Soros-Manufactured Chaos in Israel In the warm summer of 2011, a twenty-something Israeli named Daphne Leef set up a Facebook protest page agitating against the high cost of housing in Tel Aviv. She pitched a tent and helped touch off a social protest movement that received national and international attention. While the protests were […] – FrontPage Magazine – – Muslim Hate Groups Posted By Sara Dogan On January 23, 2012 @ 12:22 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 10 Comments Editor’s note: Below is Sara Dogan’s review of the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s new pamphlet, Muslim Hate Groups On Campus by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at […]
Understanding the Islam in Muslim Jew-Hatred Posted By Mark Tapson URL to article: In the wake of the farcically mislabeled “Arab Spring,” we are witnessing a swelling tide of Jew-hatred emanating from the triumphant Islamists throughout the Middle East who don’t even bother to conceal it. And why should they? Our own willfully blind […] How Marxism Killed Keystone Posted By Bruce Thornton The global warming apocalypse and its Elmer Gantry, Al Gore, may have faded from public view lately, but that old-time green religion is still making mischief. President Obama has just delayed until after November’s election a decision on the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline. This truly shovel-ready […]
Of Horses And Jews (Dead Versus Live)…
by Gerald A. Honigman
I’m upset.
My wife, Elisabeth, was a 4-H owner of horses; my daughter-in-law, Isabelle, still loves to ride; and I have always admired them as one of G_d’s magnificently noble creatures.
I really wanted to see Steven Spielberg’s movie, War Horse.
Unfortunately, after what I’ve recently learned, I won’t.
No doubt, Steven won’t miss the cost of my and my wife’s theater tickets–as he didn’t when I refused to see his earlier Munich as well. Still, I don’t have to support such stuff.
I’m getting ahead of myself, however, so please let me explain…
Like millions of other Jews around the world, I’m a “survivor.”
I’m one of those who escaped the Holocaust–the predictable endpoint of a road carefully paved and prepared for millennia. Indeed, scholarly estimates place the number of Jews massacred–often for “holy” reasons–prior to the 20th century to be at least that of those slaughtered in the age of Zyklon B gas.
No, I didn’t live in Europe during the 1940s…I was born in the U.S.A. on President Harry Truman’s birthday in 1948–just several days before Israel’s own rebirth.
On my Dad’s side (of blessed memory), we’ve been in America since the late 19th century. My Grandfather and Father were vets of World War I and II respectively (along with many other members of my family).
But, on my Mother’s side, her Mother–my Grandmother–escaped the pogroms of Eastern Europe just before the rise of Hitler in Germany. Most of her family stayed behind and became Nazi statistics. Had Grandma not made it here, I would not be writing this essay right now…
Despite the deniers seeking to murder the victims yet a second time–like Israel’s alleged “peace partner,” Mahmoud Abbas, and Iran’s Ahmadinejad–it’s legit, in most circles, these days to cry at least crocodile tears for Auschwitz’ dead Jews. Even school curricula now often include Holocaust studies. I’ve been nervous about this and expressed my fears to a friend, a non-Jewish lady teaching the subject.
Too many folks, you see, want to hear that the Nazis were from Mars instead of being real people who went to church on Sundays and turned Jews into lampshades and soap on Mondays.
Obama: Iran Has Nuclear Rights; I Did Not Want to Sanction Its Bank Posted By Reza Kahlili
The threat by the Islamic regime in Iran to close down the Strait of Hormuz and of Revolutionary Guards Navy boats harassing U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf has caused President Obama to send secret messages to the regime stating his concerns over the closure of the strait and the possibility of an accidental war.
Since then, Iranian officials have been revealing the contents of President Obama’s letter to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which indicates a deep desire by the U.S. president for a dialogue with the radical leaders of Iran. However, on Saturday, Iranian officials also claimed that an oral message by Obama delivered through the Swiss ambassador in Tehran is even more revealing than the letter delivered to the Iranian supreme leader.
JERUSALEM (AP) — A young Palestinian woman who was imprisoned for 10 years in a series of dark rooms by her father said Monday she survived the ordeal by listening to the radio, dreaming of seeing sunshine again and finding small pleasure in an apple she was fed each day.
Baraa Melhem, 20, said she was enjoying her first taste of freedom after a decade of isolation and threats of rape and abuse, and she hopes to use her experience to help others.
“I have joy now. My life has begun,” the young woman, dressed in red sweat pants, white shoes, a black shawl for warmth and a headscarf, told The Associated Press.
Melhem was rescued by Palestinian security forces in the West Bank town of Qalqiliya on Saturday after an aunt notified police. Adnan Damiri, a Palestinian police spokesman, said she was in “deplorable” condition.
Her father and stepmother, both Arab citizens of Israel, were turned over to Israeli authorities. Locked up in Israel, neither could be reached for comment. The father, Hassan Melhem, 49, is expected to appear in an Israeli court on Wednesday, said police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld. The stepmother’s name wasn’t available.
President Obama tried out his soul music falsetto last week at New York’s Apollo Theater and he sounded pretty good. It might help if he sang his State of the Union address, but not much. It wouldn’t help because — from what we know of the man and from the trial balloons he’s floated in the gigolo media — Obama wants a season of confrontation, not a year of compromise. He wants issues, not accomplishments.
Obama’s tactic — angry words spoken calmly — has played well from the beginning of his presidential campaign four years ago. In his first meeting with the Republican caucus in the House three years ago, Obama answered Republican objections by saying, “I won.”
Since then, his rhetoric has only increased in temperature. His mantra is “we can’t wait.” His threat is that he will act without congressional approval if he can’t get agreement on his terms.
In the SOTU speech, according to a trial balloon in the New York Times, Obama will demand more “clean energy” investment, more taxation of “the rich” and — in a string of liberal code words — legislation aimed at “income equality,” which means taking wealth from the “rich” and giving it to the government.
Wuterich Vindicated
Frank Wuterich agreed this morning to accept a prosecution offer of pleading guilty to one count of dereliction of duty, with relatively minor penalty. “Dereliction of duty” is such a broad count that it can cover most anything, and in possible multiple counts possible in the court martial, could have resulted in Wuterich facing much heavier penalties.
This ends his 7-year ordeal at the hand of zealot prosecutors and rush to judgment media. The prosecution in this case, as in all its others, saw its own witnesses either basically testify for the defense or be demonstrated as liars or otherwise unreliable.
Failed treasury auction portends Egyptian disaster By Spengler
Investors bought less an a third of the 3.5 billion Egyptian pounds (US$580 million) worth of Treasury bills offered to the market on January 22, a red flag warning that Egypt’s foreign exchange position is close to the brink.
Yields on Egyptian government debt maturing in nine months jumped to nearly 16%, but the government could not place its local-currency debt to Egyptian investors, even at that exorbitant rate.
This is a new and ominous decline in the financial position of the most populous Arab country. I have been warning since last May that “Egypt is running out of food, and, more gradually, running
out of the money with which to buy it.” How fast this may occur is hard to specify, but the government’s inability to borrow on money markets suggests that the crunch is not far off. (See The hunger to come in Egypt Asia Times Online, May 10, 2011.)