Mourdock Beating Lugar by Double Digits With Primary Days Away
Indiana has made the national news! We Hoosiers are so excited – it’s not everyday you see the word “Indiana” on’s home page! Today’s reason for infamy? A new poll has just been released that puts tea-party challenger Richard Mourdock 10% ahead of incumbent Senator Dick Lugar as the May 8th Indiana GOP primary approaches.
This is big news, because many thought that the long-serving Lugar, who has been in office for 36+ years, had a decent chance to re-win his spot. It’s a bad day for any incumbent when he’s polling under 40% in his own party with a primary less than a week away. But Lugar has been mired in several residency scandals, including one in which he had to repay $14,000 to the US Treasury after abusing funds for his private hotel stays. Lugar has also been accused of shirking work to play golf, and received an F rating from the NRA for his “support” of gun rights.