RECALLING PROJECT DANIEL THE IRANIAN NUCLEAR THREAT TO ISRAEL LEGAL REMEDIES AND REMAINING OPTIONS On January 16, 2003, the private Project Daniel Group first advised then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on the threat of Iranian nuclear weapons. Our detailed final report,[1] which contained substantial legal as well as strategic recommendations, urged the Prime […] Israel and the Vulture A vulture was hacking at my feet. It had already torn my boots and stockings to shreds, now it was hacking at the feet themselves. Again and again it struck at them, then circled several times restlessly round me, then returned to continue its work. A gentleman passed by, looked […]
Court orders Google and Facebook to remove all anti Islamic content
Social websites including Google and Facebook have been ordered by an
Indian court to remove all ‘anti-religious’ and ‘anti-social’ content
within six weeks.
On Saturday a Delhi Court ordered 22 social networking sites,
including Yahoo and Microsoft, to wipe the objectionable and
defamatory contents and file compliance reports by February 6, 2012.
Additional Civil Judge Mukesh Kumar passed the order on a suit filed
by Mufti Aijaz Arshad Qasmi seeking to restrain the websites from
circulating objectionable and defamatory contents.
Qasmi had objected to a number of images on the websites which he
complained would cause ‘irreparable loss and injury to the people who
are offended by them’.
Historically, before the Arabs fabricated the Palestinian people as an exclusively Arab phenomenon, no such group existed.
Countless official British Mandate-vintage documents speak of ‘the Jews’ and ‘the Arabs’ of Palestine – not ‘Jews and Palestinians.’ Ironically, before local Jews began calling themselves Israelis in 1948 (the name ‘Israel’ was chosen for the newly-established Jewish state), the term ‘Palestine’ applied almost exclusively to Jews and the institutions founded by new Jewish immigrants in the first half of the 20th century, before Israel’s independence.
Some examples include:
� The Jerusalem Post, founded in 1932, was called the Palestine Post until 1948.
� Bank Leumi L’Israel was called the “Anglo-Palestine Bank, a Jewish Company.”
� The Jewish Agency – an arm of the Zionist movement engaged in Jewish settlement since 1929 – was called the Jewish Agency for Palestine.
� Today’s Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, founded in 1936 by German Jewish refugees who fled Nazi Germany, was called the “Palestine Symphony Orchestra,” composed of some 70 Palestinian Jews.
� The United Jewish Appeal (UJA) was established in 1939 as a merger of the United Palestine Appeal and the fundraising arm of the Joint Distribution Committee.
Encouraged by their success at historical revisionism and brainwashing the world with the ‘Big Lie’ of a Palestinian people, Palestinian Arabs have more recently begun to claim that they are the descendants of the Philistines, and even the Stone Age Canaanites. Archeologists explain that the Philistines were a Mediterranean people who settled along the coast of Canaan in 1100 BCE. They have no connection to the Arab nation, a desert people who emerged from the Arabian Peninsula.
As if that myth were not enough, Arafat claimed that “Palestinian Arabs are descendants of the Jebusites” displaced when King David conquered Jerusalem. He also argued that “Abraham was an Iraqi.” One Christmas Eve, Arafat declared that “Jesus was a Palestinian.” Here, he was correct, but left out a very important part – Jesus was a Palestinian Jew!
Contradictions abound, Palestinian leaders claim to be descended from the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Jebusites and the first Christians. They also co-opt Jesus and ignore his Jewishness, at the same time claiming the Jews never were a people and never built the Holy Temples in Jerusalem.
The problem is that a stateless Palestinian people is a fabrication. The word Palestine is not even Arabic.
Ongoing turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa signals potentially catastrophic geo-strategic transformations. For Israel, the greatest danger stems from interpenetrating and largely unpredictable effects of war, terrorism, and revolution in the region. In essence, these plainly destabilizing effects could spawn an unprecedented and thoroughly “game-changing” kind of chaos.
Chaos in any form can play havoc with the best laid plans of nations. By definition, at least from the standpoint of national military operations, it is a constantly changing condition that can preclude “normal” and possibly indispensable security preparations. Significantly, this condition is markedly different from the “normal” chaos associated with the “fog of war.” This chaos describes a genuinely deep and wholly systemic unraveling that can itself create war.
The most obvious chaos-based perils to Israel concern the prospect of abrogated peace treaties in Cairo, and/or Amman. Following any such abrogation, which, ironically, could be the result of either regime change, or regime preservation, in those countries, certain old battle fronts could reopen. Convergent threats of war and terror could then reemerge and harden, potentially impacting any newly-emergent state of “Palestine,” and also the corollary power positions of al-Qaeda, and the Muslim Brotherhood. For the moment, at least, al-Qaeda is in a primarily adversarial stance vis-à-vis the Brotherhood, and Hamas, recently re-bonded with Fatah, is itself a direct offshoot of the Brotherhood. At year end, 2011, as Americans emptied their wallets at the gas pump and crude oil reached almost $100 a barrel, OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia reported an $81.6 billion 2011 budget surplus. The White House action at the same time was to ask Congress to increase our debt ceiling by $1.2 trillion to $16.4 […]
Frank Scaturro is what we need in Congress….a fresh conservative voice. I know him and like him and trust him…..stay tuned!!!
He is running against Carolyn McCarthy, a consistent supporter of all Obama policies who routinely blames everything on the Tea Party.
The Fraudsters Who Invent the “Science” of Climate Change
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is little known but affects us all. It controls the propaganda of Climate Change, and misleads people and governments with its “science.”
Rael Jean Isaac Interviews Donna Laframboise, author of The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert, available from Amazon or, a digital edition, from, 2011.
This is a book about the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an outfit few know much about if indeed they have heard of it at all. That’s unfortunate because the IPCC is having a huge impact on all our lives. The IPCC has fashioned the so-called “scientific consensus” that man-made global warming threatens the future of the planet. Its periodic weighty Reports (literally, they are in the range of 800 pages and up) are the basis for the efforts by the governments of developed countries to sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions and in the process make the energy our economy depends on to function, and we depend on to drive our cars, heat our homes and power our appliances, vastly more expensive.
Spend any time on a university campus, and the official culture will become obvious in short order. Bigotry and prejudice against blacks, gays, or women simply isn’t tolerated. Even a hint of racism or sexism is met with quick and decisive punishment. But anti-Israel rants on California’s public-college campuses seem to be tolerated, politely ignored, or even tacitly condoned by the powers that be.
Consider the case of David Klein, a math professor at California State University, Northridge (CSUN). Klein maintains a page on the university’s web server having nothing to do with mathematical physics, teacher education, or standardized testing, his main areas of research. Rather, the page is devoted to the evils of the state of Israel. Students and other members of the university can learn that “Israel is the most racist state in the world at this time” and that the Jewish state engages in “ethnic cleansing.” Visitors can discover, furthermore, that the answer to the question “Aren’t Palestinians equally responsible for the violence?” is an emphatic “No.” Klein provides links to an assortment of Israel haters and, of course, calls for a boycott of Israeli products and U.S. companies that do business with Israel. 1. Indiana Democratic Party Head Resigns as 2008 Presidential Voter Fraud Probe Heats Up 2. ** Impact of Obamacare: Facts, Statistics, Charts and Videos ** 3. VIDEO: School District Defends Shocking Occupy-Themed Song Performed by Third-Graders: ‘I’m So Happy to Be Part of the 99%’ 4. VIDEO: Rose Bowl Parade-Goers Roundly Boo Intruding #Occupy […]