HERE COMES THE SUN (AND THERE GOES ANTHROPOGENIC WARMISM): ANDREW BOSTOM Here Comes The Sun (And There Goes Anthropogenic Warmism) As Lawrence Solomon has reported [1], with little fanfare—certainly none from pseudo-scientific [2], apocalyptic, anthropogenic warmists and their uncritical (if witless) media and political champions—Jasper Kirkby [3] et al. have just published a seminal paper in Nature [4] (“Role of sulphuric acid, ammonia and galactic […]

OBAMA: “YES WE CAN” TO “IT TAKES TIME”…DAVE BOYER When he ran for the presidency in 2008, Barack Obama sprinkled his campaign speeches with ambitious catchphrases such as “the fierce urgency of now” and “yes we can.” Nowadays, as he gears up for his re-election campaign, prepares a much-anticipated address on the economy to Congress and confronts some of the worst polling numbers […]

ELI LAKE: PENTAGON FEARS LISTENING POSTS FROM CHINA….SEE NOTE PLEASE THIS GOES WAY BACK TO THE CLINTON WHITE HOUSE WHICH SOLD TECHNOLOGY TO CHINA: SEE THESE STORIES ALL FROM 1998: A Pentagon report has found that a multibillion-dollar Chinese telecommunications company that has been seeking to make major inroads in the U.S. market has close ties to China’s military, despite the company’s denials. […]

ISRAEL’S FLOTILLA INTERCEPTION RULED LAWFUL….BEN BIRNBAUM….SEE NOTE “LAWFULLY BUT EXCESSIVELY? “….RSK Israel acted lawfully but excessively when it intercepted a Turkish vessel seeking to breach the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip last year, according to a long-awaited U.N. report on a skirmish that resulted in the deaths of nine Turkish activists and the collapse of the Israeli-Turkish alliance. A copy […]

OPEN SEASON ON RICK PERRY: GEORGE NEUMAYR The flailing attacks on Rick Perry multiply as he pulls easily ahead of the Republican field. Journalists had rooted for an exciting figure to parachute into the lackluster race but now probably regret that hope. Perry scares them. He is, by their lights, a “terrifying” critic of the New Deal and Great Society, a […]


DO THE PROTESTING IDIOTS EVEN KNOW THAT THE ISRAEL PHILHARMONIC USED TO BE NAMED THE “PALESTINE ORCHESTRA”? Anti-Israel protests disrupt BBC Proms concertA group of about 20 people had gathered outside the hall to protest the appearance of the orchestraProtesters have disrupted the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra’s BBC Proms concert at London’s Royal Albert Hall. […]

ABE FOXMAN SPEAKS AND REMOVES ALL DOUBT THAT HE’S A DHIMMI: JERRY GORDON Adam Taxin of the Philadephia Jewish Culture Examiner has written this latest escapade in media manipulation by Abe Foxman of the ADL published in The Jewish Exponent, a local Federation weekly.  We have posted frequently about Foxman’s excesses when it comes to his bizarre views of what constitues threats in the US. Sharia is […]

THE SPECIAL US-ISRAEL TWO WAY STREET:YORAM ETTINGER Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: US-Israel Initiative” 1.  Four Israeli universities are included among the top 30 computer science universities in the world (US – 20 universities, Canada – 2, UK – 2, Switzerland – 1, Hong Kong – 1), according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), commonly known as the Shanghai ranking, […]

DIANA WEST: BLOOD FOR OIL: PART 2 Via ANSAmed (with thanks to Baron Bodissey): PARIS, SEPTEMBER 1 – France reportedly finalised an agreement with the National Transitional Council (NTC) at the beginning of the conflict in Libya on the basis of which the rebels would sign over 35% of Libyan oil to Paris, according to this morning’s issue of the French […]


Another Tack: Khartoum’s three ‘no’s’- the Ramallah version Our media – forever plying an advocacy agenda and tendentiously promoting hyped humbug – showed no interest in focusing on Ramallah figurehead Mahmoud Abbas’s latest song and dance. Denied resonance, the story expired virtually unnoticed. Most Israeli news-consumers were highly unlikely even to have detected any fleeting resemblance […]