RICH LOWRY: A BAD CASE OF AMNESIA…TEACHING OF HISTORY IN THE US IS WOEFUL A Bad Case of National Amnesia The teaching of history in this country is woeful. The Declaration of Independence is a poor excuse for an obscure historical document. It’s not Magna Carta or the Peace of Augsburg. Its name is so straightforwardly functional, it almost makes you wonder why the founders weren’t more imaginative. […]


Anti-American Coup in Pakistan? By Stanley Kurtz The Washington Post and New York Times today feature above-the-fold front-page articles about the deteriorating situation in Pakistan. Both pieces are disturbing, the Times account more so because it explicitly raises the prospect of an anti-American “colonels coup” against Pakistan’s army chief, Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani. With […]

BARBARA LERNER: THE PEACE PIETIES Israel, Palestine, and the Peace Pieties The peace pieties are the code phrases used to undermine Israel and, ultimately, the West. Faithful NRO readers are increasingly clear-eyed about what President Obama and his supporters call “the Middle East peace process.” They know this process has a diplomatic language of its own, a propaganda language […]

WHO’S HUMA? CAN THIS BE TRUE ABOUT HER FAMILY? June 16, 2011 – 11:14 am – by Walid Shoebat and Ben Barrack Was Huma Abedin — wife of Anthony Weiner and deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton — unaware that her mother was reported as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood? Did Western media miss what has been revealed in several Arab […]

DAVID SOLWAY: THE BLUE LOBSTER? A WELCOME TAKEDOWN OF GEORGE FRIEDMAN “One of these more notable blue lobsters is George Friedman, a prime representative of his class. Founder and editor of the increasingly influential intelligence corporation Stratfor, Friedman has begun to weigh in on global affairs with a veritable plethora of articles, digests, summaries, and evaluations. To be sure, at times he can make reasonably […]

Eli Lake and Jerry Seper: New Leader of al Qaeda issues hit list….see note Under new leader, al Qaeda issues hit listWebsites hail al-Zawahri, call for ‘lone wolf’ killings of 40 Americans this is John Brennan’s pathetic assessment….rsk “The No. 2, Zawahri, is not charismatic,” John Brennan, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, said at a May 2 news conference about the bin Laden raid. […]


Barack O’Bully Wants to End Israel By James Lewis “Racism” is a killing hatred for an ethnos, a people or nation.  It could be cold hatred, where you just want all those people to disappear from the face of the earth, or red-hot hatred, where you’re just itching to bring out your Turkish scimitar […]

The lengths the Wash. Post will go to defame Israel: Leo Rennert

The lengths the Wash. Post will go to defame Israel Page Printed from: In its June 16 edition, the Washington Post runs a major piece in its news section about GOP presidential candidates planning to be no-shows for conservative commentator Glenn Beck’s Israel-solidarity rally in Jerusalem on Aug. 24.  The four column headline above […]

HERBERT LONDON ON RICK SANTORUM: A DARK HORSE WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE The Dark Horse With a Bright Future By Herbert London The field of Republican candidates for the 2012 presidential run resembles a horse race in which several horses go lame, odds change and new challengers appear. However, there is one candidate who has worked tirelessly to maintain his position in this race: Rick Santorum. […]

GEORGE GILDER: THE ECONOMICS OF SETTLEMENT The Economics of Settlement By George Gilder The root cause of Middle Eastern turmoil, according to a broad consensus of the international media and the considered cerebrations of the deepest-thinking movie stars, is Israeli settlers in what are described as the “occupied territories” on the West Bank of the Jordan River. Even such […]