A Report Card For Obama — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Tom Dreesen, Dwight Schultz and Sonja Schmidt give a grade to the Radical-in-Chief.
A Report Card For Obama — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Tom Dreesen, Dwight Schultz and Sonja Schmidt give a grade to the Radical-in-Chief.
‘This country saved my life,’ says 91-year-old microbiologist Nathan Citri. In return, he is saving others with Israeli medical ingenuity.At 91, Prof. Nathan Citri offers no advice on how to achieve longevity. That he’s made it this far — with a mind so sharp he is still inventing innovative medical diagnostic kits — may be thanks to long walks or good genes.
He cannot know for sure, since the Nazis cut short the lives of his parents and his only sister.
“This country saved my life,” says Citri. In return, he continues to give Israel the best of his extraordinary knowledge in microbiology.
Born Natan Cytrynowski in Lodz, Poland, the future Hebrew University researcher was raised in a Hebrew-speaking home by Zionist educators.
“How many people spoke Hebrew at home in those days? Nobody else I know of,” he tells ISRAEL21c with a laugh. He vividly recalls visitors marveling that the Cytrynowski kids not only conversed in Hebrew but even cried out in Hebrew when they were upset. “I always say that my mother tongue is Hebrew even though my mother never made it to Israel.”
The Power of Lexicon
The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool ~Stephen King
This is what the Government of Israel counted on when it signed the Oslo Accords; or when it forced its will on the people and evicted 10,000 good and productive citizen from their homes in the Gush Katif communities and made them homeless and jobless overnight.
Controlling the masses, in tyranny or democrazy [sic], is the only way for people, at the top, to remain in power for their own narcissistic and need for power reasons. Since the ruling elite have access to all the tools to control the masses – army, police and courts – they force their will on the people, by fear and intimidation, and other bestial means.
One other tool is using lexicon that serves their cause and goal.
Hundreds of young female immigrants are hiding from their families in Germany after fleeing oppression, physical violence and even death threats. Charities and social workers help the women get new identities and build independent lives for themselves, but the risk of revenge from honor-obsessed relatives remains.
Bahar ran away early on a winter morning, one-and-a-half years after her mother was murdered. She helped her younger siblings get ready for school, and then she gave them a goodbye kiss on the forehead. Her uncle and her brothers were still sleeping. Bahar tiptoed out of the apartment in her socks, walked down the stairs and out the door. And then she ran for her life.
Today Bahar is 26 and likes to wear high-heeled shoes. She has chosen a popular café in a small city as a meeting point. She is wearing a modest amount of makeup, and her black hair is pulled back into a bun. She smiles tentatively and introduces herself, using the name in her new passport, which, for her protection, cannot be used in this article.
Roosters of the Apocalypse: How the junk science of global warming nearly bankrupted the Western world
The fad of fads by Sol W Sanders
Mass hysteria, alas! is all too common a phenomenon of our life and times, in a post-digital revolution society where disinformation is as rapidly passed as information and where cheap and available transportation aggravates rapid mob collection and intensity. [Its ubiquity is so pronounced that it is even parodied by young pranksters with so-called flash mobbing.]
But what is more inexplicable is when an allied phenomenon spreads through supposedly intellectual circles to dominate the public forum. Perhaps the most extreme – and certainly one of the most socially and financially costly — examples currently is the one that Rael Jean Isaac lays out in economical but exceedingly comprehensively documented detail in this little book.
Isaac shreds the arguments for “global warming” from start to finish. But in so doing, she more than once demonstrates the pure irrationality of its spokesmen – “the roosters”. For example, she shows how when driven to the wall to prove that changes in climate which may be taking place as they have through the millennia cannot be attributed with evidence to the effects of human activity, the proponents of global warming simply switch the argument without acknowledging this important “quibble”.
With more than adequate evidence and citations for her fundamental hypothesis, i.e., that consumption of fossil fuels is not the proved origin or principle cause of a presumed climate change, she goes on to show the perfidy of many of its spokesmen. But more than in the arguments of most her fellow opponents of the fashionable argument, she lays out the profitable stake many of its promoters have in this complicated world of government intervention, subsidies and their lobbies – and pure blackmail.
Jewish Ledger | Clare Boothe Luce and the Holocaust: A CT Congresswoman’s Fight for Justice
“Jewish blood stains the blue Mediterranean red.”
That powerful denunciation of England’s policy of blocking, and sometimes sinking, ships carrying Jewish refugees to Palestine, was delivered in 1944 by a maverick Republican congresswoman from Connecticut. Her little-known fight for the Jewish people is finally coming to light.
Talented and ambitious, Clare Boothe was a child actress, then a suffragist, before shifting to journalism in the early 1930s. She went from editorial assistant at Vogue to managing editor of Vanity Fair in just three years, then left the magazine and carved out a successful career as a playwright, a profession relatively few women had penetrated. In 1935, she married the immensely wealthy and influential publisher of Time, Life, and Fortune, Harry Luce. They made their home in Ridgefield.
Not every Harvard Law School alumnus has a class devoted to him — but then, President Barack Obama is not just any alumnus.
According to the Harvard Law School course catalog, professor Charles Ogletree will be teaching a reading group called “Understanding Obama” for one classroom credit during the 2013 spring term.
“This reading group will focus on the way in which race, religion, and politics have impacted the development of President Obama as a leader,” the Harvard Law School Course Catalog explains. “We will explore his views as a biracial child, his time as a student at Harvard Law School, the successes and failures of his political campaigns, and the way religion and his views on faith nearly derailed his campaign. Finally, time will be spent analyzing the challenges he faces as president of the United States in establishing both his domestic and global policies.”
Obama graduated from Harvard Law School in 1991. He was elected the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review in 1990.
http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/2088/Let-the-PrObamedia-Sweepstakes-Begin.aspx It’s 2012 and the PrObamedia are back, not that they ever left, of course. But now, as Mitt Romney emerges as the main obstacle between the PrObamedia and their collectivist heart’s desire — Obama, Term II — their work gets serious. I hereby initiate an occasional feature, the PrObamedia Sweepstakes, to recognize the hard […]
http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=1712 Grass’ satanic verses It was all too predictable that the minor brouhaha over Gunter Grass’s recent poem, “What Must Be Said,” would turn into a major attack on Israel. More specifically, as soon as Interior Minister Eli Yishai announced that Grass would henceforth be considered persona non grata in the Jewish state, suddenly the […]
History painting http://pjmedia.com/rogerkimball/2012/04/11/history-painting/ This morning, a friend send me this image of a painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme. Some say that it depicts Victoria and Albert receiving the Siamese embassy. Recent historical research, however, suggests that it actually depicts the liberal media at an Obama press conference. (Chris Matthews may be third from the front.) […]