JERRY SEPER: HOLDER TO GET NEW SUBPOENAS ON FAST AND FURIOUS The chairman of a House committee investigating the failed “Fast and Furious” weapons operation in which hundreds of guns were “walked” to gun smugglers in Mexico says the panel will issue new subpoenas this week to ask Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. – again – what he knew about the investigation and when […]

IRAN AND VENEZUELA CHEER THE PROTESTS….2 COLUMNS Iran calls Wall Street protests ‘American Spring’ Chavez slams “horrible repression” of U.S. protests TEHRAN, Iran (AP) – An Iranian military commander said Sunday that the protests spreading from New York’s Wall Street to other U.S. cities are the beginning of an “American Spring,” likening them to the uprisings that toppled Arab autocrats […]

SOEREN KERN: FRENCH SUBURBS BECOMING “SEPARATE ISLAMIC SOCIETIES” France’s decrepit city suburbs are becoming ‘separate Islamic societies’ cut off from the state, according to a major new study that examines the spread of Islam in France. Muslim immigrants are increasingly rejecting French values and identity and instead are immersing themselves in Islam, according to the report, which also warns that Islamic Sharia […]

Egypt Destroying Churches, One at a Time Muslim Brotherhood: “No More Churches” by Raymond Ibrahim What clearer sign that Egypt is turning rabidly Islamist than the fact that hardly a week goes by without a church being destroyed, or without protesting Christians being attacked and slaughtered by the military? The latest chaos in Egypt—where the military opened fire on unarmed protesters, and ran armored vehicles over them— killing 35 […]

TUNISIA: MUSLIMS STORM UNIVERSITY OVER VEIL BAN Muslims stormed a university in Tunisia after it refused to enroll a woman wearing a full-face veil, a staff member said, highlighting tensions over religion that are likely to dominate an election later this month. Tunisia votes on Oct. 23 in the first election since a revolution that inspired the “Arab Spring” uprisings. The […]

PAKISTAN: MASKED MEN THRASH TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN GIRLS’ SCHOOL…TEACH THEM TO “DRESS MODESTLY” In a first for the garrison city, sixty masked men carrying iron rods barged into a girls’ school in Rawalpindi and thrashed students and female teachers on Friday. The gang of miscreants also warned the inmates at the MC Model Girls High School in Satellite Town to “dress modestly and wear hijabs” or face […]


200 suicide bombers ‘planning attacks in UK’

At least 200 potential terrorists are actively planning suicide attacks while living freely in Britain, intelligence chiefs have warned ministers.
By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent

9:00PM BST 08 Oct 2011
The Sunday Telegraph (London)

A senior intelligence source has revealed that the figure is a “conservative” estimate of the threat facing the country from UK-based Islamist suicide bombers.

The would-be killers are among 2,000 extremists who the security services have said are based in Britain and actively planning terrorist activity of some kind.

The figures are contained within a secret government report on the “enduring terrorist threat” facing the UK from al-Qaeda and affiliated organisations, The Sunday Telegraph has been told.

PERRY IN IOWA: MORE SPECIFICS AND PLANS ORANGE CITY, Iowa — Rick Perry brought his A-game to Iowa on Saturday, unleashing a new set of specifics, promising a jobs plan next week and giving much-improved answers to questions on immigration and Social Security that have dogged his candidacy. But his audiences weren’t always sold, and applause was sometimes half-hearted. While the […]


New Charge Over Hostile Columbia Classroom
U.S. reportedly probing whether Jewish student was ‘steered’
By Marc Tracy|\

It’s possible Morningside Heights has found its annual autumn incident. A U.S. Department of Education committee is investigating whether a Columbia University department head “steered” a Jewish student away from taking a class on the Mideast taught by Professor Joseph Massad due to the perception that she would be “uncomfortable” because of the professor’s pro-Palestinian tilt, according to the Institute for Jewish & Community Research’s Kenneth L. Marcus, the complainant in the case. According to Marcus, Judith Jacobson, an epidemiology professor at Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health who is also active in campus politics, informed him of the alleged incident. He also said that Education’s Office for Civil Rights, which he headed for a time during the Bush administration, informed him it had granted its request to launch a probe.


“Soft power at its finest is a slushie machine in which you can put anything on one end and it comes out the other end as a shapeless squishy liquid that tastes like nothing unless you add a lot of corn syrup. The media has been doing double duty pouring sugar on all the soft power, which is why some ABC and NBC viewers still don’t know how bad the situation is, while every BBC, RTV and Al-Jazeera viewer does.

While we kill them softly with violin music and the occasional drone raid, they’re wiping out our economy, doing cartwheels over our foreign policy and fighting over which of them will be the next world power. And they’re not doing it softly.”

No sooner did Anwar Al-Awlaki, former go to guy for mainstream media heads in need of a quote about the peacefulness of Islam, go to his virgins courtesy of a beautiful aerodynamic drone, then the State Department called the family of one of his co-terroriststs offer their condolences and apologize for not calling them sooner. And if they had only called sooner, the nearest and dearest could have been treated to a condolence countdown. You are about to be bereaved in 5-4-3-2-1… our condolences.