Campaigning: The Obama budget is a miserably flawed document in so many ways. But it’s more than a mere toxic spending package. It’s also a political compact the president is hoping will generate support.Included in President Obama’s 2013 budget is a pay raise for federal workers. Yeah, it’s only a 0.5% increase. But the federal work force is not one that deserves a raise. It’s a work force that needs to be cut.
Government workers, we are told, are civil servants. But the nation’s roughly 2.1 million federal civilian workers live more like masters. Their average compensation is twice that of private sector workers (see chart), and in terms of only wages, federal employee pay is about 60% higher — $50,462 per year in private industry compared to $81,258 when working for Washington .
And what does the rest of the country get in return for the generous compensation enjoyed by federal workers?
Nothing, as far as we can tell. READ IT AT SITE