NCJA Demands Clinton Explain US funding of representative Ken Insley
at Arab anti-Israel conference to “combat Judaization of Jerusalem” DATED: March 1, 2012
The National Council on Jewish Affairs calls on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to explain whether United States tax dollars were spent on State Department consultant Kenneth Insley’s blistering attack on America’s ally Israel and his vicious jabs at members of congress, at an Israel-bashing conference held on February 26-27, in Doha, Qatar.
The “International Conference for the Defense of Occupied Jerusalem,” or, as it was referred to in the English-language media, “Conference on Jerusalem,” was created, according to its organizers, the Arab League, to “combat the Judaization of Jerusalem.”
“Why did Ken Insley, whose official conference listing named the US State Department as his place of employment, tell an already hate-filled audience that Americans’ willingness to turn a blind eye to Israel’s ‘shameful treatment of Palestinians in Gaza, and in Jerusalem’ is the cause of Arab enmity towards America, and that unless a Palestinian State is created ‘there will be Armageddon’,” asked Lori Lowenthal Marcus, NCJA executive committee chair. “Further, why did he suggest to them that they should understand ‘U.S. politicians care more about Israel than the foreign policy interests of their own country?’”