Democracy Has Failed, “Caliphate is the Answer” “What liberties are offered by the western secular system? The liberty of disintegrating the family? The liberty of being homosexual? ‘Oh Caliphate! Help!’” Even though in Tunisia the Islamist party Hizb-ut-Tahrir [HuT] — Party of Liberation — is officially banned, it was able to organize a large […]
How to Get Elected in the Palestinian Territories
In our Palestinian culture, it is much more important if one “graduates” from an Israeli prison than from the most prestigious university in the world.
It is not clear at this stage when and if new presidential and parliamentary elections will ever be held in the Palestinian territories: The two major Palestinian parties, Fatah and Hamas, have yet to end their power struggle and agree on the formation of a Palestinian unity government that would pave the way for long overdue elections.
But if anyone is hoping that the elections will see the rise of moderate and charismatic leaders to power, then he is living in an illusion. In our Palestinian culture, it is more important if one “graduates” from an Israeli prison than from the most prestigious university in the world.
In our society, people like Prime Minister Salam Fayyad do not get many votes because they did not spend time in an Israeli prison. Fayyad’s chances of winning would be higher if he had killed a Jew or sent his son to carry out a suicide bombing in Israel.
Remembering a Dissident
by Jamie Glazov
A tribute to my father, who died 14 years ago today, for his courageous battle against the Soviet Empire.
How a notorious anti-Semitic order changed the course of Jewish life in America—ultimately, for the better.
On Dec. 17, 1862, as the Civil War entered its second winter, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant issued the most notorious anti-Jewish official order in American history: “The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the department within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order.” Known as General Orders No. 11, the document blamed Jews for the widespread smuggling and cotton speculation that affected the area under Grant’s command. That area, known as the “Department of the Tennessee,” stretched from northern Mississippi to Cairo, Ill., and from the Mississippi River to the Tennessee River. Grant ordered Jews expelled from every inch of it and warned that “any one returning … will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners.” Lest anyone try to change his mind, Grant made clear that “no passes will be given these people to visit headquarters for the purpose of making personal application for trade permits.”
Americans today are often surprised to learn that Ulysses S. Grant once expelled “Jews as a class” from his war zone. It seems incredible that he could blame Jews for the sins of smugglers and traders—most of whom were not actually Jewish at all—and expel them from the entire territory under his command. Some Jews at the time wondered whether their new homeland was coming to resemble anti-Semitic Europe at its worst.
In the end, only a small number of Jews were seriously affected by General Orders No. 11. Within hours of its issuance, Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest staged a daring raid that tore up rail and telegraph lines around Grant’s headquarters at Holly Springs, Miss. The resulting breakdown in communications meant that news of General Orders No. 11 spread slowly.
Who Stole Temple Mount From the Jewish Nation? March 14, 2012 Nurit Greenger These days the discourse in the Knesset revolves around the growing concern about Temple Mount-Har Habayit. That the Islamic Waqf, to whom Israel handed, with grace, the keys to the Holiest of Holy to Jews, is systematically destroying all evidence of the […]
“So this is where the bastardization of the meaning “tolerance” has taken us: People who fancy themselves as broad-minded intellectuals support the banning of classic books, and for that matter, they call for the banning of speech, too, but only from the mouths of some persons, not all.”
Dante’s Divine Comedy ‘offensive and should be banned’It is a world-renowned work of literature and one of the foundation stones of the Italian language, but Dante’s Divine Comedy has been condemned as racist, homophobic, anti-Islamist and anti-Semitic.
The classic work should be removed from school curricula, according to Gherush 92, a human rights organisation which acts as a consultant to UN bodies on racism and discrimination.
Dante’s epic is “offensive and discriminatory” and has no place in a modern classroom, said Valentina Sereni, the group’s president.,7340,L-4203164,00.html ‘Arafat was the Mandela of the Arab world’ In rare interview to CNN, Suha, widow of former PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, says she might enter politics; reveals marriage was a sham Over seven years after the death of Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, the CNN network is publishing a rare interview with his widow […]
Critics fume but can’t restrain citizen journalists he unleashed
Andrew Breitbart would not have been surprised by the out- pouring of liberal hate after his death. He would have reveled in it, relished it, retweeted it. He enjoyed watching the left unmask itself, revealing pretensions at “civility” to be nothing more than bullying. He would have laughed to see Rolling Stone quietly pulling its ads off the page where Matt Taibbi – a drug-abusing misogynist, Andrew would have noted – had done his worst.
Nor would Andrew have been surprised at the outpouring of admiration from those on the left who truly understood him. Donna Brazile, for one,declared: “Andrew Breitbart was a conservative political combatant who was unafraid of his critics. We battled on and off air, but he was a genius.” More than a few Democrats know that unlike many in politics today – on both sides – Andrew stood for more voices, more debate, not less.
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As the clock ticks closer to a nuclear-armed Iran, the Western powers are girding their loins for––more talks. Actually, they’re getting ready to talk to Iran about the conditions for talking some more. EU foreign policy head Catherine Ashton announced that the “P5 + 1” powers (the permanent Security Council members plus Germany) hoped to persuade “Iran to move away from its nuclear program,” and expected “from the contacts we’ve had that this process can now move forward swiftly and seriously.” Ashton didn’t produce any evidence why the Iranians would voluntarily give up the bomb, or how yet one more round of negotiations, like the so-called “crippling sanctions,” will produce anything other than giving Iran more time to “swiftly and seriously” achieve nuclear-weapons capability.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration keeps shifting the conditions under which the U.S. would take military action. Secretary of State Clinton on February 29 three times told the House Foreign Affairs committee that “it’s absolutely clear that the president’s policy is to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons capability.” A few days later anonymous “administration officials” said Clinton had “misspoken,” which Obama confirmed in his speech to AIPAC where he several times asserted that “obtaining a nuclear weapon,” not capability, would be the casus belli, even though he has no clue exactly how we’d know the mullahs had nuclear weapons before they announced it to the world, the same way we found out Pakistan and North Korea had them. The purpose of this shift is obvious: it provides more time for “diplomacy” and “sanctions” to work their magic, and puts more pressure on Israel not to do anything that might make unpleasant headlines compromising Obama’s reelection. However, the history of Pakistan and North Korea’s acquisition of nuclear weapons shows that the consequence of this delay will be a nuclear-armed Iran.