Where Are the Grownups? JED BABBIN
An SGO roundup, inspired by the weirdness pervading not only our domestic scene but the entire world.
You don’t need a crystal ball to forecast that next year we’ll see the nastiest, most expensive and exhausting presidential campaign ever. We can take the low comedy and the irrationality. We can even understand why the angry liberal narrative labels those conservatives who are supporting Herman Cain racists.
We should welcome the Occupy Wall Streeters’ invention of the Teat Party. They want wealth to be redistributed, from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs. Which has a familiar ring to it and explains why President Obama and Noo Yawk Mayor Mikey Bloomberg are siding with them and against sanitation.
We can handle it all because we love full-contact politics. But what we can’t handle is the sense of weirdness that pervades not only our domestic scene, but seemingly grips the whole world. There’s a lot of really strange SGO out there, stretching from the inner sanctums of Tehran to Shenzhen, China.