Even as his government back home was sentencing to death an American citizen it outrageously claims is a spy, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad embarked on a five-day visit to four of Latin America’s most anti-American regimes: Venezuela, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Cuba. Naturally, Ahmadinejad’s visit started with his pal, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (whose consul […]
If there is one obvious condition associated with the last century, it is the lack of government humility. Among the century’s leadership there was the self confident belief that “good ideas” will trump tradition, customs, history, even instinct. There were scarcely limits to political ingenuity. Here was the triumph of positivism, the assumption that rationality can subdue emotion. The engineers were in history’s driver’s seat and the lights appeared to be synchronized in green. Somewhere along the way things went wrong and the lights turned crimson.
For public policy sophisticates, the imperfections in the free market suggested a reliance on planned capitalism. Former President Clinton embodied this view when he said “we can pick the winners in the economy and encourage them with appropriate incentives.” Erstwhile President George W. Bush referred to his domestic policy as “compassionate conservatism,” a belief predicated on government acting as a charity. And President Obama outdid his predecessors by actually inserting government as a partial owner of private enterprises, e.g. AIG, General Motors.
Bat Ye’or “This policy is directly obeying the order of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation), look at my book the Caliphate, pp.109—119 (English book), pp. 123—135 (French book). Showing Churches’ obedience to the OIC Caliphate is the best defense strategy. “-
——– Christians, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Baha’is, Animists, etc. are being persecuted and massacred throughout the world. What exactly does the killing of Hindus in India have to do with Israel? What does the murder of Buddhists in Thailand have to do with Israel? Why exactly are the Copts of Egypt being decimated? NOTHING TO DO WITH ISRAEL! ”
Bethlehem to Host Church Conference Which Demonizes Israel
Theologians who are breathing new life into a kind of demonology which criminalizes all Israelis will meet in Bethlehem in March.
Next March, the Bible College in Bethlehem will host dozens of US theologians, activists and ministries for the “Christ at the Checkpoint 2012 Conference”.
It is to be a major religious and political event meant to demonize Israel and to support the Palestinian Intifada against the “ethnocentric” Jewish State.
The impressive range of Christian theologians and pastors from many churches located in the United States make the gravity of the upcoming conference clear.
Samuel Rodriguez, President of the US National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, is a speaker.
For the second time in a week, Israeli and Palestinian officials are scheduled to sit down in Amman Jordan, and agree that each sides position on a peace agreement is antithetical to that of the other. Israel, represented by an elected, constitutional government whose decisions will be binding will face off against a non-elected, self appointed cabal of “leaders” which have exceeded their term in office by two years, have no ability to make decisions of war and peace and represent no one other than themselves. Propped up by the Obama Administration, whose motives are likewise dubious, Abbas and his Palestinian Authority (PA) are the weakest of all the terrorist organizations which by the way, are adamantly opposed to even the most benign of talks. Just today, longtime Hamas bigwig, Mahmoud Zahar made the following quotes in a Jerusalem Post article entitled, “PA should focus on Palestinian Unity, not Israel.”
(Reuters) – Organized crime has tightened its grip on the Italian economy during the economic crisis, making the Mafia the country’s biggest “bank” and squeezing the life out of thousands of small firms, according to a report on Tuesday.
Extortionate lending by criminal groups had become a “national emergency,” said the report by anti-crime group SOS Impresa.
Organized crime now generated annual turnover of about 140 billion euros ($178.89 billion) and profits of more than 100 billion euros, it added.
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc’-ra-cy) – a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of achieving, and where the members of society least likely to succeed are abundantly rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.
Here we go again. President Obama made the same mistake Thursday in announcing his new military strategy that virtually all of his predecessors have made since the end of World War II. He said:
“Moreover, we have to remember the lessons of history. We cannot afford to repeat the mistakes of the past — after World War II, after Vietnam — when our military was left ill-prepared for the future. As commander in chief, I will not let that happen again. Not on my watch.”
Unfortunately, Obama’s plan does exactly that. It forgets the lessons of history. Some facts: Harry Truman seeking to never repeat the costs of World War II reduced the Army from 8 million soldiers to fewer than half a million. Without the intervention of Congress, he would have eliminated the Marine Corps entirely. The result was the evisceration of both land services in Korea, a war Truman never intended to fight.
CHARLESTON, W.Va — Some Jews, both American and Israeli, object to Israel’s subjugation of conquered Palestinians and the endless planting of illegal Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian land.
The outlook of these peace-minded Jews is expressed in a remarkable Jewish movie, “Miral,” which shows the suffering of Palestinians under Israeli military suppression.
The film begins in 1948, just after creation of Israel, when fanatical Jews massacred Palestinians in a village named Dir Yassin. Children fleeing the slaughter reached East Jerusalem, where a socialite of a rich Palestinian family begins feeding them, eventually creating an orphanage for 2,000 such war refugees.
Miral, named for a red Mideast flower, is brought to the orphanage as a little girl by her uncle, a Muslim imam. She slowly grows into a lovely teen, unaware of the Jew-Arab hatred surrounding her sanctuary. Then she is sent to teach children in a Palestinian refugee camp, where she watches in horror as Israeli troops rip down homes of families suspected of insurrection.
Miral sees zealot Jewish residents of West Bank settlements protected by Israeli soldiers, who treat Palestinians with contempt. She falls in love with a young Arab militant and is drawn into violent Intifada protests. In the end, her lover is killed by rival militants, and the orphanage operator persuades Miral to leave for a scholarship in Italy, rather than plunge deeper into Jew-Arab conflict.
FOR ANYONE gauging the Republican presidential contest, this week’s most significant poll results weren’t the ones tabulated in New Hampshire last night. They were the ones released by Gallup yesterday morning.
To say such a thing is heresy, I realize, given the long months of New Hampshire campaigning and the media’s obsessive focus on the state over the last few weeks. But more telling than Mitt Romney’s long-expected victory in the Granite State — he drew about 38 percent of the vote, followed at a considerable distance by Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman — was Gallup’s finding that among Republicans (and Republican-leaning independents) nationwide, only the former Massachusetts governor is regarded as an “acceptable” GOP nominee across the ideological spectrum.
US appeals court blocks Oklahoma sharia law ban. Denver court upholds judge’s order that claimed Oklahoma’s attempt to ban sharia law was unconstitutional
A proposed constitutional amendment that would ban Oklahoma courts from considering international or Islamic law discriminates against religions, a federal appeals court said on Tuesday, as it gave the right to a Muslim community leader to challenge its constitutionality.
The court in Denver upheld US district judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange’s order blocking implementation of the amendment shortly after it was approved by 70% of Oklahoma voters in November 2010.
Muneer Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Oklahoma, sued to block the law from taking effect, arguing that the Save Our State Amendment violated his First Amendment rights.
“This is an important reminder that the constitution is the last line of defense against a rising tide of anti-Muslim bigotry in our society, and we are pleased that the appeals court recognised that fact,” Awad said. “We are also hopeful that this decision serves as a reminder to politicians wishing to score political points through fear-mongering and bigotry.”
The amendment read, in part: “The courts shall not look to the legal precepts of other nations or cultures. Specifically, the courts shall not consider international law or sharia law.”