The Need for Real Leadership: The Cost of Not Supporting Ukraine by Pete Hoekstra

The difficult reality is that we may never know what would push Putin to make the decision to go nuclear…. The U.S. objective should be to deter him: make the potential cost to him so high that it would be suicidal for him even to try.

The clearest and most welcome statement was made by Biden himself in March: he stated, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Biden is old enough to remember that “what happens in Sudetenland does not stay in Sudetenland.” If Putin is allowed to occupy Ukraine, Russia — and undoubtedly all the other aggressor nations waiting in the wings — China, Iran, Turkey, North Korea — will be emboldened to begin a free-for-all of invading their countries of choice. Putin could further move to take over Moldova, Poland and the Baltic states, for a start; Turkey could move on Greece and southern Cyprus, and China would most certainly move on the world’s computer-chip center, Taiwan.

Biden…. on day one, effectively closed down America’s ability to produce and export oil, thereby instantly creating an acute shortage of energy worldwide. Putin could not have dreamed of a bigger gift. Immediately, the price of oil tripled, from roughly $40 to $112. Russia was making a billion dollars a day, or $360 billion a year. Biden, with a stroke of his pen, had just financed Russia’s entire war on Ukraine even before granting Putin the use of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to Europe, thereby guaranteeing Russia the ability to hold Europe hostage come winter.

The problem with this response [wishing to isolate America to avoid restoring Ukraine’s integrity] is that it is exactly the same view that, in 1938, led British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain to wave around a piece of paper and inaccurately claim “peace for our time” with Hitler. Chamberlain evidently saw that his British voters did not want war, so he tried to give them what they wanted. That is not great leadership; that is great followership.

People in thriving democracies usually do not want war — ever. They can see that they are enjoying magical, free lives — and wish to keep them. We all would like peace handed to us on a platter. Unfortunately, that is not always the available choice, particularly looking a few moves ahead. How much less costly it would have been in blood and treasure to have stopped Hitler before he crossed the Rhine. Surrender always remains an option — but usually not a happy one.

The U.S. and EU must put in place compelling plans to address the threat of slowing economies (growth); high inflation (stop government spending); rising energy prices (re-open the oil spigots), and potential shortages… at the same time as educating the public about the even worse consequences of not supporting Ukraine.

The idea is to make Putin afraid, not Americans.

Leaders of both U.S. political parties need clearly to articulate the American strategic interest in Ukraine, where a Western defeat could mean the beginning of the end of Europe, and let Putin know in no uncertain terms what the U.S. responses to any unpleasant escalation might be. The same can be done in European capitals and NATO countries, as well.

Leaders of both parties also need to lay out how they will address the current internal economic crises, their continuing support for Ukraine, defeating Putin and deterring further aggression by Russia, China, Turkey, North Korea and Iran. Short of delivering on these questions, they are doing no less than seriously jeopardizing the long-term national security of the U.S. and the West.

U.S. President Joe Biden is known for making confusing and sometimes wild pronouncements that his administration is known for frequently walking back. This might have been the case when he randomly decided to tell an audience of well-heeled Democrats at a fundraiser that Russian President Vladimir Putin is “not joking” about using nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon,” he added, “since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.”

Iran: Freedom-Lovers Win a Round by Amir Taheri

The various parts if the repressive machine didn’t know what do. In the city of Sari, for example, they arrested 786 people in one day before they realized they had nowhere to keep them.

Unlike supporters of the regime mostly of older generations, who gain self-esteem from bestowed but easily withdrawable privilege, the mostly young activists of horizontal society, regard themselves as being “somebody” even if only because they have the mandatory 5,000 followers on the Facebook. They want to be subjects in their own life-story, not objects in someone else’s dystopian dream.

The Khomeinist system was exposed as a colossus with a foot of clay.

As the uprising in Iran enters its fourth week, speculation about its future is rife.

Participants insist that they are on the path to victory, achieving regime change. They cite a number of reasons.

To start with, this is the first time that a national uprising isn’t about any particular grievance that could be rectified by the regime; what is at stake is total rejection of a system.

Next, there is the fact that the regime has been unable to regain control of the public space with the speed and efficiency it did on other occasions since 1979.

Adversaries of the uprising, regime apologists or those concerned about socio-political disintegration, believe that though the massive rejection of the regime by so many Iranians, if not the majority, is bound to cause permanent damage to it, straight regime change is not yet in the cards.


This one is a great example:

Mike Lindell, the My Pillow boss distributed huge quantities of bedding to many families affected by Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers. Now, Lindell is openly a supporter of Donald Trump and a political Conservative and religious Christian.

 This was the headline on AOL’s Welcome page:

“My Pillow Boss Promotes Products Outside Wrecked Florida Home “

We’re in the Climate Army Now This is not the first time the Democrats have raised the specter of Armageddon to shamelessly try to pass off their failed policies. By Thaddeus G. McCotter

During the Global War on Terror, when the United States was engaged battling terrorists and insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Left routinely lied to young voters that President George W. Bush in particular, and Republicans in general, were going to reinstitute the draft and send them to these active military theaters. The Left’s message was less than subtle: vote for Democrats or else the GOP will make sure you’re drafted and/or dead.

I was reminded of this in the heat of the 2020 election, when one of the Democrats’ smears was that an unstable President Trump was going to involve us in a war—likely a nuclear one. As during the Bush Administration, the scurrilous charge targeted young voters. What was different was that Trump was far less interventionist, and utilized American military power with significantly less frequency than did his predecessors. If one understands the Left’s tactics, Trump’s disinclination to use military power was not only insufficient to stop their “he’ll get us in a war” lie; it was, in fact, their reason for spreading it. (To those who contest this assessment of the Left’s tactics, does “Russiagate” ring a bell?)

Heading into the 2022 midterm elections, the Democrats and their media cohorts are now using the prospect of nuclear war to try and prop up Joe Biden’s sagging poll numbers, which threaten to drag his party’s federal and state candidates down to defeat. To wit, Biden opined to a gaggle of fat cat Democrats:

[For the] first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, we have a direct threat of the use [of a] nuclear weapon if, in fact, things continue down the path they are going. We’ve got a guy [Putin] I know fairly well. He’s not joking when he talks about potential use of tactical nuclear weapons or biological or chemical weapons because his military is, you might say, significantly underperforming.

Yes, if the Democrats’ stoking of “civil war” rhetoric isn’t enough to get their voters to the polls for the 2022 midterm elections, why not toss in the prospect of nuclear annihilation—along a path they and their minions have helped cement—even as they taunt the enemy to try to look like a tough guy? 

What could possibly go wrong?

Archives’ Politicization Portends Another Russiagate This is a replay of Russiagate and a reprise of the media’s complicity in a coverup proceeding apace, driven by sensational irrelevancies. By John D. O’Connor

If the Russiagate fiasco proved anything, it is that slimy but clever beats straight but blundering, at least in the political short term. Unfortunately, the oleaginous tactics of the Biden Administration regarding former President Donald Trump’s statutorily protected presidential papers, combined with its politicization of what should be a neutral, nonpartisan National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), follows the temporarily successful Russiagate playbook. And as in the “Russia collusion” hoax, the media feeds the frenzy of its credulous naïf audience, using the shiny object of a few straggling classified documents out of millions, importance unknown.

More significantly, the media is concealing from the public the clear provisions of the Presidential Records Act (PRA), which, if read with critical intelligence, reveals the sickening politicization of the Archives which, like the FBI, is tasked to be neutral and nonpartisan. 

For two hundred years, until Richard Nixon sought to destroy unflattering White House tapes, former presidents owned their presidential papers, classified and unclassified, after leaving office, willing them to their heirs or putting them in trust.

The 1978 PRA attempted to keep the status quo, with the exception that the government now owned the documents, with the Archives serving as a faithful librarian.

A former president has unfettered access to his documents for up to 12 years, while the sitting president and Congress have no access, unless the incumbent can show, per section 2205 (B) (2), that “such records contain information that is needed for the conduct of current business of the incumbent President’s office and that is not otherwise available.” 

But whether or not the incumbent president can see these documents, the former president is assured by the PRA of access to all his papers: “The presidential records of a former President shall be available to such former President or the former President’s designated representatives.”

Those two simple statements are at the heart of the case that the Archives has been politicized and that the Biden Administration has weaponized this politicization. Both have acted shamefully, but our vaunted “investigative” media, of course, has not noticed. Don’t we have swarms of wannabe Woodwards and Bernsteins? 

It is the duty of the Archives not to provide such access unless the requisite showing has been made. Because this exception requires a showing that the sitting president cannot get the information elsewhere and that it is needed for the current (i.e., already existing) business of the incumbent’s office, this should pose a high burden.

Foaming at the mouth, the media tries to run cover for J6 charade By David Zukerman

It should come as no surprise that The Wall Street Journal, in an October 14 editorial, gave credence to the rogue, irresponsible, illegitimate, and unconstitutional “Jan. 6” House Select Committee comprised of nine Trump-despisers, two of which are rabidly anti-Trump Republicans, soon to leave Congress after monumental defeats at the August ballot box. The title read, “What the Jan. 6 Hearings Accomplished”. The Journal, by that title, showed its Trump-loathing hand for what it was: it was no inquiry, it was an inquisition.

The Journal’s anti-Trump editorial also gave credence to the unconstitutional subpoena for the former (and future?) President Donald J. Trump.

Noting the 9-0 vote in favor of the Trump subpoena, the Journal said: “If he wants to avoid the hot seat, Mr. Trump only needs to find a way to resist the subpoena….”

Immediately following that, the next paragraph began:

Rep. Liz Cheney justified an extraordinary subpoena to a former President by saying that ‘more than 30 witnesses in our investigation have invoked their Fifth Amendment right to self-incrimination.’

Let’s stop there for a personal, relevant note. Chalk it up to my age and lifelong interest in politics, but as soon as I learned of the Trump subpoena, I recalled a political event that occurred in November 1953, when I was 13-and-a-half years old. I remembered that former President Truman (a Democrat) had been served with a subpoena by House Republicans (then in the majority) and rejected the subpoena as violating the Constitution’s separation of powers principle. Having that memory, I then went to the internet for confirmation. The fruit of that search appears here.

Paul A. Gigot, editor of the Journal’s editorial page where this article appeared, could not have had a memory of Mr. Truman’s rejection of the House subpoena as he was not born until 1955, a year-and-a-half after the Truman subpoena. But a separation of powers problem should have  occurred to Mr. Gigot — or did his apparent loathing for Mr. Trump blind him to major constitutional details? How else can one explain the editorial’s claim that “Rep. Liz Cheney justified an extraordinary subpoena to a former President….”?

Briefly stated, there can be no justification of a subpoena “to a former President” — unless the server has no respect for the separation of powers principle — much less this observation in Federalist Paper no. 47 attributed to James Madison:

The Pentagon’s Recruiting Woes Fewer young people want or are able to serve, a big problem for U.S. security.

The U.S. Army recently told the press that it missed its fiscal year recruiting goal by 25%, coming up short nearly 20,000 soldiers. For 50 years America has relied on volunteers to defend the country, but that system is a luxury maintained at a cost, and its struggles deserve attention.

The Army’s troubles are acute but not unique. The Air Force barely hit its numbers for 2022. The Navy met its targets for enlisted sailors but came up short about 200 officers. Both the Navy and Air Force had to dip into “delayed entry” pools of recruits usually kept in a holding pattern for later, which means the services will start a new recruiting year in an even tougher position. The numbers are worse in the reserves.

Several factors are contributing to the shortfall. Fewer than one-quarter of Americans ages 17 to 24 are eligible to serve, and the reasons for disqualification include obesity, addiction and criminal history. The decision to close high schools during the pandemic kept recruiters at bay and left many teens mentally unwell, another disqualification.

Record job openings and Covid transfer payments hurt enlistment, but the problems run deeper. Fewer than one in 10 youth are inclined to serve, according to survey data. Dismal civic education hasn’t helped; teenagers taught to think America is a racist or imperialist country won’t wear the uniform.

Special Counsel John Durham and the Press’s Battle With Truth To the media, ignorance is bliss when it comes to the true 2016 election story. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.

Members of the press are rooting for the failure of the latest John Durham prosecution, because they think it absolves them of their roles in the collusion hoax.

Nor are the feelings of special counsel Durham hard to guess. They are likely identical to those of a previous exposer of FBI misfeasance, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who could not have failed to be surprised and a little appalled at the media’s indifference to the truths he and his team labored to reveal at taxpayer expense.

It was Mr. Durham himself, in his initial and expansive indictment of Democratic lawyer Michael Sussmann, who dwelled and dwelled on every reason for believing the FBI had not been fooled by the lie Mr. Durham charged the lawyer with telling in the collusion hoax.

The message is even clearer in this week’s prosecution of Steele dossier principal “researcher” Igor Danchenko, who has also pleaded not guilty to lying to the FBI. The world now knows, thanks to Mr. Durham, that the FBI put Mr. Danchenko on its payroll for 3½ years and kept him there as late as October 2020, long after it knew the dossier was a package of lies. One effect of this arrangement was to discourage the analyst-about-town Mr. Danchenko from telling the press or other investigators the truth about the dossier’s fraudulence while the FBI was still suggesting to the public and courts it was “credible.”

As a news story, alas, all this runs into the blinkeredness, not to mention giant helpings of personal cowardice, of many reporters covering it.

Telling is a Washington Post scene-setter on the Danchenko trial that began by misrepresenting the three-year-old words of the Justice Department’s Mr. Horowitz, who said he found no “documentary or testimonial evidence” of improper motivation in the Clinton email and Trump collusion investigations.

Biden Administration’s Dithering Inviting Worldwide Aggression: Russia, China, Iran by Guy Millière

The West is not threatening Russia. Putin is threatening the West.

Putin might desperately try to reverse the situation, whatever the cost… Ukraine and its heroism have shocked the world. Ukraine’s army can win, but it will require the unwavering support of the West.

The men Putin recently began sending to the front may be reservists, but most have not held a weapon for a very long time and have no will to fight. Some who managed to send messages on Telegram channels say they know they are destined to be cannon fodder.

Putin has almost no allies and could lose what limited support he has. Chinese President Xi Jinping has in common with Putin a clear hostility to the West, but has reportedly not supplied Russia with weapons.

During a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in Samarkand, Uzbekistan last month, Xi reportedly told Putin that it was necessary to “instill stability and positive energy into a world in turmoil”. Whatever that meant, it was not a message of support for the war.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on September 20 that “Russia should return the occupied lands to Ukraine” — not exactly the direction in which Putin would like to be going.

The Chinese Communist Party, which openly says it wants to dominate the world, apparently does not want a larger war just now. On September 24, Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, was even more explicit…

The United States has, once again, like it or not, emerged as the only power capable of defeating an aggressive enemy of democracy; when it does, the status of the US and NATO are strengthened. It is, however, impossible to forget that America’s debacle in Afghanistan, the Biden administration’s frenzy to sign a lethal nuclear deal with Iran under almost any conditions, and the extreme weakness of Biden’s White House before Putin invaded Ukraine. These failures no doubt played into Putin’s decision to invade.

The Biden administration’s failure to arm Ukraine before the invasion and his comments that a “minor incursion” might be acceptable were catastrophic. The same failure to provide sufficient deterrence to Taiwan is unquestionably inviting Communist Chinese aggression.

The weakness of the Biden administration has created aggression everywhere — Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, North Korea; assaults on the dollar as the World’s reserve currency — even domestically.

Will the Biden administration ever learn from its mistakes? Or is its ultimate, unspoken goal actually to hand over the United States quietly to Russia, China and Iran?

September 21. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a pre-recorded speech on Russian television, announces that Russia is being attacked by the Ukrainian government and the West. He defines Ukrainian territories occupied by the Russian army as “liberated zones”. He speaks of the referendums he staged in the regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhya and Kherson to try illegally to attach them to Russia. He says that he has decided on a “partial mobilization” to defend the Russian fatherland; adds that the West threatens Russia, and that any aggression against Russian territory will lead to a response by “all weapon systems available to us”.

Biden Administration Repeating Obama’s Mistake: Is Biden Being a “Russian Stooge”? by Majid Rafizadeh

While the majority of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Parliament chants ‘Death to America’ & supports the Khamenei loyal police for their barbaric actions the leader of the free world (Joe Biden) is silent. Why?” — Iranian Americans for Liberty, Twitter, October 2, 2022.

Nika Shakarami, a 17-year-old girl, was one of the many women who was arrested for burning her hijab. According to the forensic doctor, she was repeatedly raped, beaten and her dead body was delivered to her family with smashed nose and broken skull.

In August 2015, Obama delivered another speech justifying his [Iran] deal, also immediately exposed as a lie: “After two years of negotiations, we have achieved a detailed arrangement that permanently prohibits Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It cuts off all of Iran’s pathways to a bomb. It contains the most comprehensive inspection and verification regime ever negotiated to monitor a nuclear program.”

However, as the “sunset clauses” quickly revealed, there was nothing “permanent” about it. Iran was to have all the nuclear weapons it wanted in a few short years, along with ballistic missiles to deliver them.

Obama’s billions which were reported as part of a plan to turn Iran in to a “friend,” did the opposite. Iran took the billions, enriched even more uranium, hid what it was doing even further from inspectors, took over Lebanon, and began a war in Yemen.

So far, sadly, instead of standing with the people of Iran heroically confronting a regime that chants “Death to America”, Biden tsk-tsks, says he is “gravely concerned,” but effectively says nothing. He still wants a deal with the mullahs that will quickly bring Iran to nuclear weapons capability, reward Iran’s aggression with a trillion dollars, enable it to oppress women and kill more of its innocent citizens, and empower it to help Russia with even more military equipment to crush Ukraine.

Is Biden — whose family received $3.5 million from the widow of the mayor of Moscow; who, on day one, effectively crippled US oil and gas exploration and exports, thereby, as the price of oil and natural gas suddenly shot up, funding Putin’s war on Ukraine, and who gave Putin the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline to blackmail Europe in winter — once again just being a “Russian stooge”?

While the Iranian regime is arresting, wounding, torturing and killing protesters, all the Biden administration appears to be concerned with is trying to revive a nuclear deal that will soon give Iran unlimited nuclear weapons capability; lift sanctions against the expansionist regime of Iran thereby pumping billions of dollars into its treasury for further adventurism; build nuclear weapons; provide Russia with still more deadly military equipment; and empower the mullahs even further to oppress and murder their innocent, fed-up civilian population for the “crime” of women showing too much hair. Their mothers must be very proud of them.