Election 2012: Third and Long Nancy Salvato Football fans understand that each game played either moves a team forward toward the conference playoffs, conference championship, and Super Bowl, or toward the role of spoiler, where their role is to affect the outcome of the seasons’ top teams. While they watch their favorite players, they […]

CAROLINE GLICK: DEFENDING ISRAELI DEMOCRACY US Embassy cables leaked by Wikileaks in September exposed the ugly truth that self-described champions of Israeli democracy would like us to forget about the actual goals of Israel’s self-described human rights organizations. In a meeting with then US Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner at the US Embassy in Tel Aviv in January […]

Only a totalitarian New World Order can save us now says Naomi Klein
REF: Capitalism vs. the Climate Naomi Klein |
No Logo author Naomi Klein has a solution to climate change and it goes like this: punitive taxation; massive wealth re-distribution; the abolition of free trade and free markets; a state-enforced end to to the “cult of shopping”; the whole to be supervised by a New World Order of selfless illuminati (who presumably resemble Naomi Klein).

If it weren’t so scary it would almost be funny, the way the leftie Canadian activist on the basis of no evidence whatsoever declares that the time has come to strip the human race of all its hard-won freedoms in order to save the planet from a non-existent problem. Unfortunately, Klein means it and her audience takes her seriously. Just read the first comment below her screed:

I can’t say enough good things about this article. It’s a manifesto for the next 100 years. Corporate capitalism is doomed by the immutable fact of finite resources; it will require planning and sharing to sustain civilization in the future, which is heretical thinking in the boardrooms of elite capitalists.

O-K. And the rationale for doing all this stuff would be what, exactly, Naomi? Some new devastating proof you’ve managed to unearth, perhaps, showing once and for all that the measurements are wrong and global warming didn’t stop in 1998? A dazzling refutation of Svensmark’s cosmic ray theory? Surprising new data showing that, contrary to the false consciousness promoted by the running dog lackey capitalist pigs who write our history books, totalitarian planning regimes of the kind you advocate in fact brought nothing but bounty, happiness and environmental loveliness to Stalin’s Soviet Union, Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia and Kim Il Sung’s North Korea?

Finally, a Palestinian “Peace Now”? By Elliot Jager

” In fact, however, Ziada’s “new” ideas meld perfectly with the standard Palestinian mindset. In an October 2011 poll by Nabil Kukali’s Palestinian Center for Public Opinion, a staggering 89.8 percent of respondents said they would rather have “no peace deal” and no “independent state” if it meant giving up the “right of return.” Far from uncovering a new political and social force among the Palestinians, Greenberg’s story demonstrates that across the generational divide, Palestinians remain appallingly unrealistic and intransigent. The reason is stark: The moderates have been assassinated, leaving Fatah and Hamas in charge. Sadly, in opposing the “limited political horizons of the Palestinian leadership,” Ziada and her comrades are pushing Abbas and Haniyeh not toward reconciliation with the Jews but in the direction of war without end.”

What if a group of youthful Palestinian activists, fed up with Hamas and Fatah for leading the Palestinian Arabs over and over down bloody, self-defeating dead ends, were to emerge as a new political and social force—something like a Palestinian “Peace Now”? The Washington Post thinks it has found them.


TODAY’S HOT TOPICS AT FSM President Says Calls Waterboarding ‘Torture’ [ABC] Israel has refused to reassure President Barack Obama that it would warn him in advance of any pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear capabilities [TELEGRPAH] Deadlocked deficit panel weighs Plan B [WT] UK: Historic Army regiments may be sacrificed in budget cuts [TELEGRAPH] Iran on Nuclear Threshold [JED BABBIN] […]

It was a bizarre juxtaposition. This Monday, I found myself in downtown Los Angeles while my wife, an Israeli green card holder, took her test for citizenship. “It is a privilege to become a citizen of this country,” she told me before heading into the immigration office. Across the street, hundreds of American citizens protested American capitalism at the Occupy Los Angeles protests. Their tent city stretched for blocks. Fortunately for me, I now had a couple of hours to kill and a camera in my car. Thus began my journey into the heart of moral and intellectual vapidity.

How Civilizations Die

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is David P. Goldman, the author of the new book, How Civilizations Die (and Why Islam is Dying, Too), which Regnery brought out this fall. After 9/11, Goldman began writing weekly essays at Asia Times Online under the byline “Spengler.” At the time he directed a research group at Credit Suisse, and afterward ran fixed income research for Bank of America. After joining the masthead of First Things magazine early in 2009, he revealed his identity and devoted himself to writing, mainly on politics and strategy, but also publishing essays on religion, classical music, literature and mathematics. He left First Things early in 2011 to write his book.

FP: David P. Goldman, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Let’s begin with what inspired you to write this book.

Goldman: Thanks Jamie.

It was 9/11 and the aftermath. I’m an old Cold Warrior; I consulted for Norman A. Bailey, the head of planning at NSC in the first Reagan administration. We were playing a deadly global chess game with a fairly rational opponent; when the Russians knew they were beaten, they caved.
Radical Islam is a different animal. Never in history have so many people committed suicide in order to kill large numbers of innocent people. And not since classical antiquity have so many cultures willed themselves out of existence by failing to have children. Countries and individuals who habitually destroy themselves to inflict harm on others have no rational self-interest. You cannot negotiate with them. Our world has a different and terrible set of rules, and policy has to change appropriately.


All-American Muslim: A Programmed Deception Posted By Daniel Greenfield

Ten years after the worst terrorist attack in American history, the Muslim terrorist is almost entirely absent from movies and television shows. He will show up on the evening news, when there’s no way around it, but when it comes to entertainment, the American TV viewer is fed a steady diet of movies and shows featuring positive depictions of Muslims. And that’s not just liberal bias at work.

I have written about Unity Productions in the past and its pernicious PBS propaganda machine, and another UPF project is MOST (Muslims on Screen and Television) which partners with a number of American useful idiot groups to promote positive depictions of Muslims on television. Another force working toward promoting Muslim propaganda on television is the Muslim Public Affairs Council’s Hollywood bureau, which helped reshape 24 from a show concentrating on the War on Terror into Muslim propaganda. MPAC began life as a Muslim Brotherhood project. Its attempts to control American television programming are in line with the Brotherhood’s mission.

Seen against that backdrop, All-American Muslim, the new unreality show meant to promote the myth that Muslims are just another minority fully integrated into America with the same goals and dreams as the rest of us, is part of a larger agenda. The one that gave us Aliens in America and HBO’s Koran by Heart.


As an author who has just published a book on the crisis of Western civilization, I couldn’t really have asked for more: simultaneous crises in Athens and Rome, the cradles of the West’s law, languages, politics, and philosophy.

Yet most Americans are baffled by the ongoing economic pandemonium in the European Union. For them, places like Greece and Italy are primarily tourist destinations they’ll visit at most once. The finer points of Mediterranean politics leave them cold, except insofar as they’re funny. After all, who could resist the opera-buffa character of Silvio “Bunga-Bunga” Berlusconi?

But only a few weirdos really feel their pulses quicken when they hear news like: the new Greek prime minister is a former central banker called Papademos! Ever tried to explain to a New Yorker the finer points of Slovakian coalition politics? I have. He almost needed an adrenaline shot to come out of the coma.