ANDREW BOSTOM: BERNARD LEWIS, THE PIED PIPER OF WESTERN CONFUSION ON ISLAM Bernard Lewis: Pied Piper of Islamic Confusion This summer’s  Claremont Review of Books contains a featured review essay by Robert R. Reillyi which discusses Bernard Lewis’s essay collection “Faith and Power,” ii and the nonagenarian historian’s reflections upon the so-called Arab Spring unrest in the Middle East, particularly North Africa.iii As distilled by Reilly, […]

US MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD ACTIVIST ACCUSED OF ACTING AS AGENT OF PAKISTANI INTEL Global media is reporting on the arrest of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood activist Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, accused by the FBI of acting as an agent for the Pakistani intelligence service involved in secret lobbying efforts inside the U.S. According to a Hudson N.Y. report [2]: Relations between U.S. and Pakistan grow more and more tense. […]

A PALARAB STATE: THE DAY AFTER BY MARK SILVERBERG On Thursday, August 4th, Arab League foreign ministers and representatives from Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon and Qatar announced that they would support the plan of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to seek a seat for a Palestinian state at the UN General Assembly (UNGA). So what kind of state exactly would the UNGA […]

CAROLINE GLICK: NORWAY’S JEWISH PROBLEM | In the wake of Anders Breivik’s massacre of his fellow Norwegians, I was amazed at the speed with which the leftist media throughout the US and Europe used his crime as a means of criminalizing their ideological opponents on the Right. Just hours after Breivik’s identity was reported, leftist media outlets and […]

WES PRUDEN: RICK PERRY, RELIGION AND POLITICS Christians are driving atheists nuts. Atheists are trying to spread their belief—or more to the point, their lack of belief—with zeal that Billy Sunday or Billy Graham could have envied: unless Sunday schools are closed, Bibles shredded, hymnbooks torched and children jailed when found kneeling with Mom in bedtime prayer, no one is secure […]

BRET STEPHENS: IS OBAMA SMART? A CASE STUDY IN STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES The aircraft was large, modern and considered among the world’s safest. But that night it was flying straight into a huge thunderstorm. Turbulence was extreme, and airspeed indicators may not have been functioning properly. Worse, the pilots were incompetent. As the plane threatened to stall […]

LONDON: A WAVE OF RIOTING, LOOTING, ARSON AND VIOLENCE SPREADS LONDON (AP) — A wave of violence and looting raged across London and spread to three other major British cities on Tuesday, as authorities struggled to contain the country’s worst unrest since race riots set the capital ablaze in the 1980s. In London, groups of young people rampaged for a third straight night, setting […]

STANLEY KURTZ: OUR DANCE WITH EUROPE…..SEE NOTE PLEASE OH THE BITTER IRONY…READ THIS COMMENT POSTED BY RICHARD L.A.SCAHEFER: “Kurtz highlights the contrast between the U.S. and Western Europe on economic and related ideological matters. Indeed, some note that Europe is trying to turn away from its own position at the time when the U.S. had been inclined to move towards the European […]


Those Colossal, Recklessly Irresponsible $2 Trillion Errors  By Andrew C. McCarthy It’s laugh-out-loud funny to hear the Obama administration’s all out assault on S&P’s math skills. According to the administration, if the downgrade in America’s credit rating is not the fault of the Tea Party (apparently for demanding the very spending cuts the political class’s […]

JOHN BERNARD: THE TALIBAN’S EXPRESSION OF GRATITUDE FOR COIN The Taliban and the “Innocent Civilians” Continue to Express Their Gratitude for COIN in Afghanistan!  Monday morning quarterbacking combat from the operational vantage point continues to be the preferred parlor game for those without prior service or specific experience in combat operations – anywhere, or anytime. There have been many stories and even more […]