Palestinians Promote Genocide; NYTimes Silent Posted By Kenneth Levin URL to article: If Palestinian leaders indoctrinate their people to pursue genocide and the New York Times doesn’t report it, is the indoctrination nevertheless of consequence? In a recent poll of Palestinian opinion – conducted by Stanley Greenberg, leading pollster for the Democratic party, […] The Big Hoss With Perry’s entry, the GOP presidential race got the adrenaline shot it lacked. You could tell Rick Perry was going to be a big problem for Mitt Romney as soon as the Texas governor started blowing him kisses. Asked a question on his first campaign leg about a Romney talking point, […] Al Beeb’s Man In Cairo Mistaken For A Jew Sometimes – just sometimes – a chink of light penetrates the curtain of denial that the BBC habitually drapes over any suggestion that all is not springlike about the Arab uprisings. Sometimes – just sometimes – an Al Beeb reporter (though not usually “Middle East […] Optimists Were Wrong About the Arab Spring There’s a reason that hatred of Israel played well on the Arab street. I wasn’t alone, but the mea culpa is all mine. Like many, I thought that dawn was finally breaking over the Arab world when those nice, middle-class crowds thronged Cairo’s Tahrir Square chanting “freedom” […]
The historic friendship between the United States and Israel stretches from the founding of the Jewish state in 1948 to the present day. Our nations have developed vital economic and security relationships in an alliance based on shared democratic principles, deep cultural ties, and common strategic interests. Historian T.R. Fehrenbach once observed that my home state of Texas and Israel share the experience of “civilized men and women thrown into new and harsh conditions, beset by enemies.”
Surrounded by unfriendly neighbors and terror organizations that aim to destroy her, the Jewish state has never had an easy life. Today, the challenges are mounting. Israel faces growing hostility from Turkey. Its three-decades-old peace with Egypt hangs by a thread. Iran pursues nuclear weapons its leaders vow to use to annihilate Israel. Terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians from Hezbollah and Hamas continue. And now, the Palestinian leadership is intent on destroying the possibility of a negotiated settlement of the conflict with Israel in favor of unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the United Nations. by Ibn Warraq Abraham Ibn Ezra, Hebrew scholar and polymath, left Andalusia in 1140 C.E., just before the invasion of the Almohads, a particularly violent and bigoted Islamic dynasty of North Africa and Spain [reigned 1130-1269], which destroyed so many Jewish communities and towns. He wrote a lament on this destruction of North African […] If nothing else, the Palestinians’ UN statehood gambit goes a long way towards revealing the deep-seated European and US pathologies that enable and prolong the Palestinian conflict with Israel. In a nutshell, the Palestinian Authority – or Fatah – or PLO initiative of asking the UN Security Council and the General Assembly to upgrade […]
NY Times Editorial Vilifies Israel and Distorts the Views of Koch and Netanyahu Posted By Ron Radosh URL to article: Today, the New York Times published an editorial [1] on the special election in New York’s 9th congressional district, which was won by Republican Bob Turner. The district historically went Democratic. In the […]
Gunwalker Linked to Three More Murders Posted By Bob Owens URL to article: CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson has revealed a recent document submitted by the Department of Justice to congressional investigators. The document shows that guns linked to Operation Fast and Furious are responsible for at least three more murders [1] in addition […] Mitt Romney on Jihad and Sharia Mitt Romney, June 3, 2009 [1], at The Heritage Foundation on Jihad: “I spoke about three major threats America faces on a long term basis. Jihadism is one of them, and that is not Islam.” However: There is just one historically relevant meaning of jihad despite contemporary apologetics. […]