is becoming evermore common to encounter expressions of what once would have been considered heretical musings, reflecting mounting doubts whether their formula for resolving the conflict is at all feasible.

One of the more outlandish responses to this spreading desperation was that articulated recently by Shimon Peres – who might well be dubbed “the-two-stater-in-chief” – at last month’s Presidential Conference in Jerusalem.

Addressing a plenary session titled “Learning from Mistakes on the Way to Tomorrow,” Peres seemed to advocate that we shouldn’t.

Learn from mistakes, that is.

His recipe for attaining peace – which of course has worked so splendidly up to now – was to forget the past because “we can’t change it.”


By:- Ed Ziegler – Columnist

In America and all westernized countries females have the same rights as men. It is safe to even say women tend to receive a little more respect then men. In many Islamic societies women are openly treated as the property of men, of lower value, perhaps even as slaves. Where Muslims have emigrated to other countries there are numerous instances where they maintain their custom of abusing women.

The authority allowing men to control women comes from the Hadith and the Quran. One such verse (4:34) in the Quran reads “Men are the protectors of woman, because Allah has given one more than the other. Therefore the righteous woman is devoutly obedient.”

According to the ISNA news agency, the Euro 2012 games are aired on television in football-mad Iran. However women are banned from watching with their menfolk. Bahman Kargar, Iran’s deputy police commander in charge of social affairs, said “It is an inappropriate situation when men and women watch football in theatres together,” “Men, while watching football, get excited and sometimes utter vulgar curses or tell dirty jokes,” he said. “It is not within the dignity of women to watch football with men. Women should thank the police for the ban.”

In a sermon, former Pakistani lawmaker and prominent Islamic cleric, Maulana Abdul Haleem, justified Honor killings of women who opt for secular education. He threatened to forcibly marry off Western female staff of secular non-governmental organizations who visit the district of Kohistan to work with women’s education, health, and other welfare projects. He termed formal education for women un-Islamic.

In April 2012 the Egyptian website Youm 7 reported Azza al-Jarf, a female Member of Parliament representing the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Freedom and Justice Party,” was trying to abolish laws enjoyed by Egyptian women—including preventing them from divorcing or even separating from their husbands, because “the man has the authority and stewardship.”

Another female politician, Mona Salah, declared that “women are deficient in intelligence and religion,” and that, in agreement with Sharia law, they are banned from running for the presidency.

On June 25, 2012 “The Sun” reported “I wed age FIVE in the UK “ (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4244979/I-married-at-the-age-of-FIVE-in-the-UK.html ). Samina, the subject of the article, has decided to speak out after Britain’s Forced Marriage Unit revealed that last year they investigated 1,468 cases of forced marriage including another girl of five.

In March 2012 Mohamed al-Omda, deputy head of the People’s Assembly’s Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, has submitted a resolution draft to cancel a woman’s right to divorce (Khula) or separate from her husband.

On June 4, 2012 “The Independent” reported Charlotte Proudman, has represented Muslim women pro bono at Sharia courts across the UK. Proudman received a call from Nasrin, who pleaded for help to obtain an Islamic divorce from a forced marriage characterized by rape and physical violence. The Sharia council refused to provide her with a divorce. The Sharia council told Nasrin that her gender prevents her from unilaterally divorcing her husband. She was told to return to her husband, perform her wifely duties and maintain the abusive marriage.