Conservatives on Twitter hit back at Donald Trump after the former president took a shot at Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during a Saturday night pre-election speech in Pennsylvania.
“”There it is, Trump at 71 percent, Ron DeSanctimonious at 10%,” Trump told the crowd while reading approval numbers of various Republicans.”
If he should choose to run – and that’s a big “if” – DeSantis is widely considered to be the best shot at upending another Trump run for the GOP nomination. Not only were his Covid policies spot on and ahead of the curve, but the Florida governor has also been by far the most effective Republican politician when it comes to getting out there and battling leftist positions and implementing conservative policies in his state. And he’s done so without taking any shots at Trump, the person he and everyone else understands played a key role in getting him where he is today.
For Trump, however, this unprovoked jab at conservatism’s most effective fighter is evidence for many that, despite the many good things he has done for the country, this has been all about him the whole time.
Especially when it did nothing but provide ammunition to the left, particularly in Florida.
Trump’s swipe brought plenty of criticism from conservatives on Twitter: