After a couple of poor debate performances and one middling affair, Texas Gov. Rick Perry came on strong during last night’s Republican rhetorical confrontation in Las Vegas. He was fluid, poised, argumentative, better-spoken and he came right at front-runner Gov. Mitt Romney on jobs and immigration. Romney stood his ground, pushed back, talked over […]
It appears that before Egypt passed Gilad Shalit over to the Israelis today, it subjected him to ten minutes of cruel and inhuman treatment of its own. Further details have emerged of the interview with Shalit carried out by Egyptian TV interviewer Shahira Amin. Many have commented on how ill at ease Shalit appeared during that interview. Now it turns out that standing behind Shalit’s chair as he answered the questions was a man in fatigues and wearing a black face mask and the green headband of the Qassam brigades – Hamas’s military wing – and with a video camera in his hand.
As for the interview itself, it was clearly designed as a propaganda exercise for the Arab masses. To ask such exploitative questions of someone who had just been released from five years’ captivity, who was clearly in a fragile state (he said so, and he subsequently fainted in the helicopter on the way to the Israeli air force base) and thus to delay his transfer to the Israelis and the reunion with his family, was itself a kind of torture. But as this report in the Jerusalem Post reveals, some of Amin’s questions amounted in addition to bullying which in the circumstances was as cruel and inhuman as it was, quite simply, totally detached from the reality of Shalit’s hermetically sealed captivity:
‘“During all that time of captivity, you did just one video to tell the world and your family that you’re alive,” she tells the soldier. “Why just once? Why didn’t it happen again?” Rather than letting him answer, however, Schalit’s Hamas minder-cum-interpreter scolds Amin for asking the same question twice (a peculiar accusation, given the footage shows the question hadn’t been asked before).
The Old Soldier Who Didn’t Fade AwayA 59-year-old sergeant in Afghanistan is determined to serve any way he can. His real fear? Retirement
Staff Sgt. Don Nicholas disproves the old refrain: Old soldiers do not, in fact, fade away. They re-enlist.
At 59, Sgt. Nicholas is the oldest of the 6,000 soldiers in the 25th Infantry Division in eastern Afghanistan, the Army says. And he is probably one of the very few Vietnam vets now back for more in Afghanistan. He’s certainly the only one who saw first-hand the ugly end of that war from the roof of the U.S. embassy in Saigon.
“It’s really not a fascination with war itself,” Sgt. Nicholas explains. “It’s more trying to keep people from getting killed. I’m taking the spot of some 19-year-old.”
Climate Depot key excerpt: The Antarctic sea ice extent has been at or near record extent in the past few summers, the Arctic has rebounded in recent years since the low point in 2007, polar bears are thriving, sea level is not showing acceleration and is actually dropping, Cholera and Malaria are failing to follow global warming predictions, Mount Kilimanjaro melt fears are being made a mockery by gains in snow cover, global temperatures have been holding steady for a decade or more, deaths due to extreme weather are radically declining, global tropical cyclone activity is near historic lows, the frequency of major U.S. hurricanes has declined, the oceans are missing their predicted heat content, big tornados have dramatically declined since the 1970s, droughts are not historically unusual nor caused by mankind, there is no evidence we are currently having unusual weather, scandals continue to rock the climate fear movement, the UN IPCC has been exposed as being a hotbed of environmental activists and scientists continue to dissent at a rapid pace. [Note: Climate Depot will soon be publishing an exhaustive and exclusive A-Z report on the scientific reality of the failure of man-made global warming claims. Stay tuned…] Dear Good Liberal People Who Are Unconcerned With Occupy Wall Street’s Naked Anti-Semitism, I am writing to you about a “contagious” and dangerous plague of “hatred” that threatens the survival of the Jews, the Jewish state, and of all civilization. Even if you are not Jewish, even if you do not support Israel, you […] Inasmuch as Amnesty International bans pro-Israel advocates from entering their meetings – the latest to be denied entry, just last night, was Zionist Federation Vice Chair Jonathan Hoffman – it’s easy to see how they could cocoon themselves into producing mindless anti-Israel propaganda. And given that the organization pointedly never called for Gilad Shalit’s […]
Free speech — within limits
An L.A. Unified teacher’s remarks at Occupy Los Angeles crossed a line. Her dismissal was justified.,0,1401586.story
This newspaper ardently supports the right to free speech, even when that speech is controversial, hateful or ignorant. But no right is absolute, and Patricia McAllister, a substitute teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District, crossed a line with her anti-Semitic comment at Occupy Los Angeles.
“The Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and the Federal Reserve … need to be run out of this country,” she said in the taped interview with Reason TVthat then went viral on YouTube. On Tuesday, Supt. John Deasy fired her.
Click here: Where Does Charity Begin?: The Government Perspective – Maggie’s Farm Where Does Charity Begin?: The Government Perspective The saying, “charity begins at home”, gets at many issues at the heart of most learned discussions of the charitable deduction from income tax, but also raises a core issue that is too often missed. […]
Jewish Exponent Watch (Report #3), by Moshe Phillips Shinefield’s gushing, almost-1,000-word article about leftist Jewish outreach at the Occupy Philly (aka Loserpalooza) encampment, “A Touch of Tradition Amid ‘Occupy’ Protests,” was the longest local hard news story in a month in the (Philadelphia) Jewish Exponent. The October 13 article did more to blur the […]
Is The Gilad Shalit Deal Good For Israel? Benjamin Netanyahu Gilad Shalit israel Khaled Meshaal Meir Dagan Morton A. Klein Moshe Ya’alon Terrorists Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier kidnapped in 2006 and held captive in Hamas-controlled Gaza, has been freed. This is a joyous day for him, his family and world Jewry. However, is the […]