“I served as the Chief Army Security Coordinator for the Shilo Region in Israel from 1996 through 2006. This biblically significant area between Ramallah and Nablus (Shechem) was a hotbed of terrorism, plagued by acts of violence against Jews during my tenure. I was personally involved in defending against numerous terror attacks in this region. I continue to work in the Security field in hopes of continuing to defend and protect others from acts of terrorism.My views are based on my experiences as a Security Officer involved “ground level” against terrorism.
Israel is under fire not only from relentless attacks from Arab terrorists, but also from the court of world opinion, which is essentially calling for Israel to stop, defending itself and to give up its heartland in Judea and Samaria.”
Credit, where it is due
This March marks tens years since one of the most horrid attacks and massacres that occurred during the Intifada or the War of 2000. This “uprising” or more accurately war, as some like to call it has actually yet to end. It is a war of ups and downs. The particular incident I am referring to is the attack at Wadi Haramiya, ” the Valley of the Thieves”. This particular attack occurred approximately 22 miles north of Jerusalem on road 60, known to us as the Way of the Patriarchs, between the communities of Ofra and Shilo. This attack claimed the lives of ten people, twelve were badly wounded, and many others scared for life.
It has become infamous, and is used today as an example for both the good and bad.
Where as this attack showed how dangerous our roads could be, it also showed how well our forces, both civilian and military could cooperate and work together to not only fight our enemies, but to provide first response, both tactical and medical.
It also showed the value that Jews from around the world play in the safety and protection of our people in Israel.