The Irish Eyes Not Smiling On Israel: Those of Old Anti-American Warhorse Michael D. Higgins

Michael D. Higgins, veteran Irish leftist politician and poet, who’s now, unexpectedly, President of Eire, could never be mistaken for a warm supporter Israel. (Be sure to look here, which is where I obtained this photo.) Known for his vehement criticism of the United States as well as of Israel, he first visited Gaza in the 1980s, and in 2004 paid a fulsome tribute to Arafat following the latter’s death, attending a candlelit vigil organised by the Ireland-Palestine Soldarity Campaign. He objects to the description of Hamas as a “terrorist” organisation, and in 2007 shared a platform with Hezbollah.


Flip through enough of the 99 percent signs and you realize that the majority of that demographic aren’t complaining about the lack of financial regulation or income inequalities, so much as they’re upset that they took on loans to pay for college degrees to get jobs that don’t actually exist.
The fault here isn’t Wall Street’s, it’s a policymaking apparatus that decided the way to deal with the loss of manufacturing jobs was to get as many college graduates out there as possible to create the industries of tomorrow.

This was Clinton’s platform and it’s Obama’s “Winning the Future” platform, pump enough money into education and the jobs will create themselves. The Dot Com boom in the nineties seemed to back up that policy with entirely new companies springing to life with valuations in the hundreds of millions and twenty somethings at the helm. But a good deal of those companies were nothing more than the foam on another bubble– and more problematically the cream of the tech companies were created by college dropouts. Even more problematically, the tech companies liked to save money by importing Chinese and Pakistani employees on H1-B visas as cheap labor, while their lobbies insisted that this would protect “American” innovation.

PAUL SPERRY:SMOKING GUN DOCUMENT TIES POLICY TO HOUSING CRISIS President Obama says the Occupy Wall Street protests show a “broad-based frustration” among Americans with the financial sector, which continues to kick against regulatory reforms three years after the financial crisis. “You’re seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on the abusive practices that got […]

IBD: EDUCATION: GETTING NOTHING FOR A WHOLE LOT OF SOMETHING Waste: How can a 375% education spending increase over four decades result in flat-lined reading, math and science scores? Because all that largesse feeds a bureaucratic monster sheltered from competition. According to Neal McCluskey, the associate director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom, the education spending much of the American public believes […]

“From Los Angeles to Chicago to New York the pictures and videos speak for themselves. However, these images represent the few moved to action; arguably more sinister is the undercurrent of conspiratorial whispers which paint a picture of capitalist greed hung on a hook of one people, the Jews.”

John Mann MP outlines his concern with the rise of antisemitism at the Occupy Wall Street protests which has led him to table an Early Day Motion.

As a member of the Treasury Select Committee I have not pulled my punches in questioning representatives of the banking sector.

I have been outspoken in my condemnation of unfettered bonuses and benefits in the city. I can well understand the frustrations of those that are campaigning at St. Paul’s and beyond for a fairer, better-regulated banking sector.

What I cannot understand and will not tolerate is those protest camps playing host to or fostering racism.


By Peter M. Friedman
“You can have your own opinions,
But you can’t have your own facts!”
(Ronald Reagan)

In the past three years there has been the “Big Lie” regarding the relationship between Thomas Jefferson and the Muslims off the coast of North Africa known as the Barbary Pirates. This lie has been perpetrated by no less than the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.
On June 4, 2009, shortly after his inauguration as President, Obama gave a speech in Cairo, Egypt in which he stated,

“Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”
Again, during the White House dinner in August, 2011, Obama said,

“Islam has always been a part of our American family.”
Is Obama lying, pandering to Muslims, or just plain ignorant? It is difficult to believe that a man who was a Muslim, and who studied the Koran for six years as a student in Indonesia, would be that ignorant of Islamic history. So he is either lying or purposefully pandering for Muslim approval, or both.
The truth is very clear. In fact, in October, 1785 Jefferson, who was our ambassador to France, together with John Adams, who was our ambassador to England, were very concerned about American merchant ships being captured by Muslims off North Africa and held for ransom. At the time there were only twelve such ships held by the Muslims, but it was a growing concern.
Jefferson and Adams both signed a letter addressed to the US ambassador in Algiers, Lamb. Since both Jefferson and Adams were completely unfamiliar with Islam and Muslims, never having had any communication or relationship with them, were vitally interested why Muslims thought it was acceptable to capture American vessels peacefully trading in the Mediterranean? (This was in 1785, fully two years prior to our Constitution Convention in September, 1787. America had no standing Navy, and the Marines had not yet been created.)

DAVID HERSCH: SPEAKS TO THE SOUTH AFRICAN PARLIAMENT…. “Israel’s right to peace, security, sovereignty, economic development and maritime freedom, its very right to exist, has been and continues to be forcibly denied and aggressively attacked. This is the true origin of the tensions which torment the Israeli-Palestinian issues. All the other elements of the conflict are the consequences of this single cause. […]

ISRAEL: A TRUE ALLY IN THE MIDDLE EAST By Robert D. Blackwill and Walter B. Slocombe

“In sum, we believe that Israel’s substantial contributions to U.S. interests are an underappreciated aspect of this relationship and deserve equal billing to shared values and historical responsibility as rationales for American support of Israel.”
American leaders have traditionally explained the foundations of the U.S.-Israel relationship by citing shared democratic values and the moral responsibility America bears to protect the small nation-state of the Jewish people. Although accurate and essential, this characterization is incomplete because it fails to capture a third, crucial aspect: the many ways in which Israel advances U.S. national interests.

Today, Israeli contributions to U.S. national interests cover a broad spectrum. Through joint training, exercises and exchanges on military doctrine, the United States has benefited in the areas of counter-terrorism, intelligence and experience in urban warfare. Increasingly, U.S. homeland security and military agencies are turning to Israeli technology to solve some of their most vexing technical and strategic problems.

This support includes advice and expertise on behavioral screening techniques for airport security and acquisition of an Israeli-produced tactical radar system to enhance force protection. Israel has been a world leader in the development of unmanned aerial systems, both for intelligence collection and combat, and it has shared with the U.S. military the technology, the doctrine and its experience regarding these systems. Israel is also a global pacesetter in armored vehicle protection, defense against short-range rockets, and the techniques and procedures of robotics, all of which it has shared with the United States.

JERRY GORDON: WARNING! THE OIC WANT TO SILENCE FREE SPEECH AROUND THE GLOBE Earlier today, we published a review of a new book by Paul Marshall and Nina Shea of the Washington, DC –based Hudson Institute Center for Religious Freedom, Silenced: How Apostasy & Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide.   The title of our review now appears to be prescient: Warning! The OIC Wants to Silence […]


NCJA provides its own “Unity Pledge” (plus translation of ADL/AJC pledge)

10/31/11 The two towering pygmies of American “organized” Jewish “leadership,” the ADL’s Abe Foxman and David Harris of the AJC, issued a call on October 19th, for Jewish organizations and individuals to join them in signing what they called the “National Pledge for Unity on Israel,” the aim of which was, they said, “to rally bipartisan support for Israel while preventing the Jewish State from becoming a wedge issue in the upcoming campaign season.” After receiving little support but lots of withering criticism, the twins pouted about being misunderstood and their message distorted.

We at the National Conference on Jewish Affairs offer for your viewing pleasure what we think is an accurate translation of their pledge, followed by our own pledge, which we think is pretty clear.