GROUND ZERO IMAM RAUF: INTEGRATION BETWEEN ISLAM AND THE WEST DEPENDS ON INCORPORATION OF SHARIA LAW…. Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf: Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S. More smooth deceptions, and some surprisingly revealing pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist statements, from the Islamic supremacist imam behind the Ground Zero Mosque. “Ground Zero imam gives Scotland his […]

SOEREN KERN: MUSLIMS IN BRITIAN DEMAND SHARIA COMPLIANT STUDENT LOANS….ANOTHER DAY ANOTHER DEMAND Muslim students in Britain are protesting government reforms to higher education that would raise tuition and increase interest rates on student loans. Muslims say the changes are discriminatory because Islamic Sharia law prohibits them from paying interest on student loans. They are now demanding that the British government put in place a scheme that […]

THE WORM IN THE APPLE: BLOOMBERG QUIETLY OPENS THE ANTI-ISRAEL MERCY CORPS AT GROUND ZERO: PLEASE SEE NOTE SEE THESE SPEAKERS AND READ THEIR AGENDA…THE STRUTTING LITTLE MINARET WHO BOUGHT HIS THIRD TERM IS REALLY A NASTY PIECE OF WORK…..RSK Bloomberg Quietly Opens Offices of Anti-Israel Landrum Bolling’s Mercy Corps at Ground Zero  Why would Mike Bloomberg, Andrew Cuomo, Julie Menin et al open a Mercy Corps Action Center at Ground Zero? […]

YORAM ETTINGER: DEFIANCE….NOT INHIBITION Israel’s battle against Palestinian terrorism and conventional military threats must not be inhibited by its ties with the USA and Egypt. In 1982, Prime Minister Begin launched a comprehensive war on PLO terrorist headquarters in Lebanon.  In 1981, he ordered the bombing of Iraq’s nuclear reactor.  Both operations were executed irrespective of bullying US […]

DIANA WEST: POST QADDAFI LIBYA….MEET THE “REFORMER” Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the man who twice upheld death sentences in the Bulgarian nurses show trial and is poised to lead post-Qaddafi Libya. But don’t worry: The State Department says he’s a refomer. —While making a correction in my column regarding Libyan “rebel” front man Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the former Qaddafi justice minister who now […]


Page Printed from: As the summer of 2011 draws to a close, an uninterrupted chain of violent events buffets the public’s mind.  Havoc in Great Britain pushed aside mayhem in Norway.  The murder of eight Israelis in a cross-border attack from Egypt was briefly noted — then all eyes turned to Tripoli.   Southern Israel […]


WWW.ZSTREET.ORG FIRST HIS APOLOGY…FOLLOWED BY Z-STREET’S ANSWER…. I have an apology to make for “The awful, necessary truth about Palestinian terror,” which I posted here and on Facebook on Sunday. I didn’t mean to say anything “good” about Palestinian terror against Israelis – I see nothing good in it whatsoever, and I thought I made that clear, […]

HOSNI MUBARAK WHO ENCOURAGED ANTI-SEMITISM AND ATTACKED ISRAEL WHENEVER POSSIBLE: MOSHE DANN…..SEE NOTE PLEASE,7340,L-4113939,00.html ….MOSHE DANN IS RIGHT ON TARGET HERE…..AND HE REALLY NAILS ISRAEL’S PUSILLANIMOUS REPONSES IN THIS PARAGRAPH: Although Israel has no control over what happens in other countries, it does have the right to protect itself. According to international law, respecting the sovereignty and/or integrity of another country or entity becomes invalid when that country […]

ALAN CARUBA ON THE HURRICANE: A WEATHER NEWSGASM What major weather events and especially earthquakes tell us is that we live on planet Earth on its terms, not ours. Put another way, we don’t “control” the weather or climate and, despite decades of global warming lies, compared to the sun and oceans, we don’t even influence it. The best definition of the […]

NURIT GREENGER: A MODERN STORY OF CAIN AND ABEL A Modern Story Of Cain and Abel This article is based on the life story of Felix Zandman, Ph.D., the founder and chief technology officer of Vishay Intertechnology – one of the world’s largest providers of electronic components, In the Hebrew Bible, Cain and Abel were the two sons of Adam and Eve. […]