By Clare M. Lopez The armies of Islam arrived in the Nigerian kingdoms as early as the 9th century. The forcible conquest of North Africa—including present day Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco—imposed Islamic law (shariah) according to the Maliki school of Sunni jurisprudence over this vast swath of territory. Over subsequent centuries, relentless jihadist […] Unlike the US, Israel would have to limit any operation in Iran to destroying the most dangerous Iranian nuclear facilities while leaving others untouched. Over the past week, there has been an avalanche of news reports in the Israeli and Western media about the possibility of an imminent Israeli or American strike on Iran’s […]
Bill Clinton’s Anti-Israel Screed Posted By Kenneth Levin URL to article: In late September, former President Bill Clinton made the outrageous assertion that the absence of Arab-Israeli peace is primarily the fault of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. While focusing his attack on Netanyahu and insisting other Israeli prime ministers were more prepared for […]
Dhimmitude and Cowardice at Time Posted By Bruce Bawer
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November 2 marked the seventh anniversary of Theo van Gogh’s murder by a pious young Muslim on an Amsterdam street. One of the memorable aspects of that history-making slaughter was the largely despicable way in which the media in the Netherlands and around the world covered it. Many of the accounts of van Gogh’s butchering, which was motivated by his short film, Submission, about the plight of women under Islam, hinted – or even stated directly – that van Gogh had been asking for it. He had gone too far. He had insulted Islam and offended Muslims. What, after all, asked one editorial after another, had he expected when he made Submission? He should have known what he was getting into. Freedom of expression was one thing, but giving needless offense to a billion and a half members of a religion? That was just plain over the line. Not sensible. Not prudent. Yes, van Gogh was – in his own country, at least – a famous contrarian, an iconoclast, accustomed to going after sacred cows across the political and cultural spectrum with all the gusto and irreverence he could muster. But to make a film that he had to know would outrage devout Muslims and put him in danger of being killed? Well, that was just stupid. Almost parenthetically, many of the editorialists acknowledged that there was no excuse for the murder. But their hearts weren’t in this rote qualification. They were out to condemn not the murderer, but the victim, who, in their eyes, has brought it all on himself.
The True Significance of Herman Cain’s Sexual Harassment Troubles Posted By Bruce Thornton URL to article: We can’t say much about the veracity of the sexual harassment complaints leveled against Herman Cain 15 years ago, given the lack of specific detail or even the names of the accusers. But this mini-scandal provides an opportunity […] The International Atomic Energy Agency has now provided credible evidence that Iran is clandestinely developing nuclear weapons, adding its considerable weight to warnings that the Islamic state is on the threshold of nuclear capability. The IAEA’s latest report details the military aspects of the program for the first time since the start of its […],7340,L-4144192,00.html
Europe’s veil of fear
Special: Latest firebombing of French magazine highlights Islamist threat to freedom Giulio Meotti
The office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was badly damaged by a firebomb on Wednesday, after it published a spoof issue “guest edited” by the Prophet Muhammad to salute the victory of the Islamist party in Tunisia’s elections.
The magazine had announced a special issue for publication, renamed “Charia Hebdo,” a play on the French word for Islamic law. The magazine’s website has also been hacked with a message in English and Turkish. The fatwa said: “You keep abusing Islam’s almighty Prophet with disgusting and disgraceful cartoons using excuses of freedom of speech. Be Allah’s curse upon you!” 1. White House REJECTS CONGRESSIONAL SUBPOENA on Solyndra 2. VIDEO: Administration: No FDR Prayer to be allowed on WWII Memorial 3. UNTHINKABLE VIDEO: Video: Occupiers Use Kids To Block Convention Center 4. VIDEO: #OccupyBoston Takes Over Israeli Consulate 5. AUDIO: Larry Kudlow – The U.S could be energy independent if they opened up different […] The Occupy Wall Street demonstrators are no longer merely residents of Zuccotti Park; they have converted themselves into roving bands restricting traffic on Broadway and Church Street, and are occupying nearby buildings. Yet the city authorities turn away their gaze — as well known scholars, such as Cornel West, Slavoj Zizek and Frances Fox […]