If a true conservative is for small government, strong national defense and traditional values then there is no such candidate in the race. There might have been earlier, but there certainly isn’t now.
It’s a sad testament to the current state of the party that the choice is between two men who believe in global warming, one who believes in big government, another who believes the terrorists are right and a third who believes in open borders. But last election the choice came down to two men, both of whom believed in global warming and one of whom thought that waterboarding terrorists was torture. That man became the nominee. So maybe we’re making some progress.
Critics will point out that Reagan didn’t fit that mold too well either. They’re right. No leader has. Standards are aspired to, but they are rarely here in the pure form. But the other aspect of the argument is that the standards change in response to the period. Libertarian positions seem more authentically conservative in no small part because of government failures.