My friends over at The United West.org http://theunitedwest.org/ recently posted a You Tube, with commentary by Alan Kornman, dealing with yet another “Progressive” dhimmi mouthpiece of the Jihadis, Josh Ruebner. He had given a lecture at Rollins College, near Orlando, comparing Israel’s struggle to survive with the Nazis’ plans to exterminate the Jews (http://theunitedwest.org/the-united-west-exposes-anti-israel-hate-propaganda-2/ ). Unfortunately, this is nothing new these days…
The video brought back memories which would up evolving into a chapter of my own book http://q4j-middle-east.com.
Several years ago, fair and balanced Fox News interviewed an Arab about the Gaza thing to get that perspective of the fighting. I can’t remember his name. It doesn’t matter.
His response was typical, an earlier rendition of Ruebner’s, and one that anyone who has followed the Arab-Israeli conflict over much of the last century could recite: The “Palestinians” (Arabs) are the new Jews, and the Jews are the new Nazis.
But–you reply–Arabs already have almost two dozen states on over six million square miles of territory, including one sitting on some 80% of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine renamed Jordan. And Jews were stateless until the resurrection of their sole, tiny nation.