It’s funny watching leftists beat themselves up over things they didn’t do that were done to people who are long dead. Honestly, it takes a special kind of stupid to embrace generational guilt based on skin color, gender, or whatever other ways Democrats create to divide people. You laugh, you have to laugh, because the very concept is so stupid. But so are the people engaging in it. They’re beyond stupid, actually, which is a problem because on the other side of stupid lies the ability to convince people to do things that are, for lack of a stronger word, evil.
Adolf Hitler used people’s ignorance to turn them against Jews, Gypsies, and anyone else he used as a scapegoat to cover his seizing of power. Once those heads were filled with Nazi lies it was pretty easy to get away with anything, with either the passive or active support of the public. The demonized hadn’t done anything, they were simply accused of things allegedly committed in history by people like them. Sound familiar?
Today, the ideological ancestors of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party are doing the same thing (progressives only have one playbook). Progressive Democrats – the party of slavery, the creators of Jim Crow and segregation, embracers of eugenics – have changed their tactics, but not their objectives. They want power, and they’ll do anything they must to get it. It’s important to remember Democrats divide to conquer.
So you end up with race segregated graduation ceremonies, school dances, clubs and dormitories. So-called “diversity officers,” possibly the most societally destructive job ever imagined, giving the stamp of approval to this sanctioned hate and school administrations and corporate leadership terrified to call BS on it.
Is there no one on the boards of these schools or companies brave enough to call racism out and demand it be ended? There doesn’t appear to be, at least not yet.
Until someone in those positions grows a pair, and/or a spine, the division and the destruction that comes with it will continue to grow like a tumor, and it will spread.