Exclusive: UN Climate Draft Text Demands ‘New International Climate Court’ to compel reparations for ‘climate debt’ — Also seeks ‘rights of Mother Earth’ & 2C° drop in global temps

UN Draft Text Demands: The West will pay ‘climate debt’ because of its ‘historical responsibility’ for causing ‘global warming’ — UN seeks end to wars to ‘protect the climate system’

Friday, December 09, 2011 – Climate Depot

[Editor’s Note: Climate Depot presented a new 61-page report to the UN Climate Summit: A-Z Climate Reality Check — Sub-Prime Science Exposé: ‘The claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing’ — for continuous updates on UN summit, see here.]


Special to Climate Depot – Lord Christopher Monckton reports from UN Climate Summit

Durban: what the media are not telling you

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley in Durban, South Africa

DURBAN, South Africa — “No high hopes for Durban.” “Binding treaty unlikely.” “No deal this year.” Thus ran the headlines. The profiteering UN bureaucrats here think otherwise. Their plans to establish a world government paid for by the West on the pretext of dealing with the non-problem of “global warming” are now well in hand. As usual, the mainstream media have simply not reported what is in the draft text which the 194 states parties to the UN framework convention on climate change are being asked to approve.


There is always much quibbling about Franklin Delano Roosevelt with some well deserved criticism for his domestic and economic agenda; for his coldness to the plight of the trapped Jews of Europe; for heartless immigration policies that were a travesty of Emma Lazarus’ poem; for sitting out so much time while England faced the brunt of the war….and so on.

I have moved past all the foregoing. Roosevelt had the conviction to cooperate “illegally” with Churchill in intelligence gathering; he had the magnetism to inspire patriotism and enlistment and building our tanks and ships and planes by civilians; and, finally America’s entry into World War 2 was the beginning of the end of Hitler and the Nazis and the Holocaust.

For that I am and remain grateful.


Down a wooded stretch of road in Walla Walla, Inmate number 337762 sleeps the long nights away at Washington State Penitentiary. WSP offers educational programs in graphic design, bookkeeping and IT as well as a program to raise pheasants. The Eid feast took place in the dining hall and it’s likely that Inmate 337762 stopped by for a bite.

If some nights when the wind blows cold, Inmate 337762 dreams it is likely that he dreams of his day of glory when he shot six women at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle.

Naveed Afzal Haq, known in Walla Walla as Inmate 337762, is not the only Muslim serving time at WSP, but he is probably the only successful Jihadist there. Mikhail Jihad, also known as Michael McCright, passed through there after trying to attack a car carrying military personnel. Mike Jihad was in contact with Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif and Walli Mujahidh who were planning to storm the South Seattle military processing station with automatic rifles and grenades hoping to kill as many recruits as possible. But while Jihad, Abdul-Latif and Mujahidh unsuccessfully went after the military, Naveed Haq picked a softer target: a Jewish community center.

While Naveed Haq sleeps in Walla Walla, Pamela Waechter rests in Givaot Olam Cemetery, on her recessed stone is a single carved flower. Pamela was not Naveed Haq’s only victim, but she was the only who didn’t survive his shooting spree.

The victims were all women, some Jewish, some not. Cheryl Stumbo, the center’s marketing director, stepped out of her office when she heard a disturbance. Naveed Haq had put a gun to her fourteen year old niece and forced her to use the intercom so he could enter the building. He shot Cheryl in the stomach. Shards of the bullet pierced her large and small intestine and lodged in her uterus. When she asked him why he was doing this. Naveed Haq identified himself as an angry Muslim and shouted something about “You Jews”. Cheryl was not Jewish, she just worked there.


When the Japanese fighters and bombers passed like shadows over the waters of Hawaii, they carried more than bombs and bullets, their fleeting shadows marked the end of over a century of security. The last time an enemy army threatened American territory was in the early nineteenth century, since then the closest thing had been the vicious clowning of Pancho Villa.

But in the nineteenth century Commodore Perry had come calling to end Japan’s isolation and nearly ninety years later, the Japanese warplanes came to end America’s isolation. That isolation had been crumbling throughout the twentieth century as presidents began contemplating the national role on the global stage. Pearl Harbor broke the isolation completely and when the war was done, the nation had inherited the mantle of world power and the obligation to maintain the security of Europe and parts beyond.


1. VIDEO: Rosie the Riveters of World War II
2. VIDEO: Pearl Harbor 70th Anniversary – Memorials
3. Thomas More Law Center Sues State Department for Failure to Release Records Relating to the 2005 Insurgent Attack on Marines in Haditha, Iraq
4. VIDEO: Insider Trading Witness: Studies Show Disturbing Pattern Within Congress
5. VIDEO: Surrounded by Foes, Israel Preps for Bio-terror
6. VIDEO: Pearl Harbor Veteran was 17 when first bombs fell
7. VIDEO: Experts Warn a Nuclear Iran Would be Game Changer
8. AUDIO: Chaplains Wanted For Atheists In Foxholes
9. VIDEO: Muslims let off for vicious hate crime against white girl because they are Muslim…Coming to a neighborhood near you?
10. VIDEO: Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) Expressed Frustration and Anger at the Justice Department’s Handling of the “Fast And Furious” Scandal
11. VIDEO: Wherever You Are – Military Wives Choir

When President Obama delivered his much-anticipated speech to the Muslim world at Cairo University in June 2009, the free world trembled while the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) gushed with praise and begged for a meeting with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

The OIC is the largest head of state organization in the world after the United Nations (UN) itself and comprises 56 Muslim countries plus the Palestinians. It claims to be the “collective voice of the Muslim world,” i.e., the ummah, and speaks on its behalf in effect as the seat of the next Islamic Caliphate. In 1990, the OIC membership adopted the “Cairo Declaration ,” which officially exempted all Muslim countries from compliance with the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights and replaced it with Islamic law (shariah).

One of the fundamental laws of Islam deals with “slander ,” which is defined in shariah as saying “anything concerning a person [a Muslim] that he would dislike.” At the OIC’s Third Extraordinary Session, held in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in December 2005, the organization adopted a “Ten-Year Programme of Action to Meet the Challenges Facing the Muslim Ummah in the 21st Century.” A key agenda item of that meeting was “the need to counter Islamophobia” by seeking to have the UN “…adopt an international resolution to counter Islamophobia, and call upon all States to enact laws to counter it, including deterrent punishments.” The word “Islamophobia” is a completely invented word, coined by the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), a Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) front group. OIC adoption of the term reflects the close operational relationship between the OIC and the Ikhwan.

MARILYN PENN: IN ISRAEL THAT LITTLE SCHOOL THAT COULD Merryl Tisch, the Chancellor of the New York State Board of Regents has been outspoken in her criticism of how our educational system handles its most challenged students, particularly those learning English of whom only 7% graduate from high school on time. This statistic alone is sufficient reason for everyone involved in education, psychology, sociology, […]

People are familiar with Islam’s classification of the world into the Dar-ul-Solh, the house of peace, meaning the house of Islam-and the Dar-ul-Harb, the house of war, meaning the house of non-Islam. Ironically, the self-proclaimed house of peace, from its earliest years, has waged war against the house of war.

Also, there is a little-known third “house” according to Islam-Dar-ul-Aman, the non-Islam house of safety where Muslims find refuge. We already know which of the three houses America is to Al Qaeda, the Iranian mullahs, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk. We are posing this question to rank and file Muslims, particularly to those arrivals of recent years who have found refuge in the non-Islamic world, including the United States of America.

Which house is America to you?

America and other welcoming and generous non-Islam Dar-ul-Aman have given you refuge with opportunities for a decent life denied you in your own Dar-ul-Solh by the ruthless and deceptive holy men of Allah who rule it.


In a season in which there is very little “peace on Earth” and even less “good will towards men,” it is a particularly tough time for Jews, who may be finding it more and more difficult to tell who their real friends are.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta fired an unusually harsh salvo across the Israelis bow. In a speech at a Brookings Institution forum, he urged Israel to get to the “d–n table” for peace talks. It must have escaped Panetta’s notice that the Palestinians are the ones refusing to come to the “d–n table” unless their unacceptable demands are met. These include, depending on the day, the cessation of construction projects, even on pre-1967 Israeli land, the so-called “right of return” of “Palestinian refugees,” a concession by Israel to re-draw its borders to 1967 lines — though such borders would be completely indefensible against an inevitable attack — and the re-division of Jerusalem, which Israel rightly sees as its capital. Meanwhile, the Palestinian side concedes almost nothing and fulfills none of its promises. Neither is it held accountable for its behavior.

Next, we heard from Howard Gutman, the U.S. ambassador to Belgium. In the ultimate case of blaming the victim, Gutman seemed to blame Israel for anti-Semitism when he spoke recently at an event hosted by the European Jewish Union. According to The Weekly Standard, Gutman said, “A distinction should be made between traditional anti-Semitism, which should be condemned and Muslim hatred for Jews, which stems from the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.”


Why Barack Obama Is not a Modern-Day Theodore Roosevelt! Posted By Ron Radosh

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So let’s give TR the last word, when he talks about the poor:

When I say I want a square deal for the poor man, I do not mean that I want a square deal for the man who remains poor because he has not got the energy to work for himself. If a man who has had a chance will not make good, then he has got to quit.

Why do I not think we will hear words like this from Barack Obama, or find this quote in the next column by E.J. Dionne?

The faux populist Obama is at it again. Yesterday, trying to echo Theodore Roosevelt’s famous talk in Osawatomie, Kansas, in 1910 — when the former president laid out his call for a “New Nationalism.” [1] Barack Obama said yesterday: “This country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share and when everyone plays by the same rules.” Assuming the stance of an anti-Wall Street crusader, the president, who made a deal with Big Pharma on the drug issue and the Big Insurance Firms to gain their support for ObamaCare, pandered to the OWS crowd and tried to echo their cries about the injustice to the 99 percent of the people oppressed by Wall Street.