THE VERY MODEL OF MODERATE AND SECULAR : MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD WANTS MUBARAK’S HAND AMPUTATED Spokesman of “moderate” and “largely secular” Muslim Brotherhood wants Mubarak’s hand amputated for theft according to Sharia According to the Qur’an itself: “As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise” (5:38). The spokesman […]

PETER OSBORNE: A GRAVE GLOBAL CRISIS AND ALL THE WORLD’S LEADERS ARE OUT OF THEIR DEPTH Certain years have gone down in history as great global turning points, after which nothing was remotely the same: 1914, 1929, 1939, 1989. Now it looks horribly plausible that 2011 will join their number. The very grave financial crisis that has hung over Europe ever since the banking collapse of three years ago has […]

MORE ABOUT THE RAF’S AYATOLLAH: IAN GALLAGHER Ayatollah of the RAF: Academic ‘university’ head is Muslim convert who claims Nazi gas chambers were British propaganda and criticises Libya air strikes The head of studies at the Royal Air Force pilot training college is a convert to Islam who has criticised Nato air strikes on Libya in a Muslim magazine. Dr Joel […]

MILITARY INSANITY IN THE UK: THE RAF’S AYATOLLAH  Military Islamo-Insanity in Britain: The RAF Ayatollah An apparently rare breed of British military officer with the appropriate patriotic moral clarity and courage has leaked alarming (if seemingly “hiding in plain sight”) information to The Daily Mail [2] about the exploits of a convert to Islam, Dr Joel Hayward, dean of the college at […]

THE TALIBAN….”PUTTING CHILDREN FIRST” AS VICTIMS… JULY 25, 2011 An 8 year-old boy was hanged by suspected members of the Taliban in Afghanistan’s Helmand province, after the boy’s father – a police commander, refused to comply with militants’ demands. The boy was kidnapped on Friday in the Greshk district, the Daily Mail reported. Provincial governor spokesman Daud Ahmadi said the […]

Egyptian cleric Shaykh Muhammad Hassan: In translation “apostates must be killed” Egyptian Shaykh Muhammad Hassan, who is one of the most popular and well-known Islamic clerics in Egypt and even throughout the Islamic world (there is even a campaign in Egypt to try to get him to run for president), emphasizes in this video that apostates from Islam must be killed. He argues, interestingly, that […]

12 REASONS FOR THE US TO PULL OUT OF THE UNITED NATIONS 1.The UN’s basic philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian. Our Declaration of Independence proclaims the “self-evident” truth that “men … are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” But, in its Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the UN ignores God’s existence, implies that it grants rights, and then repeatedly claims power “as […]

ELAD BENARI: SHARIA LAWS ANFORCED IN UK SHARIA NEIGHBORHOODS Islamists Set Up ‘Sharia Neighborhoods’ in London Islamic hate preacher bombards neighborhoods in London with signs stating that they have become a ‘a Sharia-controlled zone.’ Islamists in Britain have set up zones where the Muslim Sharia law would be enforced, local media reported last week. The Daily Mail reported that some communities have been […]

MAAYAN MISKIN: GRANDSON OF JABOTINSKY SPEAKS ON MODERN ISRAEL THIS IS WHAT HE SAID IN A PREVIOUS INTERVIEW IN 2008 Two states? 30,000 dead In a past interview in Yediot Acharonot, Jabotinsky blamed Oslo Accord architects Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin for making the security situation “500 times worse” and turning the Arab insurrection “from a struggle with rocks to war with […]


Obama: time for an apology Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article:   What should the President do Monday? I think Amilya Antonetti, Chairman & CEO of AMA Productions has it right. In a not-to-be-missed interview [1] with Neil Cavuto (h/t Instapundit [2]), she boiled it down to one word: “Apologize.” He should say […]