THE FAT NANNY STATE: DANIEL GREENFIELD It’s easy to dismiss New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s latest nanny state hiccup as the control-freak antics of a powerful man –but that would be missing the point. Bloomberg did not come up with the idea of banning sodas during a spa session on his private island. His implementation of it may be more […]

JULIA GORIN: THE WASHINGTON TIMES PRINTING NAZI PROPAGANDA **** Well we knew it wouldn’t be long. If nationalists win a Serbian election, it follows that there will be an article in the Washington Times by Croatian-supremacist Jeffrey Kuhner, as usual angling for a new war against Serbia — by making the argument that Serbia wants it. As a typical rapist would. Below is […]

MARILYN PENN: OF OUNCES, POUNDS AND INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS The reaction to Mayor Bloomberg’s demand that sugary soft drinks be limited to 16 oz cup size has been surprising. Some of the same people who support measures restricting individual rights in favor of group safety or health (banning smoking in public places) were outspokenly opposed to this rather innocuous suggestion. First, let’s establish […]



One of our favorite China bloggers, the pseudonymous Also Sprach Analyst called it “The best thing ever written on the euro crisis.” The bottom line is that the speech is getting praised and passed around and going viral in a way that most speeches about the Eurozone don’t.So you have to ask: Why is this speech going nuts?

Well there’s a lot in it for people to like. He gives a nice roundhouse kick to the Germans, which is usually pretty popular. And he says that the Eurozone has 3 months to fix the crisis, which provides a perfect hook for headline-writers.

But what’s special about the speech is his characterization of the Euro as being itself being a “bubble.”

Now the word “bubble” gets abused a lot. Every little boom is called a bubble these days. And things that have nothing to do with market valuations (like the big pile of student loan debt being taken on) get called bubbles improperly.

But Soros is onto something here.

Read more:

Trento, Italy

Ever since the Crash of 2008 there has been a widespread recognition, both among economists and the general public, that economic theory has failed. But there is no consensus on the causes and the extent of that failure.
I believe that the failure is more profound than generally recognized. It goes back to the foundations of economic theory. Economics tried to model itself on Newtonian physics. It sought to establish universally and timelessly valid laws governing reality. But economics is a social science and there is a fundamental difference between the natural and social sciences. Social phenomena have thinking participants who base their decisions on imperfect knowledge. That is what economic theory has tried to ignore.

Scientific method needs an independent criterion, by which the truth or validity of its theories can be judged. Natural phenomena constitute such a criterion; social phenomena do not. That is because natural phenomena consist of facts that unfold independently of any statements that relate to them. The facts then serve as objective evidence by which the validity of scientific theories can be judged. That has enabled natural science to produce amazing results.

Social events, by contrast, have thinking participants who have a will of their own. They are not detached observers but engaged decision makers whose decisions greatly influence the course of events. Therefore the events do not constitute an independent criterion by which participants can decide whether their views are valid. In the absence of an independent criterion people have to base their decisions not on knowledge but on an inherently biased and to greater or lesser extent distorted interpretation of reality. Their lack of perfect knowledge or fallibility introduces an element of indeterminacy into the course of events that is absent when the events relate to the behavior of inanimate objects. The resulting uncertainty hinders the social sciences in producing laws similar to Newton’s physics.

Economics, which became the most influential of the social sciences, sought to remove this handicap by taking an axiomatic approach similar to Euclid’s geometry. But Euclid’s axioms closely resembled reality while the theory of rational expectations and the efficient market hypothesis became far removed from it. Up to a point the axiomatic approach worked. For instance, the theory of perfect competition postulated perfect knowledge. But the postulate worked only as long as it was applied to the exchange of physical goods. When it came to production, as distinct from exchange, or to the use of money and credit, the postulate became untenable because the participants’ decisions involved the future and the future cannot be known until it has actually occurred.

DER SPIEGEL: Israeli Nukes Are Deployed Underseas On Subs Bought From Germany

Read more: For decades the world has accepted that Israel sits upon a mountain of nuclear weapons that it says simply don’t exist, and without any proof to show otherwise, that’s the way it has stood. Until now. Der Spiegel reports that after extensive research they’ve unearthed proof not only of Israel’s nuclear weapons, […]

Nonie Darwish: A Summer Night For Human Rights — on The Jamie Glazov Show

A Summer Night For Human Rights — on The Jamie Glazov Show
Nonie Darwish sheds light on an upcoming conference in Manhattan Beach, California — and takes your calls for the full hour.


Time to take a stand The settlement enterprise in Judea and Samaria is the heart of the Likud movement. To sabotage the settlement enterprise is to strike at the conservative camp’s ability to govern and steer the Zionist ship back on course. Decades of language and collective consciousness control have turned the settlement enterprise in Israel into an “obstacle” and a “crime” and Zionism into an empty metaphor.

You can’t just shave five buildings off a community, remove them as though they were a diseased tumor and relocate them. Behind these five buildings lies an entire settlement enterprise whose enemies — some of them our own Jewish brothers — pray for its destruction. These enemies of the settlement enterprise realize that the majority of the population supports the settlers, even if the media uniformly doesn’t. That is why they employ dozens of human rights organizations (a code name for organizations that strip Jews of their right to live in their country) and wield the swords of the High Court of Justice and the State Prosecutor’s Office.

Eurocrisis: Russia Offers Its Services by Peter Martino The Russians, however, are likely to want something in return. Europe’s politicians will not admit it openly but they are afraid that the dire economic situation in countries such as Greece and Spain might lead to revolution. In two weeks’ time, the Greeks will go to the voting booths again. The far-left Syriza party […]


Queen Elizabeth II has visited 129 countries, but not Israel: Why?
She is the most well traveled monarch in the world having bestowed her presence in human rights hell holes like Zimbabwe, Aden, Nigeria and Uganda, as well as dozens of nations formerly under the rule of Great Britain such as Kenya and India and Pakistan where the Brits were kicked out…..but never set a dainty foot in Israel.

IN HIS OWN IDIOTIC WORDS: A Settlement Freeze Can Advance Israeli-Palestinian Peace Israel’s new unity government is strong and diverse enough to survive a walkout by extremist elements.

Now that Israel has a broad and secure national unity government, the time is ripe for that government to make a bold peace offer to the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority refuses to negotiate unless Israel accepts a “freeze” on settlement building in the West Bank. Israel accepted a 10-month freeze in 2009, but the Palestinian Authority didn’t come to the bargaining table until weeks before the freeze expired. Its negotiators demanded that the freeze be extended indefinitely. When Israel refused, they walked away from the table.