ALAN CARUBA: PURIM2012- OBAMA, ISRAEL AND IRAN **** On the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar (a lunar calendar), Jews around the world will celebrate Purim. This year it begins at sunset on Wednesday, March 7 and concludes the following day. If I were an Iranian ayatollah, I would be worried. Like Passover that celebrates the liberation of Jews, their […]

Obama at AIPAC — Truth in Advertising? Daniel Mandel His previous actions and words speak louder than this week’s salesmanship. President Barack Obama’s address this week to the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was a remarkable performance of salesmanship. But was there truth in advertising? Striking all the right notes for his audience, President Obama talked up his record of supporting Israel […]

THE AGES OF PURIM: DANIEL GREENFIELD Tonight begins the celebration of the Jewish holiday of Purim commemorating a historical incident of little relevance to the present day, involving a plot to exterminate the Jewish people. It is one of those holidays, that like most Jewish holidays, is inconvenient for liberal clergy because it involves violence and nationalism. And unlike Chanukah, […]



Many have commented on the influence upon Obama of Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayres, Rashid Khalidi, etc. and they are right to do so. But Bret Stephens (drawing on Peter Beinart biography of Obama) points out the influence of Arnold Jacob Wolf and the coterie around him in shaping Obama’s views on the Middle East. Wolf was a Chicago rabbi who served for a time as Hillel rabbi at Yale. He was the chairman of Breira, the first in what would become a series of Jewish anti-Israel organizations pretending to attack the state out of concern for its welfare. Although Breira as an organization did not last long, its influence on American policy has been great. Tom Friedman, who still spills anti-Israel bile from his perch as the New York Times’ chief columnist and deep thinker, was an early Breira acolyte and Sandy Berger was active in one of its lineal descendants, Americans for Peace Now. Jeremy Ben Ami, genetically alas, the son of a great Zionist, Yitzhak Ben Ami, is spiritually the son of Breira. And Breira, most especially its rabbis, have largely taken over Jewish communal organizations (which indeed they set out to do). There is no better example than John Ruskay who started out in the vicious CONAME, went on to become one of Breira’s two initial paid staff. went on to become president of Jewish Theological Seminary and now serves as executive vice president and CEO of the United Jewish Appeal–Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. The funding of left wing radical groups (including ones spouting anti-Semitism) by Jewish communal organizations has become such a scandal that watchdog groups have sprung up around the country to protest their actions. If you read this article you will understand the roots of the problem.

MIDSTREAM April 1977 The Rabbis of Breira

We, the whole Jewish people preach the destruction of America (Arthur Waskow, Executive Board, Breira)

From one point of view Breira (the Hebrew word for “alternative”) is the current success story of American Jewish organizations. In the three years since it held its first public meeting in a Manhattan synagogue, Breira has burgeoned into a national membership organization, held its first national conference in Washington D.C.. established a series of local chapters, inaugurated a monthly journal, interChange, won substantial funding, assembled a glittering roster of intellectuals and well known rabbis for its letterhead, and attracted national and indeed international attention. It has succeeded,. in the words of Alan Mintz, one of its founders, “beyond any of our expectations.”

In This Issue
NCJA Demands Explaination from Clinton
Largest US Public University Promotes Anti-Israel Speaker
Obama to Placate Taliban Demands
Obama Rewards Arab Palestinian Belligerence
UNESCO Hands Jewish Holy Sites to Arabs
MDA IRC Secret Deal Poses Danger to Jerusalem & Territories
JCJA Condemns Calls for Genocide
Occupy Movement Brings Anti-Semitism to Washington
NCJA Applauds Nashville Efforts
Help NCJA Document Anti-Semitism on Campus
NCJA Urges All to See The Third Jihad
JCC In Manhattan Promoting Anti-Israel Propaganda
Iran Threatens Jews Worldwide
Spotlight Issue: Obama & The Muslim Brotherhood
NCJA Leaders Speak
UC Davis: Jewish Students Harassed
Obama Budget May Embolden PA Bid for Statehood
Hatefest Coming to a Campus Near You

RADICAL ISLAM NEWSLETTER: THE PATTERN OF RAGE AND APOLOGY The Pattern is Clear Critical discussion of Islam — including facts; satirical, political or religious commentary; or acts deemed by Islam to be “blasphemy” or “desecration” — spur radical Muslims to violence. This violence spurs Westerners to apology. But apology is always an act of dhimmitude, a submittion to Islamic definitions of crime or […]


It’s time to take a look at the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanction) speakers and their credentials. BDS Campaign National Committee
The Palestinian Civil Society Call for BDS was launched in July, 2005, with a staggering 170+ Palestinian organizations representing themselves as refugees in exile, living under occupation, and subjugated citizens in Israel. The campaign is based on the Palestinian narrative that Israel has gone against international law and the truths of Israel’s universal suffrage, social services without discrimination, and free press beyond what other stable democracies tolerate are dismissed. The Muslim and self-hating Jewish students are Sharia-compliant and willing to abandon democracy. The following are some of the regular BDS speakers.

Badil, (campaignnationalcommittee) hosted the first Palestine BDS Conference in Ramallah, November 2007, out of which emerged the BDS National Committee (BNC) to coordinate the international campaign. BDS has an unparalleled organization of boycott worldwide. The website delineates the Palestinian victimhood and formulates strategies and programs of action worldwide aimed at destroying Israel’s industry and commerce. .


The struggle over Migron is a symptom of the government’s inability to make policy decisions.

“Moving Migron from one hilltop to another, destroying Jewish communities and homes and evacuating Jews won’t solve fundamental question of whether Jews have the right to live in Judea and Samaria, and to whom this area rightfully belongs.”

Confused about Migron? You should be after so much misinformation. Try these basic questions: Where is the alleged Arab owner of the land? Why doesn’t he show up with proper documents and demand his property? Answer: Because the person who registered this property with the Jordanian government died in or about 1965, apparently without heirs.

According to Ministers Dan Meridor and Bennie Begin, once land is registered it is considered private property. If someone else uses it without his/her permission, it’s against the law. This is true, except for one critical fact: the alleged Arab owner never bought the property. He received it as a gift from the then-king of Jordan Hussein, but never used it or paid taxes on it. That’s a problem.

Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock.
“Perhaps it is my–and most Muslims’– loyalty to the umma that is behind our insistence on seeing Obama as Muslim. Islam survived and continues to survive because Muslims believe we have to respect and take care of each other, as members of the umma. If we were to start excluding members, or revising our broad guidelines for admittance, the very essence of the community feeling that is important in Islam, that gives me and other Muslims comfort everyday, would be undercut. So when Obama says he’s not Muslim, my umma mentality says I know better. Once you have a Muslim parent, especially a dad, you’re in. Whether you like it or not, Muslims all over the world see you as one of them.”

I know President Obama is not Muslim, but I am tempted nevertheless to think that he is, as are most Muslims I know. In a very unscientific oral poll, ranging from family members to Muslim acquaintances, many of us feel, just as African-Americans did for the non-black but culturally leaning African-American President Bill Clinton, that we have our first American Muslim president in Barack Hussein Obama.


A World Reshuffled Nurit Greenger The world’s luminaries are trying, with incredible and unfathomable haughtiness, to mimic the handiwork of God and create a New World Order, from the confusion and chaos they, themselves, are bringing about. That is exactly their goal when they support of the ‘Arab Spring’, that is to cause global chaos, […]