Your Handy Dandy EnergyGate Cheat Sheet #solyndra [Updated]
Trying to keep track of all of the government-authorized theft of taxpayer dollars in the name of “green energy”? I know: it’s difficult, given that new disclosures seem to occur daily.
For that reason, I’ve assembled a running cheat sheet to help keep all of the Democrat politicians, the crony capitalists, the conflicts-of-interest, and the outright criminality straight. I know, I know — it’s a difficult job, but someone’s got to do it.
• Harry Reid, according to The New York Times, “was instrumental in securing” DOE financing for “clean energy projects on government-owned land”
• Reid, in particular, helped secure $145 million for a company called “Nevada Geothermal Power”
• Reid has not publicly commented on a recent audit by Deloitte & Touche that expressed doubt that the company would survive
• Reid also hasn’t called for investigations of where the taxpayers’ money went; he’s apparently too busy
Anthony Podesta raised over $350,000 for Democratic campaign committees this year
• Podesta’s lobbying company has received roughly $670,000 in the last two years lobbying on behalf of a “green energy company” called SolarReserve
• Podesta’s lobbying apparently helped get SolarReserve a $737 million DOE loan last week
Ronald Pelosi is the brother-in-law of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
• Pelosi is an executive with Pacific Corporate Group, a private equity group
• Pelosi’s firm invested in SolarReserve
• Pelosi’s firm benefited directly when the DOE approved a $737 million loan last week