By Robin Abcarian,0,204726.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fmostviewed+%28L.A.+Times+-+Most+Viewed+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher Reporting from Atkinson, N.H.— Saturday in New Hampshire, Texas Gov. Rick Perry got a question he wasn’t expecting. Well, it wasn’t the question that was surprising so much as the person who asked it. During a morning meet-and-greet in the banquet room of the Atkinson Resort & Country Club, a public golf […]


Gertrude Stein’s “Missing” Vichy Years If you want to discover the real Gertrude Stein, two art exhibitions now making their way to Washington DC and Paris gloss over some shocking historic evidence. Gertrude Stein was a complex, iconic, artistic figure: an experimental writer, an intellectual salon hostess, a collector and nurturer of modern artists, […]

PA MAPS SHOW A “STATE” THAT SWALLOWS UP ISRAEL….MAAYANA MISKIN While the PA speaks of the indefensible 1967 “borders” at the UN, its maps tell a different story – one in which Israel no longer exists. When addressing the United Nations, Palestinian Authority (PA) representatives speak of the 1967 “borders” – a reference not to borders recognized internationally in 1967, but to their hope […]

FLORIDA: REPUBLICANS FOR OBAMA? MARY KISSEL On present trends Republicans will have a hard time losing the next Presidential election, but they may be up to the job. Witness the current state GOP rush to jump the early primary queue in a way that could start the voting as early as December.That may be what happens thanks to the Florida […]

MARY ANASTASIA O’GRADY: CUBA’S REPRESSION ESCALATES…. The loosening of travel restrictions by the U.S. is read as weakness in Havana. Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson returned home from an attempted hostage-rescue mission to Cuba last month empty-handed and “still scratching [his] head” as to why the Castro regime double-crossed him. What is truly baffling is why Mr. Richardson expected […]

NONIE DARWISH:Advocating Socialism While Denying You Are Socialist During the socialist experiment in Egypt, where I grew up, in every speech the revolutionary dictator, Gamal Abdel Nasser, would fly into a rage against what he called the corrupt rich, large owners of agricultural land and the big companies, robbing the wealth from the poor Egyptian people. Nasser nationalized all the companies and […]

German Multiculturalists Declare War on Critics of Islam: Soeren Kern The German government is debating whether to increase surveillance of German citizens who are trying to prevent the spread of radical Islam in Germany. The move comes in reaction to a three-week-long smear campaign by members of the German mainstream media, who have been relentless in their efforts to discredit the so-called counter-jihad movement […]

PANETTA JOINS HILLARY AND OBAMA IN ANTI ISRAEL AGENDA After Biden And Hillary, Now Panetta Pushes Obama’a Anti-Israel Agenda  Biden has done a 180 on his previous support of clemency for Pollard–to cover Obama’s failure to grant leniency. Hillary has turned around and is now saying her Senate vote recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was actually illegal. And Leon Panetta is […]

BRATS WITHOUT A CAUSE SHUT DOWN BROOKLYN BRIDGE LANE….. NEW YORK (AP) — More than 700 protesters demonstrating against corporate greed, global warming and social inequality, among other grievances, were arrested Saturday after they swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours in a tense confrontation with police. The group Occupy Wall Street has been camped out […]

JEFF DUNETZ: BILL CLINTON NEVER BALANCED A BUDGET AND NEVER RAN A SURPLUS…..SEE NOTE PLEASE HOW COULD HE? HE WAS TOO BUSY ENTERTAINING ARAFAT…THE MOST FREQUENT FOREIGN VISITOR TO THE WHITE HOUSE ….RSK On Friday Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the dedication of a bridge at his Presidential library.  During his address he complained that Republicans try to take too much credit for his welfare reform legislation and […]