Oh No You Didn’t: Mossad Agents Claim Obama Lying About Stuxnet by Joel B. Pollak

Israeli officials who were placed at risk by the Obama administration’s leaks about the Stuxnet virus are disputing American claims that the cyber-weapon was jointly developed by the U.S. and Israel. Rather, they say, Israeli intelligence first started developing cyberspace warfare against Iran, only convincing the U.S.–with some difficulty–to join in. The Israelis allege that President Barack Obama claimed credit for Stuxnet to boost his re-election campaign.

The source for the new claim is Yossi Melman, a journalist for Israel’s left-wing Ha’aretz daily (via Israel Matzav):

The Israeli officials actually told me a different version. They said that it was Israeli intelligence that began, a few years earlier, a cyberspace campaign to damage and slow down Iran’s nuclear intentions. And only later they managed to convince the USA to consider a joint operation — which, at the time, was unheard of. Even friendly nations are hesitant to share their technological and intelligence resources against a common enemy…

Yet my Israeli sources understand the sensitivity and the timing of the issue and are not going to be dragged into a battle over taking credit. “We know that it is the presidential election season,” one Israeli added, ”and don’t want to spoil the party for President Obama and his officials, who shared in a twisted and manipulated way some of the behind-the-scenes secrets of the success of cyberwar.”

The Obama administration’s pattern of leaks to mainstream media outlets–of which the Stuxnet virus is only one example–prompted bipartisan outrage from Congress and the appointment of two special prosecutors. While the leaks jeopardized U.S. national security–allegedly for the political purpose of burnishing President Obama’s image as commander-in-chief–they may also have been exaggerated, if the new reports from Israel are accurate.


“Political cowardice in the face of financial scams on an epic scale is not exactly news these days, but the utter incompetence of the European finance ministers and lack of coordination among the international organizations involved in the deliberations are deliciously new. Never before in the course of human events have so few wiped out so much credibility for so many.”

There must be somebody besides us ex-bankers-in-remission rolling around the floor laughing about the succession of headlines on Saturday afternoon. First came this:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The International Monetary Fund is estimating that Spanish banks need at least a euro40 billion ($49.87 billion) capital injection following a stress test it performed on the country’s financial sector.

and an hour or two later, this:

Spain will seek financial help from its Eurozone partners but exactly how much won’t be known until private audits are undertaken, the country’s economy minister announced Saturday. Earlier, European finance ministers discussed plans to offer Spain up to $125 billion (100 billion euros) in a bid to stabilize its banks — and ease concerns over the even bigger European debt crisis. That amount was described as an upper limit, not an indication of what Spain would ask for. After Spain’s announcement, the Eurozone ministers issued a statement that they expected a formal request “shortly” and are “willing to respond favorably.” Spain earlier said it wanted to wait for two independent audits — due by June 21 — before deciding on whether to seek aid, and it was not clear if those audits were being stepped up.

It’s $49 billion–no–its$125 billion! Either this is a particularly aggressive effort to soften up European sentiment for an even larger bailout, or it is the product of a general panic in the Spanish government and the European elite. In fact, the butcher’s bill probably will be a multiple of the promised $125 billion. As I wrote in an open letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel last week, the 184 billion euros in bad loans to which Spanish banks admit is probably less than half the total. The Spanish elite bet the whole economy on a construction bubble which, relatively speaking, has three times the weight that America’s housing bubble did back in 2008. Even worse, Spanish banks have more than doubled their loans since 2008, apparently capitalizing interest (lending more to zombie borrowers in order to book interest payments and avoid a write-off).

IS HAMAS BUILDING A 53,000 SQUARE FOOR FACILITY IN AMERICA? ERIC ALLAN BELL Editor’s note: The compilation of materials used in this article are the result of a collaboration between Steve Emerson, of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Elizabeth Coker, a retired journalist and stay-at-home-mom, Jerry Gordon, former Army Intelligence officer and Editor for New English Review, and Eric Allen Bell, Filmmaker and writer. This article was […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH AND INFAMOUS In 2003, a year before his death, Forbes Magazine placed Yasser Arafat on their list of the world’s wealthiest kings and despots with a net worth of 300 million dollars. This number was on the low end of the estimates that had been made of the fortune of the leader of the Palestine Liberation […]


Providence, R.I. — If elections are won partly on the enthusiasm of a candidate’s base, Barack Obama is in trouble. Netroots Nation, the annual left-wing conference for bloggers and activists, held its seventh annual rally here this weekend. The skies were sunny outside, but there was clearly a cloud hanging over attendees inside the cavernous Rhode Island Convention Center.

It wasn’t only last Tuesday’s jarring defeat of public-sector unions in Wisconsin, or President Obama’s refusal to campaign in person against Governor Scott Walker — or unease that the Supreme Court may be only weeks away from sweeping much or all of Obamacare onto the ash heap of history. On Friday, in the middle of the conference, President Obama famously declared that “the private sector is doing fine,” calling into question his campaign’s basic competence in getting out a coherent message.

Indeed, enthusiasm for Obama was decidedly absent from this year’s gathering. Administration officials weren’t invited to attend (Valerie Jarrett and others have appeared in the past), and President Obama limited his role to an unpublicized surprise video shown to delegates late on Saturday, when many people had already left. “Change is hard, but we’ve seen that it’s possible, as long as you’re willing to keep up that fight, I’ll be right there with you,” Obama offered. Not exactly a stirring call to arms, and the tepid applause his video garnered can’t have pleased Team Obama.

Van Jones — the former Obama administration “green jobs” czar who was forced to resign from the White House after his radical past was exposed — did his best to follow the Obama video with some fiery rhetoric. “We do not have the right to sit here and feel sorry for ourselves and let these people destroy our country,” he yelled.


Allen West: Lightning rod for liberal activists West never disappoints…..must be re-elected
At a crowded panel at the liberal Ne…
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Occupy Wall Street obit written by originator Just delicious!!!
The Occupy Wall Street movement was …
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Obama profited from 1995 class-action housing suit
Daily Caller
Monday, June 11, 2012
Barack Obama profited from work in a 1995 housing-discrimination class action lawsuit that provided him with legal fees, greased his political donations and boosted his role in Chicago politics while the lead client went bankrupt. Read more…

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Burma declares emergency to stem religious riots…..The long tentacles of Islam…..
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Burma declared a state of emergency in an eastern border region to prevent clashes between Muslims and Buddhists from spreading or threatening the country’s democratic transition. Read more…

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ALEX JOFFE: THE JEWISH LEFT….BETWEEN HISTORY AND REVELATION….(AND TERMINAL SELF-HATRED RSK) The association of Jews with leftist ideas and movements has been a fixture of Western politics for the past 150 years. But is the relationship logical and necessary, or is it historical and contingent? Do Jewish values dictate leftist values, or is this assertion merely a post hoc rationalization? A recent conference at the […]


The decision to give a platform to a leader of Jew-hating Hamas shows the Guardian is now wallowing in and drinking from the sewer of history. Read and be shocked

Which of these propositions do you think is correct; and can you identify a moral distinction between them?

The Guardian newspaper has just run an article by someone advocating that black people be returned to the status of slaves.

The Guardian newspaper has just run an article suggesting that landlords be allowed to put up notices saying that Irish people and dogs need not apply for housing.

The Guardian newspaper has just run an article by a political leader whose foundational charter advocates the murder of Jews and promotes conspiracy theories that would not have looked out of place in Nazi Germany.

No prizes for guessing that the third of those propositions is correct on a factual basis. The morality? It’s a race to the bottom.

But given that anti-Semitism gave rise to the greatest single crime in human history, and that the Holocaust was the culmination of a series of horrific crimes that shame every civilisation that has been a party to it… well, you make up your own mind.

On Friday, the Guardian ran a piece in its opinion section by none other than Ismail Haniyeh, leader of Hamas in Gaza and now, it appears, a perfectly acceptable room-mate for the leading voice in Britain’s Liberal-Left.

DANIEL GREENFIELD: REPUBLICAN PARTY AS A LIBERATION MOVEMENT The real lesson of Wisconsin is that the Republican Party is at its strongest and greatest when it acts as a revolutionary liberation movement, breaking apart the power relationships of the Democratic Party that stifle people’s personal, economic and religious lives. The Democratic Party has made it its mandate to politicize and collectivize the […]

ROBERT SPENCER: THE MEDIA’S DOUBLE STANDARD FOR MUSLIMS The mainstream media claims to be multicultural, respecting all cultures equally, but actually holds Muslims and the Islamic world to a standard so low that it would have brought a furious blush to the cheeks of the most dyed-in-the-wool White Man’s Burden-carrier in the old British Raj. Case in point: have you heard about […]