The Subversive Hebrew Language
Alice Walker has joined fellow Hamas flotilla writers, Henning Mankell and Iain Banks in boycotting the Hebrew language and banning their books from being translated into the 4,000-year-old Zionist language. This move has gotten more attention, because, unlike Henning Mankell and Iain Banks, people have actually heard of Walker, if only because they were forced to read her in school.

As punishments go, preventing Israelis from reading The Color Purple seems more like a blessing than a curse. If only Amos Oz and David Grossman could be similarly convinced to follow through on their politics and begin boycotting the Hebrew language, the national IQ would be better for it.

Walker, Mankell and Banks (possibly the world’s worst law firm) have every right to pick up their placards and boycott one of the world’s oldest languages. When Wagner directed the work of Jewish composers, he reportedly immediately discarded the gloves that he wore during the onerous task. Perhaps Walker and the Gaza gang could do likewise, allowing the translation only so long as the laptop and printers that actually transform their words into the cursed Hebraic are swiftly thrown out afterward.

“We have to explain to ourselves the involuntary repellence possessed for us by the nature and personality of the Jews,” Wagner wrote in “Das Judenthum in der Musik”, “so as to vindicate that instinctive dislike which we plainly recognize as stronger and more overpowering than our conscious zeal to rid ourselves thereof.”

JULIA GORIN:Will Israel Extradite a Citizen to a Show Trial in Muslim Bosnia? PLEASE READ THIS!

Will Israel Extradite a Citizen to a Show Trial in Muslim Bosnia?


Forty-two-year-old Alexander Cvetkovic, accused of Srebrenica-related war crimes, is an Israeli citizen who is ethnically Serb. The latter usually means his chances of avoiding extradition to a Bosnian show trial aren’t good. Political expediency has been the rule governing all world governments facing Bosnian-Muslim demands for war crimes extraditions, based on dubious howls of “genocide.” So dubious that laws have been enacted in Europe to enforce the belief that extrajudicial executions of Muslim soldiers are on par with the Holocaust.

And so the world’s political classes sit on their haunches to see if Jewish Israel passes the test and gives Muslim Bosnia what it wants. Or if, as the alternative is likely to be interpreted, Jews “still think they have the monopoly on genocide.” But if Srebrenica is the barometer, they certainly do, as will be laid out here. For now, the question is: Will Israel try to join the world club that will never have it, a club in which due process is due to all but Serbs?

Last August, Judge Amnon Cohen of the Jerusalem District Court easily ruled against Cvetkovic to honor Bosnia’s request. Cvetkovic appealed, and that Supreme Court hearing took place last Monday. Oral arguments were heard, and the final decision will be handed down in a couple months. With that deadline looming, it’s worth excerpting an April Jerusalem Post column by Stephen Karganovic, president of the Dutch NGO Srebrenica Historical Project, warning that Israel’s decision will have implications for Israeli soldiers as well (emphasis added):



The thing that gets us about the Supreme Court’s ruling in United States v. Alvarez — the ruling in which it declared unconstitutional the federal law known as the Stolen Valor Act — is not the question of whether the law is or is not a violation of the First Amendment. The court majority suggests that it is, because it outlaws speech that might be described merely as boastful and, in any event, that Congress mayn’t abridge. The minority, comprising Justices Alito, Scalia, and Thomas, says, in a dissent, that it isn’t. Rather it’s just about protecting our country’s system of military honors.

Either way, the thing that gets us about this case is what the court describes as the “epidemic” false claims that has sprung up in the current war. It involves an astonishing number of wannabe heroes. Justice Alito, writing for the dissenters, reports that an “investigation of the 333 people listed in the online edition of Who’s Who as having received a top military award revealed that fully a third of the claims could not be substantiated.” He adds that when the Library of Congress “compiled oral histories for its Veterans History Project, 24 of the 49 individuals who identified themselves as Medal of Honor recipients had not actually received that award.”

Don’t Blame SCOTUS, It Was the Obama ‘Bait and Switch’ By Frank Salvato

http://newmediajournal.us/indx.php/item/6050 I have become increasingly depressed about the fact that “truth” has become subservient – if not non-existent – in our culture today, and especially in our political culture. The recent US Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare – or the Affordable Care Act, if you will – is a perfect example. While many on the […]


http://www.prudenpolitics.com/newsletter?utm_source=P&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=3958&P+Auto+1= The court’s gift To Mitt Romney By Wes Pruden Now the fun begins. Nothing can fire the anger of an American like the arrogance of a government lawyer with his foot on the throat of a helpless citizen, and the justices of the Supreme Court are the government lawyers with the biggest feet of […]


http://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2012/06/28/obamacare-ruling-pure-fraud-and-no-due-process/?print=1 Led by Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court decided that Americans have no right to due process. Indeed, the Court not only upheld a fraud perpetrated on the public — it became a willing participant. The assessment charged for failure to comply with ObamaCare’s “individual mandate,” which requires Americans to purchase health insurance, […]


Black Caucus plans walkout to protest Holder vote Members of the Congressional Black C… Read more… Read more: http://times247.com/#ixzz1z5Muc1nm Ahmadinejad to attend Olympics over objections Ynet News Thursday, June 28, 2012 News Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to attend the Olympic Games in London, which will commence in a month, the secretary general of the […]



How long will the world continue to look away while Iranian women are oppressed by the systematic, gender-apartheid policies of the Islamist dictatorship?

In Iran, women who dress themselves in a manner deemed immodest must reckon with reprisals from the Iranian Moral Police and the Revolutionary Guards. For more than 30 years there has been a public feud between women who challenge the rules, and the repressive forces in charge of enforcing them.

Again and again the Islamist rulers have ordered stricter enforcement measures, often resulting in mass arrests. According to Iranian police Chief Ismael Ahmadi Moqadam, Iran now wants to ratchet up its fight against women who it believes dress in an un-Islamic way. Moqadam says that his forces require the assistance of Iran’s “moral capital and pious people,” and that the regime “must not allow the virus to spread by badly worn headscarves.”

On June 19th, Iranian news agency Fars News quoted the police chief as saying: “We are keen to fulfill our legal and religious duty and we will behave in this way very carefully, so that no one protests.” The regime is again displaying its intolerance for dissent.

While police forces focus on repressive efforts, Iranian clerical authorities have begun attacking the West for propagating against Muslim culture. On June 17th, Fars News reported that Iranian cleric Seyyed Mehdi Mousavi Hojatulislam claimed that “Westerners lay traps for the youth” by propagating against the hijab and women wearing veils.


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/28/the-al-qaeda-muslim-brotherhood-coalition/print/ The Al Qaeda-Muslim Brotherhood Coalition Posted By P. David Hornik On June 28, 2012 @ 12:35 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 2 Comments Not long ago the Arab Spring was seen as a harbinger of democracy. It turns out that, instead, it’s creating breeding grounds for international terror—and safe havens for al-Qaeda itself. That […]


http://frontpagemag.com/2012/06/28/david-horowitz-discusses-the-new-leviathan-at-the-wednesday-morning-club/ To order “The New Leviathan: How the Left-Wing Money Machine Shapes American Politics and Threatens America’s Future,” the new book by David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin, click here. Attendees of the Freedom Center’s June 22nd meeting of the Wednesday Morning Club were treated to an invaluable lecture by Center President David Horowitz on his […]