PAUL GIGOT: A REVIEW OF DICK CHENEY’S BOOK “IN MY TIME”…SEE NOTE PLEASE Dick Cheney was relentless and unapologetic in pursuit of his policy goals—and Americans are safer for it. THIS IS A VERY INTERESTING BOOK AND CHENEY WAS BRILLIANT ON FOX NEWS YESTERDAY…STILL UNABLE TO NAME “THE ENEMY”…THAT HIS BOSS CALLED A “FRINGE”…..RSK It’s hard to believe now, but Dick Cheney was once a favorite of […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: ONE NATION UNDER DEBT Ever since the United States Federal government assumed state debts back in 1790, the creation of a permanent national debt has been a key feature of federalization. The current national debt crisis may lead to a reversal of federalization or to the elimination of the last vestiges of the rights of states. The situation […]

PHILISTINES FOR PALESTINE…THE UNCONSCIONABLE BEHAVIOR OF THE ANTI-ISRAEL CROWD Read more: Anti-Israel Activists Target The Yardbirds  “Philistines For Palestine”. That is the heading of a corker of an editorial in The Australian regarding the unconscionable behaviour of the anti-Israel yobs at the IPO the other evening. I’m grateful to reader geoffff for copying out a representative part: “It may be that music calms […]

BORIS JOHNSON:Gaddafi: first we fete them, then we bomb them – but that’s politics
Politicians will soon be sucking up to people like Gaddafi again if it’s in the national interest, writes Boris Johnson.

We cannot know what is going through the mind of crazed ex-despot Muammar Gaddafi as he continues to flee Nato bombs and rebel snipers — but we can have a good guess. He may be holed up gibbering in a basement in Sirte. He may be in Venezuela or working as a suspiciously taciturn short-order chef in a falafel bar in Tripoli.Wherever he is I wager there is one thing that causes the old dyed ringlets to shake with rage, one thought that brings the foam to the corner of his champing jaws — and that is the treachery of all those he thought of as friends. And of those who have ratted on him in the last six months, there is one particular group of traitors that he would like to cast — I bet — to the nethermost fire-bubbling pit of hell. Never mind the rebels, and all those snaky ex-ministers who chose to defect as soon as the going got tough. Forget the buxom female “bodyguards” who took the first plane back to Ukraine. For sheer duplicity there is no one to beat – the British! May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits!

APPALLING HONOR KILLING IN JORDAN: SHE HAD JUST GIVEN BIRTH TO TWINS AND HER FATHER SHOT HER… Honor killing in Jordan: “I was enraged and shot her dead because she did something shameful.” She had just given birth to twins, and her father shot her. Yes, murders happen everywhere, and cases of parents killing their children exist across the world, but the crucial difference here is how the killings are rationalized […]

MARCO RUBIO’S COURAGEOUS SPEECH: STAR PARKER Florida’s young Republican Senator Marco Rubio gave an important speech at the Reagan Presidential Library in California that has set off the liberal talking head universe. He had the temerity to suggest that the huge growth in government’s role in American life over the last century “actually weakened us as a people.” The resulting […]


New Israel Fund’s vision for a more democratic Israel: an Arab majority state! Lori Lowenthal Marcus president, Z STREET WWW.ZSTREET.ORG 09/04/11 A new batch of Wikileaks has been posted, and there’s quite an interesting entry about the background to the effort in the Israeli knesset to pass an NGO transparency law which would require NGOs […]


A MESSAGE FROM NRG….PUBLISHER OF THE CONNECTICUT JEWISH LEDGER…BEST JEWISH INTEREST NEWSPAPER IN AMERICA On September 11th 2001 our country was attacked. On Sunday, September 11th, 2011, display our flag. This will Honor those who lost their lives on 9/11/2001. Remind your family and friends by forwarding this note.


One and Done? – The days of spinning illusions in a Greek temple in a football stadium are done. The One is dancing on the edge of one term. ONE day during the 2008 campaign, as Barack Obama read the foreboding news of the mounting economic and military catastrophes that W. was bequeathing […]

JEFF JACOBY: A PONZI SCHEME….THAT’S NOT THE POINT CHARLES PONZI was a Boston swindler who in 1920 bilked thousands of people out of millions of dollars by selling them bonds that guaranteed a fabulous rate of return — 100 percent in just 90 days. The funds entrusted to Ponzi were never invested in legitimate enterprises. Instead, they were deployed in a classic […]