Marion Jones – Diplomatic Ambassador?Neil Braithwaite
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In a glaring example of bad judgment, the State Department has chosen former Olympian and convicted perjurer, Marion Jones to represent the United States as a diplomat to Serbia and Croatia in an effort to encourage those countries devastated by war and natural disasters.
A spokesman for the U. S. Embassy in Belgrade said Jones was chosen as an example that; “you can have things go wrong and you can move beyond them.”
In light of the spokesman’s reasoning, Marion Jones simply doesn’t fit the profile of someone who has overcome something that “went wrong.” Marion Jones didn’t have something “go wrong” in her life; Marion Jones deliberately and purposefully took illegal performance enhancing drugs in an effort to cheat as an Olympian on the world stage and then proceeded to lie to federal Investigators about her drug use, resulting in her being stripped of her Olympic medals and being sentenced to prison.


The thought occurred to us after watching the GOP debate at Nevada that it would be fun to at least to imagine a Perry-Ros-Lehtinen ticket. It turns out that Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen isn’t eligible to accede to the vice presidency, as she was born at Cuba. The more’s the pity. The thought was ignited by the eruption of applause when Governor Perry called for curtailing American financial support for the United Nations. The issue happens to be one of this newspaper’s favorites, and it’s hotter than a pistol right now, though few newspapers other than the Drudge Report have done much with it.

It’s hot because of a bill just approved by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which is chaired by Mrs. Ros-Lehtinen. The measure would give America discretion over how — or even whether — it pays money into the United Nations system. Mr. Perry raised the United Nations as an issue after a question about foreign aid was raised by a member of the debate audience, Vicki O’Keefe, of Boulder City, Nevada. Mr. Perry, who agreed that foreign aid could be curtailed, quickly turned to the United Nations. “As a matter of fact I think it’s time for us to have a very serious discussion about defunding the United Nations,” he said before he was interrupted by applause.

Continued he: “When you think about the Palestinian Authority circumventing those Oslo Accords and going to New York to try to create the conflict and to have themselves approved as a state without going through the proper channels, [it] is a travesty. And I think it’s time not only to have that entire debate about all of our foreign aid but particular about the U.N. Why are we funding that organization?”

That is precisely the question Mrs. Ros-Lehtinen has been pressing in the House. With her bill to reform the way American funds the United Nations and with her post as Foreign Affairs chairwoman, she is in a position to move United Nations reform way past where other congressional critics have managed to take it. It is hard to remember a point when the United Nations was behaving in a less responsible way than it is today.

Clearly we’re a long way from the point where Mr. Perry is going to be thinking about an administration. He’s got to win the nomination first, and he’s got some stumbling to get over if he is going to be a contender. But he picked a good issue with the United Nations. What luck that there is a powerful figure in the Congress who could be of help — a brilliant, hard-line, anti-communist, pro-freedom Latina from Florida. If Mr. Perry is going to go after the United Nations, Mrs. Ros-Lehtinen is the team-mate to seek — in one role or another as his campaign progresses.


The late edition of this editorial has been corrected to reflect the fact that Mrs. Ros-Lehtinen was born at Cuba.

REVIVED PERRY PUSHES FOR FLAT TAX: SETH McLAUGHLIN Revived Perry presses Romney, pushes for flat tax  LAS VEGAS — Texas Gov. Rick Perry followed up a feisty debate performance with a pledge Wednesday to fight for a flat tax and with another round of thinly disguised jabs at rival Mitt Romney — the man he sees as his chief obstacle to winning […]


Letter to the Republican Presidential Candidates from a Former Democrat Posted By Roger L Simon

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Dear Lady and Gentlemen,

As you all know, we are living in parlous times, the most economically precarious since the Great Depression and the most militarily threatening since the fall of the Soviet Union. Many of our citizens fear this great country of ours is on the edge of collapse. Desperation stalks the land.

Yet if we were to watch the Republican debates, for the most part, all we see is bicker, bicker, bicker with candidates looking to score points off their opponents. Worse yet, most of these points are based on obscure malfeasances that would have little to do with how those opponents would actually perform as president.

Tuesday night in Las Vegas it almost reached the level of opera bouffe with one candidate vitriolically accusing another of, albeit unconsciously, using an illegal alien in his gardening service (something so common here in Southern California that, were laws enforced, three quarters of the population would be in jail). Nevertheless, instead of waving off this petty accusation or, better yet, turning it into a joke, the second candidate came back even harder. For a moment it almost seemed the two would come to blows – over nothing.


“It appears that the primary mission of Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is to insulate President Obama’s political appointees from the consequences of their actions, and to obstruct the pursuit of justice by Congress as much as possible.”

A war within a war appears to have broken out regarding allegations of a third weapon at the scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s murder.

The Department of Justice claims that only two semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles were recovered at the scene of the shootout between a Border Patrol tactical team and armed Mexican criminals that night in the Arizona desert. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) ruffled feathers within the DOJ and with Democrats on his committee by repeating allegations of a third weapon at the scene, and by announcing plans to question [1] the FBI about the investigation of Agent Terry’s death.

Border Patrol agents had mentioned a third weapon to Agent Terry’s family. CBS News obtained audiotape of a conversation between an ATF agent who was part of Operation Fast and Furious and the dealer who sold weapons under ATF direction to cartel smugglers. The blunt conversation is very hard to spin [2]:

WSJ: MITT ROMNEY’S “PRINCIPLES” SHOULD BE TESTED “The GOP and RomneyCare The Republican front-runner’s principles should be tested. Republicans do not want to wake up in 2012 to discover that they have nominated someone who is unprepared, and maybe unwilling, to lead the reform of government that America needs.” After seven debates and many more missed opportunities, the other GOP candidates […]

Foreigners’ Sweetener: Buy House, Get a Visa

The reeling housing market has come to this: To shore it up, two Senators are preparing to introduce a bipartisan bill Thursday that would give residence visas to foreigners who spend at least $500,000 to buy houses in the U.S.

The provision is part of a larger package of immigration measures, co-authored by Sens. Charles Schumer (D., N.Y.) and Mike Lee (R., Utah), designed to spur more foreign investment in the U.S.

Foreigners have accounted for a growing share of home purchases in South Florida, Southern California, Arizona and other hard-hit markets. Chinese and Canadian buyers, among others, are taking advantage not only of big declines in U.S. home prices and reduced competition from Americans but also of favorable foreign exchange rates.

To fuel this demand, the proposed measure would offer visas to any foreigner making a cash investment of at least $500,000 on residential real-estate—a single-family house, condo or townhouse. Applicants can spend the entire amount on one house or spend as little as $250,000 on a residence and invest the rest in other residential real estate, which can be rented out.



“Documents found inside the van showed the men, all in their 20s, had traveled extensively to high-level security facilities around the country, according to local media reports. Investigators also told the Associated Press that 90-day visas, maps, cell phones and computers were found inside the vehicle. ”
5 Foreign Nationals In Custody After Attempted Break-In at Texas Courthouse, Authorities Say

The FBI and local police said Wednesday they were trying to figure out why five French-Moroccan nationals tried to break into a Texas courthouse in the middle of the night.

HERBERT LONDON: WOODSTOCK IN NEW YORK The Wall Street demonstrators have managed to capture the attention of people across the globe. For some, this is the Arab Street transplanted to the USA. For others, it is the anti-capitalist sentiment exemplified by the Obama administration. However, it also could be an attempt to recreate the Woodstock happening in the minds of […]

SOEREN KERN: SAUDI “PROPAGANDA CENTER” SETS UP SHOP IN VIENNA Saudi Arabia is spearheading the establishment of a controversial new “interreligious and intercultural dialogue center” in the Austrian capital Vienna. The King Abdullah Center for Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue (here, here and here) was inaugurated at the Albertina Museum in downtown Vienna on October 13. The foreign ministers of the three founding states — […]