GOP CANDIDATES SHOULD HAVE DEFENDED PERRY AGAINST LIBERAL SMEAR: DOUGLAS MacKINNON In politics, character does and should count. For instance, character can be demonstrated in any number of ways including during a Republican presidential primary process.  Hypothetically, let’s imagine that one Republican candidate was just purposely and viciously smeared with the indelible charge of “racist” by a  left-leaning “news” organization.  Obviously, should such a deliberate, heinous, and […]

STEVEN PLAUT’S ANSWER TO THE “OCCUPY WALL STREET” BUNCH…..OCCUPY BERKELEY!!! Occupy Berkeley! The focus of the country has lately been on the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, or “OWS.”  You know, the people who claim to speak for the 99% of Americans who are not wealthy capitalists and who think they can create social justice and equality by marching around the New York Stock Exchange […]

WES PRUDEN ON STEVE JOBS… Steve Jobs was a genius. No one could doubt that. His genius lay not in technology, as most of the obituaries and eulogies reckoned, but as master of hype, hope and marketing. He was the secular prophet for the secular age, preaching the gospel of the technology that offers salvation, but only a salvation […]

EGYPT ON FIRE: BRET STEPHENS In the wake of Sunday’s clashes in Cairo that left 24 dead and some 200 wounded, Egyptian Prime Minister Essam Sharaf wasted no time hinting at the culprit. “What’s happening is not sectarian tension,” he said. “There are hidden hands involved and we will not leave them.” Translation from the Absurdic: It’s a Zio-American […]


 National : Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker Last week it was reported that the State Department and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were deeply involved in the scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, or Project Gunwalker. Today, however, new evidence has surfaced indicating that not only was Hillary […]


Shocker. Obama’s Top Political Advisor Directly Linked to Occupy Wall Street Protests Obama’s ACORN operative in the White House Patrick Gaspard, a former Working Families Party associate, is helping shape domestic policy– Obama political advisor Patrick Gaspard holds the same White House position his Bush-era predecessor, Karl Rove, did. But before he was the White […]

OBAMA’S CZARS’ UNPRECEDENTED CONTROL OVER GOVERNMENT POLICIES….SEE NOTE Judicial Watch Releases Comprehensive Special Report on President Obama’s 45 CzarsNew Czars Exercise Unprecedented Control over Government Policies and Programs While Operating Under a “Veil of Secrecy” THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE HANDBOOK OF HUGO CHAVEZ…ESTABLISHED WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL TO IMPLEMENT THE PRESIDENT’S AGENDA AND POWER…..OUTRAGEOUS!!! RSK Judicial Watch, the public interest organization […]

MARK DURIE: THE COPTS IN EGYPT A Double-Bind Upon the Copts: dhimmitude in action Over the weekend, violence on Cairo’s streets resulting in the deaths of dozens of Copts and the wounding of hundreds more.  The killings occurred when the Egyptian military dispersed a protest against a recent incident of church destruction in Elmarinab village, in Aswan province.  Videos, including […]

ARE CRITICS OF ISLAM THE “NAZIS OF OUR TIME?”….FJORDMAN RESPONDS Are Critics of Islam the Nazis of Our Time? Editor’s note: The following article was a response to a piece in Aftenposten that likened Fjordman to a Nazi. The paper denied him his statutory “right of reply”, so he is publishing his prepared response here and at other online locations instead. The Norwegian version […]

YISRAEL MEDAD: ON WEPRIN AND TURNER Well, Robert Wexler thinks the Turner victory over Weprin has turned the tide – into a pro-Obama wave: Since then, the people who never trusted Obama on Israel have won argument after argument. The policy hasn’t changed. In 2008, Obama backed a two-state solution, with the 1967 borders as the basis, and land swaps shifting […]