COLIN POWELL IS SO HALF BAKED:” OCCUPY WALL STREET DEMONSTRATIONS ARE “AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE”….. The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are “as American as apple pie,” former Secretary of State Colin Powell said during a recent interview with CNN’s Piers Morgan. According to Powell, there is plenty of justification for the movement’s outrage, but also some reason for concern over its direction. Powell began by recalling his upbringing in […]

NORMAN ROGERS: THE SIERRA CLUB AT THE METROPOLITAN CLUB Norman Rogers is a physicist and a senior policy advisor at the Heartland Institute.  He maintains a website, My dirty secret is that I’m a member of the Sierra Club.  I joined at the $15 rate for retired senior citizens and received a bonus shoulder bag.  The Sierra Club idolizes nature and demonizes […]


Sorry, I find Europe so paralysingly depressing I can’t possibly blog about it. Instead, here’s a piece of investigative journalism to gladden the heart from Norman Rogers – a physicist and senior advisor at the Heartland Institute.

It describes how he cunningly infiltrated his way into the belly of the Green Beast – aka the America’s oldest environmental organisation, the Sierra Club – using the brilliantly clever device of paying for membership. Like Greenpeace, like the WWF, the Sierra Club would love you to imagine that it is a plucky little David battling the Goliaths of Big Carbon, Big Industry, Big Pollution, Big Corporate Greed, Big Koch, and so on. In fact – again like Greenpeace, like the WWF – it is enormously well-funded with an $84 million annual budget and 1.4 million members. This would be nice if it didn’t use all that money and influence promoting such terrible causes.


The Iranian Nuclear Maze Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought” “Israel Hayom” Newsletter,November 11, 2011 The assumptions that tougher sanctions could deny Iran nuclear capabilities, could pacify Iran’s nuclear programs, and could produce a regime change in Teheran, defy reality. These assumptions and the suppositions that Mutually-Assured-Deterrence (MAD) would enable the Free World to […]


Guest commentary by Moshe Phillips (Jewish Exponent Watch: November 10 issue)

The November 10th edition of the Philadelphia area’s Jewish Exponent features several articles which each give a profoundly one-sided view of Jewish leftists and their organizations. The Exponent continues to bolster the most hard-left elements of the community and alienate both moderates and those on the right.

The feature by Bryan Schwartzman about Rabbi Marcia Prager is perhaps most shocking. Prager is a leader of radical Arthur Waskow’s so-called Jewish Renewal movement. Waskow and Prager were among the headliners at Tikkun Magazine’s Network of Spiritual Progressives conference earlier this year. Rabbis Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Shawn Zevit and Leonard Gordon are all interviewed for the article. None are identified as the radicals they are. All five had leadership roles in either J Street, the Jewish Fast for Gaza or the Rabbis for Human Rights or all three. Gordon was an originator of the J Street PAC and was listed as on its Advisory Council in its April 15, 2008 press release.

JED BABBIN: IRAN ON NUCLEAR THRESHOLD***** “Obama will take no such actions. Which leaves it to Israel which must attack Iran if it is to survive. Israel is a one-bomb country: so small that any nuclear weapon exploded in a city will destroy the nation. They should attack Iran soon, and I believe they will. The Israelis should target the […]


This week’s syndicated column:

We haven’t had a good, old-fashioned “feeding frenzy,” a la Herman Cain, for a long time – maybe not since the days of Dan Quayle. I’m talking about the kind of media wilding where someone is a whole person one day, and then, whoosh, the piranhas swim in and a gnawed carcass is all that remains. It’s especially hard to look at when the victim joins in to shoot himself in the foot, but that’s another story.

What interests me more is whether we can draw from the Cain case the conclusion that “women,” as a group defined exclusively by sex, are exhibiting a new or finally realized power in society. Judging by the attention and gravity with which the sexual harassment charges are being treated, and judging by the perils these charges pose to the presidential run of this newly popular figure on the political Right, a Martian might be forgiven for concluding that the role and stature of women in society is supreme.

But a Martian would be wrong. The political leverage against Cain – setting aside his own and his team’s erratic and unsatisfying responses – has nothing to do with the entrenchment or validation of manners and mores that protect against sexual harassment or predation of women. On the contrary, these are power struggles as usual, with the Left, including its women, seizing on sexual harassment as a crowbar to beat off a conservative. Their hypocrisy is no compensation for the fact that Cain has shown himself unable to meet or deflect the charges and, indeed, may be vulnerable to them.


Into the fray: A study in self-cannibalization

Over a century ago, Churchill warned that Western civilization will face an existential challenge from the Muslim world. It is now upon us.

It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism, while the wolf remains of a different opinion.

– W. R. Inge, dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral, 1915

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

– Karl Popper, On the Paradox of Tolerance, in The Open Society and Its Enemies, 1945 …

Many Western Europeans, from the man on the street to the cop on the corner, from the politician in Parliament to the immigration official at the border, have long considered it their obligation… to tolerate intolerance.

– from “Tolerating Intolerance: The Challenge of Fundamentalist Islam in Western Europe,” Partisan Review, 2002.

Across the Western world today, political liberalism is undergoing a process of self-cannibalization. It is being devoured by the very values which made it into arguably the most successful and influential socio-political doctrine in modern history.

CAROLINE GLICK: WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE The slurs against Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu voiced by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US President Barack Obama after last week’s G20 summit were revealing as well as repugnant. Thinking no one other than Obama could hear him, Sarkozy attacked Netanyahu, saying, “I can’t stand to see him anymore, he’s a liar.” Obama responded […]


Meet Libya’s New Islamist Boss Posted By Daniel Greenfield URL to article:   In this week’s issue of The Australian, Sheikh Hamza Abu Fas, Libya’s new Minister for Religious Affairs, gave Westerners a taste of the “free and democratic” that NATO had been fighting for. The law that allowed a first wife to veto […]