“Attacking Israeli is easy – there are never any adverse consequences for the attacker. But tackling the real issues facing women in the world is harder and needs someone with true courage. Secretary Clinton’s remarks against Israel are saved for the comfortable, adoring, embracing Saban forum. She is again preaching to the converted, but the wrong kind.”
Secretary Clinton’s latest comments about Israel at the Saban Forum, (same Mr. Saban of the Power Rangers commercial success) voiced concern regarding Israel’s democratic process, highlighting two main issues: the discourse about women in Israeli public life as a whole and legislation curtailing foreign contributions to so-called “Human Rights Organizations.” Secretary Clinton chose (according to media reports; no transcripts are publicly available) to liken the women’s rights situation in Israel to the situation in the south of the United States during the time of discrimination in the days of Rosa Parks in 1955. She also compared Israel’s internal democratic processes to Iran — complementing Iran in the process. These are sweeping and strong statements — unheard of by a U.S.secretary of state — that require comment.
The timing of Secretary Clinton’s comments is baffling.