In decadent Europe, freedom of speech is dying. Loudly trumpeted as a ‘human right’ for any attacks on America, Israel, Christians or on the core values of the west, it is swiftly transformed into ‘hate speech’ and the shutters are slammed down on the speaker whenever Islam is in the frame.

Lars Hedegaard is President of the Danish Free Press Society, which is devoted to defending freedom of expression — particularly against the threat from radical Islam to extinguish it on the spurious grounds of‘Islamophobia’. With no sense of irony, Denmark is trying its damnedest to shut Hedegaard up on precisely those grounds.

This witch-hunt has now reached its third round. In January 2011, Hedegaard was tried and aquitted for racism and hate speech over remarks he made two years previously concerning sexual abuse within Muslim communities. After his acquittal was appealed, however, he was retried and convicted. I wrote about all this, and the way in which both the acquittal and thesubsequent conviction turned on what were essentially technicalities, on my previous blog here.

MICHAEL WIDLANSKI: THE ROCKS IN TOM FRIEDMAN’S HEAD (Exclusive to Accuracy in Media) On Easter/Passover Eve, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman served up “A Middle East Twofer [1],” his newest seasonal Mid-East peace plan combining Friedman’s own special home recipe of hypocrisy, lovingly layered with finger-licking idiocy: “Palestinians need to accompany every boycott, hunger strike or rock they throw at Israel […]

The Raheb-Herzog Affair “A Former German President Wants to Honor an Antisemitic Pastor” by Malcolm Lowe

“[Pastor Raheb’s]words correspond to half-truths or no truths at all.” While on the one hand many of these churches have issued official statements deploring the Christian history of denigration and demonization of Jews, on the other hand they foster and fawn upon Protestant clerics who denigrate and demonize the State of Israel.

When the German concern Media Control announced the four winners of its 2011 German Media Prize (Deutscher Medienpreis) on January 13, 2012, the choice of the fourth, Lutheran Pastor Mitri Raheb of Bethlehem, provoked a storm of hundreds of protests.

Why such a fuss? After all, even the Nobel Peace Prize is a nonsense prize if you can get it for giving a speech in Cairo. There is a website in Germany,, that catalogues hundreds of such awards; Raheb already held some of them.

The primary cause of the protests was that a former federal German president, Prof. Roman Herzog, had agreed to come and laud the prize winners on February 24. More generally, the affair brought into the open the seething conflict between two contradictory tendencies in churches worldwide, but especially in German Protestant churches.

While on the one hand, many of these churches have issued official statements deploring the Christian history of denigration and demonization of Jews, on the other, they foster and fawn upon Palestinian clerics who denigrate and demonize the State of Israel.

Often, of course, it is distinct groups within a church that promote the one tendency or the other. When the same individual does both, it requires a considerable measure of cognitive dissonance or hypocrisy. The Raheb-Herzog Affair has provided a defining moment in this struggle.


Islamic Apologists vs. Nonie Darwish — on The Jamie Glazov Show
Tensions get hot on Frontpage’s radio show.
The Question of Obama’s “Brilliance” — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Dwight Schultz, Georgette Gelbard and Tommi Trudeau mix it up on Frontpage’s television show.

DANIEL PIPES: CARTOON MISSIONARIES Comic books as a method of missionizing for Islam (da’wa)? Yes. One year ago, Harvard University hosted a workshop to teach comic-book artists how to address Americans’ “unease with Islam and the Middle East.” And later this week, Georgetown University will air a PBS documentary, Wham! Bam! Islam!, celebrating a comic book called The […]

VICTOR SHARPE: SCRATCH “PALESTINE” ANYWHERE AND YOU’LL FIND ISRAEL In Rolf Hochuth’s play, The Representative, there is a line in Act 1, Scene 1, which goes as follows: “Cursed are the peacemakers.” Peace is a reality between states that are friendly towards each other. They, after all, do not need to make peace; it already exists through the certainty of mutual friendship. But […]

Having had it with $4-per-gallon gasoline and the Obama Administration’s squandering billions of taxpayer dollars on phony “green” energy schemes, angry voters have told their senators “Enough!”
Their calls provided sufficient spinal implants in enough senators to defeat three proposals to extend the wind energy “production tax credit” (PTC). The credit gives wind project developers taxpayer greenbacks whenever they generate high-priced electricity, even if there is no market for the power at the time it’s generated. Worse, the PTC is paid on top of other subsidies, fast-tracking of wind projects through environmental review processes, and exemptions from endangered species, migratory bird and other laws.
Confronted by the gale of public outrage, Senate Democrats tried a new tack.
They offered an amendment that would eliminate various tax deductions for five major oil companies, turn the supposed new revenue stream into more subsidies for wind turbine, solar panel and electric car makers – and use any leftover crumbs to “pay down” the skyrocketing budget deficit they helped engineer.
The ploy needed 60 votes – but got only 51, despite President Obama’s vocal support. “Members of Congress,” the president said, “can stand with big oil companies, or with the American people.”



1. VIDEO: Darrell Issa: Secret Service Incident Likely Not The First – Secret Service scandal rocks Obama Colombia trip
2. VIDEO: Afghanistan Ambassador: Withdrawing Prematurely Could Lead to ‘Another 9/11
3. VIDEO: CBS News: Stimulus Jobs Going To Foreign Workers
4. VIDEO: Obama’s Treas Sec: Women’s Job Loss Numbers “Meaningless Way” To Look At Economy
5. Obama Family Tax Shelter – First family transfers wealth, avoids taxes
6. VIDEO: Secret Weapon: How Economic Terrorism Brought Down the U.S. Stock Market and Why It Can Happen Again
7. Jeb Bush: Obama Caved to Political Pressure on Trade – President missed several opportunities… to secure quick passage of trade agreements … which together would have created thousands of jobs…
8. Obama Administration Leaks ANOTHER Israeli Defense Secret
9. Obama paid a lower tax rate than his secretary, White House confirms
10. VIDEO: Hitler And Mahatma Gandhi Talk

HERBERT LONDON: CHINESE STRATEGIC VISION It has been widely reported that the Chinese government is providing loans andoutright grants to Latin American and African nations for the construction of schools, clinics, power plants, and even soccer stadiums. The Chinese have flexed their economic prowess across the globe generating approval in many quartersand raised eyebrows and concerns in some diplomatic […]


The problem of anti-Semitism in Sweden is so widespread that the Simon Wiesenthal Center has advised Jews to avoid travelling to the country altogether: ” There have been dozens of incidents reported to the authorities but have not resulted in arrests or convictions for hate crimes.

U.S. President Barack Obama’s controversial anti-Semitism advisor, Hannah Rosenthal, will be visiting Sweden on April 24 to meet with Ilmar Reepalu, the famously anti-Israel mayor of the city of Malmö.

According to the American embassy in Stockholm, Rosenthal has been following the rise of anti-Semitism in Malmö for some time and wants to make sure that there are no politicians in the area that encourage discrimination, racism or hatred for Jews.

Rosenthal’s visit to Sweden is likely to amount to little more than an empty photo opportunity. This is because Rosenthal and Reepalu are both self-styled “progressives” who hold the insidious belief that Jews are to blame for anti-Semitism because of their support for Israel.