It is uncertain when the first vestiges of Jewish life in the British Isles occurred. Ancient Phoenicia, which lay along the eastern Mediterranean Sea to the north of the biblical Jewish Kingdom of Israel was a seafaring nation and its fleets may well have voyaged as far as Britain, possibly with crews that […]
If Abbas were really a “partner for peace,” how come he did not accept the generous offer — which even included the division of Jerusalem — he received from the Olmert government in 2008?
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert insisted this week that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is a “partner for peace.”
“No one can say to me after hundreds of hours of discussing peace with Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas] that he is not a partner because he doesn’t want peace,” Olmert said in a speech at J Street’s annual conference. “He wants peace with Israel and he accepts the existence of Israel as Israel declares itself to be.”
But if Abbas were really a “partner for peace,” how come he did not accept the generous offer he received from the Olmert government in 2008?
At that time, Olmert presented Abbas with a map that would have given the Palestinians control over most of the West Bank, and that also included the transfer of 327 square kilometers of territory from inside Israel to the Palestinians. In return, Israel would have annexed 6.3% of the West Bank to Israel.
To France’s Islamist Terrorist: “For What Reason Did You Kill Me?”
It was eventually bound to happen in a nation home to the largest Muslim population in Western Europe that has largely been spared terrorist activity linked to fanatical Islam. At some point, it was destined to feel its sting. A 24- year-old French national of Algerian origin and self-proclaimed Islamist militant, Mohammed Merah, who had trained at a Taliban camp in Afghanistan, callously murdered three French paratroopers, a rabbi and three French-Israeli children. He was close enough to his victims in each case that his .45-caliber pistol left powder burns on them. Clearly, each victim was an intended target.
Ironically, the soldier who was Merah’s first victim, on March 11, was Muslim as well. As Merah fired his weapon, he was heard to exclaim, “You kill my brothers, so I am killing you.”
Eleven days later, as French police surrounded Merah’s Toulouse apartment, communicating with him through a barricaded doorway in a 31-hour standoff, he voiced his regrets—not for the killings but that he had been found before he could launch another killing spree planned for later that day. The loss of seven lives meant nothing to him as he had every intention of adding to his tally. EU to blacklist Assad’s wife, mother and sister
European Union foreign ministers are set to impose sanctions on Bashar al-Assad’s British-born wife, Asma al-Assad, today. The move comes after a cache of what appear to be private emails from the Syrian president, his wife and other members of their inner circle, obtained by the Guardian showed her busy buying luxury goods from London and Paris, including jewellery, a £2,650 vase and £10,000 worth of candlesticks, tables and chandeliers during the regime’s brutal crackdown on internal dissent. The EU’s sanctions are also likely to be extended to other individuals, including the Syrian president’s, mother, sister and sister-in-law and institutions. European companies could also be banned from doing business with two more Syrian entities, diplomats say.
BRUSSELS – The EU is to add the Syrian leader’s wife, mother, sister and sister-in-law to its blacklist at a foreign minister’s meeting in Brussels on Friday (23 March).The new visa ban and asset freeze also covers eight members of President Bashar Assad’s government and two oil firms.
Opposition groups, such as the Syrian National Council (SNC), want much more.
SNC spokesman, Radwan Ziadeh, told EUobserver that Nato should launch air-strikes against Assad’s tanks, enforce a no-fly zone and create humanitarian safe havens. “What is happening [in Syria] is a new Sarajevo, a new Bosnia,” he said, referring to Balkan massacres in the 1990s.
There is no chance of that, however.
The military option would rely on Nato member and Syria neighbour Turkey. But Turkey’s current message to Syria’s Sunni Muslim opposition is: get Christians and other minorities, who support Assad out of fear of Sunni rule, on your side first.
“Unfortunately, this is the world in which Israel must survive today–one filled with Chomskys in the Ivory Tower, Baroness Ashtons in leading world organizations, and numerous versions of hypocritical airheads like Asma al-Asad in Hollywood and elsewhere.” No sooner had a young Jewish girl been run down while at school by a rabid beast who […]
‘Manipulating Israel’s judicial system – using the Supreme Court, the State Prosecutor and Civil Administration against the rights of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria – undermines democracy, Zionism and the rule of law. Allowing this pseudo-judicial travesty to continue pollutes our entire system of government.”
Once again former chief justice Dorit Beinisch and a few of her colleagues have usurped the role and powers of the legislature and sought to create new law.
In a ruling last week, Beinisch and a panel that included Justices Edna Arbel and Miriam Naor, vehement opponents of settlements, held that Michael Lessans, a Jewish plumber who lives in Kedumim, in the Shomron, must evacuate 45 dunams (approx. 11 acres) of land on which he had planted 1,300 trees because Arabs claimed this area belonged to them.
The court ordered Lessans to remove the trees immediately and compensate the Arab claimants and the Civil Administration. The court ruled that Jews, unlike Arabs, could not claim land by chazaka (acquired right of possession) – an Ottoman statute under which working the land for three to 10 years could be a basis for claiming ownership.
Lessans, who immigrated from Baltimore 40 years ago, planted the area with wheat, corn and barley in 1996, and in 2006 planted olive trees. A year later Arabs objected and in 2009 – assisted and represented by Peace Now and Yesh Din – filed a petition against Lessans. The land was never registered in tabu and the Arab claimants offered no proof of ownership.
According to Lessans, a document from the Ottoman period presented by the Arab claimants refers to the right to rent “a place” in the area – but no precise location is specified and the alleged owner is not listed. Therefore, it is impossible to know if Lessans’ orchard is “the place,” or not. Although the lower court rejected Arab claims of ownership, Peace Now and Yesh Din went directly to the Supreme Court, where they knew they could win on politics, rather than law.
In his appearance before the Supreme Court, Lessans offered to give the entire orchard to the Arabs if they could prove ownership. The court refused the deal. If the Arabs can’t prove they own the land, however, why did the court order the trees removed and likely destroyed? These crucial facts were not reported in the media, which accepted the court’s decision without question. British yobs, racial slurs and why I fear for my children: As a Jewish school is attacked in France, one British mother’s utterly shocking account of the anit-Semitism her children suffer By ANGELA EPSTEIN Every weekday morning I drive to a building surrounded by razor wire. It has bomb-proof windows, security guards posted next […] A Holocaust hero who should be in the history books Pawel Frenkel and his fighters were the victims of this attempt to control the past. It is high time to set the record straight. By Moshe Arens Last Tuesday a plaque was placed in Warsaw at the location where Pawel Frenkel, the commander of […]
“The spirit of the Jewish people can never be extinguished; its connection with Torah and its commandments can never be destroyed.”
My heart is broken. I am unable to speak. There are no ways for me to be able to express the great and all-consuming pain resulting from the murder of my dear husband Rabbi Jonathan and our sons, Aryeh and Gavriel, and of Miriam Monsonego, daughter of the dedicated principal of Ozar Hatorah and his wife, Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Monsonego.
May no one ever have to endure such pain and suffering.
The spirit of the Jewish people can never be extinguished
Because so many of you, my cherished brothers and sisters in France and around the world, are asking what you can do on my behalf, on behalf of my daughter Liora and on behalf of the souls of my dear husband and children, I feel that, difficult though it may be, it is incumbent upon me to answer your entreaties.
My husband’s life was dedicated to teaching Torah. We moved back to the country of his birth to help young people learn about the beauty of Torah. He was truly a good man, loving, giving, and selfless. He was sensitive to all of G-d’s creatures, always searching for ways to reveal the goodness in others.
Read more:
Boy beaten near Paris Jewish school amid tensions
A 12-year-old boy was beaten outside his Jewish school in Paris by youths reciting anti-Semitic slogans, school officials said, amid high security and tensions in France following killings of Jewish children and a rabbi last week.
The boy did not suffer serious injuries.
Both the school shooting and this week’s beating involved the Ozar Hatorah network of Jewish schools.
Emotions have been raw in France, especially within the half-million-strong Jewish community, since a gunman shot a rabbi and his two sons, 3 and 5 years old, and the 8-year-old daughter of the principal of the Ozar Hatorah School in the southern city of Toulouse on March 19.
A radical Muslim gunman named Mohamed Merah claimed responsibility for that attack and killing three French paratroopers, before he was shot to death by police.
The 12-year-old boy was hit and punched in the back of his head Monday afternoon as he left the Ozar Hatorah School in southeast Paris, the school’s human resources director, Katia Normal, said Tuesday. She said the aggressors were two boys a couple of years older than the victim who recited anti-Semitic slogans.
It happened about 100 meters from the entrance and therefore out of sight of the police officers guarding the school.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy ordered security increased at Jewish and Muslim schools and synagogues after last week’s shooting.