Worried about what’s happening to medical care? Part one in a series. Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerkimball/2011/10/01/worried-about-whats-happening-to-medical-care-part-one-in-a-series/ I am out in the Chicago suburbs with some of my New Criterion colleagues to talk about our thirtieth anniversary season [1] and the desirability of assuring that the magazine has the wherewithal to make […]
http://www.ilanberman.com/10432/return-of-the-czar It’s all over but the counting. Russia’s presidential election may still be some six months away, but the outcome of that contest is already crystal clear: a return of Vladimir Putin to the country’s top post. On September 24th, Mr. Putin, who currently serves as Russia’s prime minister, ended months of fevered speculation about […]
http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/10/iran-pastor-facing-execution-as-apostate-from-islam-now-branded-zionist-and-traitor.html HILLARY CLINTON WAS TOO BUSY CALLING HOMES IN ISRAEL’S CAPITAL “SETTLEMENTS: TO ISSUE MORE THAN A MILD WATERED DOWN REBUKE FOR THIS OUTRAGE…..RSK Pressure and bad publicity are mounting for Iran as Yusef Nadarkhani faces execution at any time for refusing four times to recant his conversion to Christianity and return to Islam. And […]
POLIWOOD AND THE RACE CARD: Will Morgan Freeman Answer Ali Akbar? Posted By Roger L Simon URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerlsimon/2011/09/30/poliwood-and-the-race-card-will-morgan-freeman-answer-ali-akbar/ A couple of days ago, Lionel Chetwynd and I shot our latest POLIWOOD: “Herman Cain ‘Teas’ Off After Morgan Freeman Plays the Race Card [1].” One of our favorite actors Morgan Freeman — a […]
John B. Judis of The New Republic Joins the Israel-Bashers Posted By Ron Radosh URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/ronradosh/2011/09/30/john-b-judis-of-the-new-republic-joins-the-israel-bashers/ There was a time when The New Republic could be counted on for one thing: the defense of Israel, holding up the necessity of maintaining the U.S.-Israel alliance, and a comprehension that the only democracy in […]
“This is not the first time such an incident has occurred. Last year, the I-Team revealed that Indiana Marine Josh Birchfield was shot and killed by an Afghan security guard paid by the Pentagon, a guard who was high on opium at the time. …
I checked my ad hoc tally of Afghan “ally” murders and Birchfield’s February 2010 death, reported as killed in action, doesn’t show up.
So with Henigan and Burchfield, RIP. that’s two more to add to the grim toll of COIN madness: At least 39 Westerners killed by Afghan “allies” in the last 22 months.”
http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/98500/sec_id/98500 An Egyptian Jew in Exile: An Interview with Bat Ye’or I first encountered Gisèle Littman, better known as “Bat Ye’or,” through her book, The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians under Islam while browsing through a Judaica section of a Barnes & Noble book store in Westport, Connecticut in 1985. Reading it opened my mind to the historical […]
A version of this column is scheduled for publication on Monday, Oct. 3, 2011, in The Washington Times
Perfidious Americus
Running an empire is not for sissies.
Since 1945, the U.S., holding the aces, had to finesse a role once played by the Europeans with Washington pulling up the Latin American rear. But that tacit alliance maintained worldwide stability for only two decades, in part because pre-digital America could sulk behind two oceans.
After Western Civilization’s second bloody civil war, rules changed: colonialism was abnegated, first “officially” in the 1943 Cairo Declaration. Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Nationalist China ally Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek acknowledged European domination would go following the Allied victory. Of course, Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill, there too, was soon to meet British class voter retribution, and within less than two decades, the last of the Tory Grandees, Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, would wrap up what had been the empire on which the sun never set. So much for Churchill’s vow he had not become the King’s first minister to preside over liquidation of the British imperium.
http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4129277,00.html The limitations of peaceOp-ed: Arab spring showed us that peoples of region hate us, peace treaties are temporary The greatest injustices are caused to us by ourselves. Media outlets that have lost their sanity are blaming us, of all people, for the tectonic changes that erupted recently from the depths of the religion, culture […]
5 reasons Chris Christie can’t win the GOP nomination Many Republicans are practically begging Christie to run for president. But would they feel differently if he actually jumped into the race? http://theweek.com/article/index/219787/5-reasons-chris-christie-cant-win-the-gop-nomination New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie may be eyeing a run for the Republican presidential ticket, but critics say his stance on immigration and […]