End of the Republic With the FBI raid on Trump’s home, America has fallen into the abyss. Robert Spencer


When the FBI raided Donald Trump’s home on Monday, a key aspect of what made the United States of America great and free has been lost, and likely cannot be recovered. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson detested one another for years before their eventual reconciliation, but neither one used the agencies of the U.S. government to hound, persecute or discredit the other. Other bitter political opponents throughout the history of the republic have never before used the government’s own mechanisms of justice to do injustice to their foes. Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and their henchmen have brought America to a new phase of its history, and it is not likely to be one that is marked by respect for the rule of law or defense of the rights of individual citizens. Instead, we are entering an ugly age of authoritarianism, in which the brute force of the state is used to bend the people to the will of the tyrant.

Trump announced on Monday, “These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents. Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate.”

The 45th president is not given to understatement, but the FBI raid on his home is much more than just unnecessary and inappropriate. It is criminal.

The MSM Suddenly Decides Elections Can Be Stolen… But Only by Republicans By Matt Margolis


The mainstream media gladly colluded with Democrats to insist that the 2020 election was the safest, fairest, and most secure election in the history of the world, the universe, and all dimensions in the multiverse. If you dare suggest that Biden stole the 2020 election, you are immediately declared a fringe conspiracy theorist and banned on social media.

But it looks like the media is starting to change its tune on the theory that our elections are secure and can’t be stolen. There’s just a tiny caveat: only Republicans can steal elections.

Bloomberg sought to find out which states are “most vulnerable to political election interference” and “what it means for elections this fall and in 2024, when the White House will once again be at stake.” I’ll save you all the details because the criteria were ridiculously biased. But, according to the exposé, reporters Ryan Teague Beckwith and Bill Allison looked at all the states, scrutinized election laws, consulted with experts, and while they claim the 2022 vote “should be fine” because election integrity laws in various states have stalled, Beckwith and Allison nevertheless insist that the 2024 vote could potentially be “stolen” should Trump loyalists win gubernatorial elections Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and Wisconsin, and possibly Pennsylvania.

Why? Because these Trump loyalists questioned the results of the 2020 election and would probably steal the election for Trump in 2024.

As I’ve previously pointed out, despite the left’s insistence that the 2020 election was so secure and fair, many election irregularities have been discovered.

The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends By: Joy Pullmann


A two-tier justice system is not a justice system. It is a totalitarian system. Its purpose is not justice but population control.

On Thursday, Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder decided it was the time to bring the subtext of the Jan. 6 show trials and related domestic security state activities into the open.

“My guess is that by the end of this process, you’re going to see indictments involving high-level people in the White House, you’re going to see indictments against people outside the White House who were advising them with regard to the attempt to steal the election, and I think ultimately you’re probably going to see the president, former president of the United States indicted as well,” Holder told SiriusXM host Joe Madison.

Holder noted that the U.S. Department of Justice he formerly headed is working with the illegally constituted Jan. 6 Commission towards this goal. We know these entities are also working with the FBI, whose head bit his thumb at congressional oversight repeatedly in a public hearing last week.

Locking Up Opposition Politicians Is What Putin Does

Mark Tapson :Inside the Horror of Islamic Sex Slavery – and the Real War on Women Bringing attention to the forgotten victims.


Last week marked the seventh annual commemoration of the Yazidi genocide, though you wouldn’t know it from watching establishment media. Nor would you know that there is an ongoing genocide of Christians taking place in Nigeria, nor that throughout the Islamic world countless women and girls are enduring kidnapping, forced marriages, forced conversions of Christians to Islam, genocidal rape, and/or widespread sex trafficking even in countries that are supposedly our allies in the War on Terror.

To keep abreast of these crises, one needs to seek out the work of such concerned journalists as the Freedom Center’s own Raymond Ibrahim or Dutch journalist Sonja Dahlmans, who work desperately to bring international attention to the plight of the victims of an actual war on women.

I recently interviewed Ms. Dahlmans about these issues. She currently writes (in Dutch only) for the conservative political news site PAL NWS, and is studying Islam at the Melbourne School of Theology, where she will be starting her thesis.

For those readers who would like to help make a change – and to participate in the effort to protecting and liberating the victims of Islamic Jihad, sex slavery and rape, please contact Sonja on her Twitter at: @SonjaDahlmans.

Mark Tapson: Sonja, please tell us what the focus of your journalistic work has been in recent years, and why you’re passionate about it.

Sonja Dahlmans: I focus mainly on Christian persecution, but I have also written about persecution of the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria and of Hindu girls in Pakistan. Women and girls from these groups are often targeted in Islamic countries or regions. The abduction, rape, forced marriage and forced conversion (to Islam) of non-Muslim women and girls is a widespread problem. This is the subject I write about the most, because I am afraid it is still underestimated, although lately there has been more attention to it. Unfortunately not often in the mainstream media, the subject is almost only discussed on Christian (or other religious minority) pages or reports.

The Scandal of the Secret Service’s Deleted Texts Why the subterfuge? What might those texts reveal? By Julie Kelly


Before and during Donald Trump’s time in the White House, powerful federal agencies aligned to sabotage his candidacy and then his presidency. Once-trusted entities such as the FBI, the intelligence community, and even parts of the U.S. military have burned their credibility by abandoning their missions to instead try to end Trump’s political career.

Does this include the Secret Service?

Unfortunately, the scandal over deleted texts related to January 6 demands the question. 

Last month, the inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security, the agency that houses the Secret Service, officially informed Congress that text messages the office sought as part of its investigation into the Capitol protest were gone. 

“The Department notified us that many U.S. Secret Service (USS) text messages, from January 5 and 6, 2021, were erased as part of a device-replacement program,” Dr. Joseph Cuffari wrote on July 13. “The USS erased those text messages after OIG requested records of electronic communications from the USS, as part of our evaluation of events at the Capitol on January 6,” an investigation Cuffari launched in February 2021.

Cuffari, a Trump appointee, addressed his letter to the Senate and House Homeland Security committees; the chair of the House Homeland Security committee is Representative Bennie Thomspon (D-Miss.) who also heads the January 6 select committee. On January 16, 2021, Congressional Democrats instructed DHS and other key federal agencies to retain all records involving the events of January 6.

Eleven days later, texts on cell phones used by multiple Secret Service officials and agents on duty on January 6 were erased.

A weaponized FBI raids Mar-a-Lago in search of a crime By Olivia Murray


Joseph Stalin’s reputation as a ruthless despot rests on many factors, but particularly upon his persecution of political opponents. Under Stalin, the gulags swelled in size, and continued to do so until his death in 1953. Lavrentiy Beria, Stalin’s most notorious secret police commander of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), boasted about his weaponized law enforcement agency, and his ability to “prove” guilt, even in the absence of a crime. His words were, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” First, Beria would identify a target (“the man”) before he concocted charges based upon falsified evidence—the victims were guilty until proven innocent. Justice was jettisoned in favor of kangaroo courts.

In contrast, the American federal government established with the ratification of the Constitution, rooted our justice system upon Judeo-Christian ethics and morality. In fact, five of the ten amendments which comprise the Bill of Rights explicitly address governmental limitations in an effort to secure justice; but now, we moved past the tipping into the wasteland of no return.

The rule of law is no more—the Department of Justice is now the NKVD, and Merrick Garland is Beria. Yesterday, FBI stormtroopers kicked in the doors of President Donald J. Trump’s private residence, executing a search warrant.

The complete Sovietization of the Democrat party By Patricia McCarthy


“Under Biden, the criminalization of political opponents has become the order of the day.  We are officially a third-world banana republic without any legitimate leadership.”

With the wholly illegal and unconstitutional FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago on Monday, in search of documents the FBI has long had access to, there can no longer be any doubt about the full communization of the American left.

The thorough weaponization and politicization of each of our law enforcement institutions is now undeniable.  The left has crossed Caesar’s Rubicon.

The Democrats are so determined to destroy Trump that they are willing to reveal their true colors: they are all Stalinist communists now.

They’ve just rammed through a nearly $800-billion bill that will obviously exacerbate inflation and will transform the IRS into a Gestapo-like agency, armed and dangerous to all Americans but the very wealthy.

Small businesses that survived the lockdowns will now be stamped out by the higher taxes, audits, and regulations within this destructive bill.

The billions of green agenda requirements in the bill will force us all into energy deficits that will further devastate our already ruined economy and our quality of life.

That is their goal, their endgame. “The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws,” as Tacitus once said.

The globalists have captured every Democrat in Congress, every single one of them.  Chances are that each and every one of them has been bought…by China.  There is not one of them who has put or will put the American people before their own personal power and wealth. 

Every Democrat voted against prohibiting China from buying U.S. farmland.  Every Democrat voted against a ban on selling our gasoline reserves to China; Biden has slashed our strategic reserves.  Every Democrat voted against a bill stating that pregnancy is unique to biological females.  Every Democrat is on board the for the sexualization of very young children, the authorization of pornography in elementary school libraries, and the pharmaceutical and surgical intervention of “gender transition” even for children under twelve.  Democrat-run states seek to mandate gender-identity education for young children.  Biden has made his support of gender “transition” abundantly clear.  They all support unrestricted abortion up to and just after birth; they are in favor of infanticide.

Palestinians: It Pays Better to Be America’s Adversary, Not Its Friend by Bassam Tawil


The statement in support of China is yet another example of the Palestinians’ betting on the wrong horse. Always on the side of the despotic regimes and countries, Palestinians appear to have learned nothing from their mistakes.

While Israel consistently stands by its US partners, Palestinians continue to ridicule and condemn the US, undermine its interests by aligning themselves with anti-US parties, and financing the families of Palestinians who murder Israeli and US citizens.

Palestinians expect US financial aid, but oppose the US on every foreign policy front. The Biden administration does not seem to have a problem funding the Iranian regime, the Chinese Communist Party, the illegitimate Venezuelan government or the Palestinian leadership while Palestinians are spitting in the face of the US and openly supporting all those who hate the US and the Americans. It sometimes seems as if the harder America’s adversaries spit, the harder the Americans rush to fund them.

Palestinians, who have sided against America with Nazi Germany, the Russians, Saddam Hussein, North Korea, Syria’s Assad, Iran, Hezbollah, and now China, are again exposing their anti-US sentiments. They will happily pad their bank accounts with American money, while continuing to act against the US and its policies in different parts of the world.

Many Arab countries have learned the lesson of Palestinian betrayal: that is why they long ago stopped funding the Palestinians. The Arab leaders refuse to throw their money at those who praise their enemies.

The US has actually been teaching those who wish to create a Palestinian state that being best buddies with America’s worst enemies is where the biggest profits lie.

Palestinian leaders have a tradition of backing tyrants and corrupt regimes around the world. When their choices prove disastrous, they run to the Americans begging for pity.

The Palestinian leaders do not run to their Arab brothers: they know that most Arab countries are sick and tired of Palestinian lies and backstabbing.

Here Come The IRS Shock Troops


The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act,” approved Sunday by the Senate, is primarily known as a climate and health care bill. It also includes $80 billion for the IRS, more than six times its current annual budget, increasing the agency’s enforcement funding by 69% through fiscal 2031, and adding as many as 87,000 new employees to its overall workforce.

This is not what the country needs

Our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity pointed out last week that the Democrats are prioritizing IRS enforcement and bureaucracy over securing the leaky border and addressing the shortage of military recruits.

So while the Democrats will spend “$80 billion to double the number of IRS agents and auditors, the Army is falling far short of its recruitment goals for our national security. Meanwhile, the Border Patrol is running short of agents in Arizona and Texas.” In fact, after a generous injection of other people’s money, the IRS will “employ more bureaucrats than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.”

Fighting in the Gaza Strip Is a Sign of Israeli Failure The Jewish state should destroy Palestinian arsenals before terrorists use them. By Amir Avivi


Another round of fighting in Gaza has ended with a brokered cease-fire after a limited yet deadly exchange of fire between a terror organization and the Israel Defense Forces. The fighting lasted three days, more than 1,000 rockets were fired at Israel—including toward Tel Aviv and Jerusalem—and millions of Israelis found cover and relative safety thanks to the phenomenal Iron Dome, which intercepted more than 96% of the lethal rockets aimed at Israeli civilians.

At least 20 operatives of Palestinian Islamic Jihad were killed in action by the IDF, and scores more were wounded. Most important, almost the entire chain of command of the Islamic Jihad was eliminated in separate pinpoint strikes, leaving that organization with significant staffing shortages for the foreseeable future. Sadly, several Gazan civilians were also killed, either inadvertently by the IDF or by malfunctioning Palestinian rockets fired by terrorists.

None of the above should be surprising or sound new to anyone who has been following Middle Eastern news for the past 15 years. Other rounds, like Operation Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, lasted longer, caused more casualties and destruction in Israel and in Gaza, and ended in similar fashion.