JONAH GOLDBERG: THE “GAY GIRL IN DAMASCUS” HOAX Jonah Goldberg: Taken in by ‘Gay Girl’The ‘Gay Girl in Damascus’ hoax is worse than a lie. It’s propaganda. I’d barely followed “A Gay Girl In Damascus” until last week, when Daily Beast columnist Peter Beinart posted something to Twitter: “This is really important — this woman is a hero,” with a link to […]

MARK STEYN: WHY CAN’T AMERICA WIN WARS?***** Why can’t America win wars? It’s been two-thirds of a century since we saw (as President Obama vividly put it) “Emperor Hirohito coming down and signing a surrender to MacArthur.” And, if that’s not quite how you remember it, forget the formal guest list, forget the long-form surrender certificate, and try to think of […]

Election Jihad: Former Hamas-linked CAIR Official, Basim Elkarra, Running for California Office Election Jihad: Former Hamas-linked CAIR Official, Basim Elkarra, Running for California Office This guy is hardcore. Basim Elkarra is a rising star in the Democrats. He recently went to the notoriously violent and Islamized Tower Hamlets in the UK. Probably taking notes for the future. This is the next wave of jihad. Islamic supremacists […]

Ibn Warraq: The Westminster Institute (Virginia): Educating the Public and Government About the Ideology of the Terrorists, and Ways to Counter It (Part II) The Westminster Institute (Virginia): Educating the Public and Government About the Ideology of the Terrorists, and Ways to Counter It by Ibn Warraq Part I here. 2. ABDULLAH AZZAM: THE DEFENSE OF THE MUSLIM LANDS Abdullah Azzam [1941-1989], who created an organisation that would later become al-Qaeda, was the mentor of Osama bin Laden. […]

CREEPY SHARIA? LINGERIE RULES IN SAUDI ARABIA Saudi king intervenes to change law that made women buy lingerie from male salesmen due to ban on female clerks Sometimes there’s “creeping Sharia.” More often than not, though, it’s just plain creepy Sharia, and this case certainly falls in the latter category. The unintended consequence of the complete ban on female sales clerks, […]

The World of Political Discourse Enjoins the Imagination by Herbert I. London

The World of Political Discourse Enjoins the Imagination by Herbert I. London When the president of the United States says we have to control expenditures and then advocates dramatic increases in the budget, I am perplexed. When I am told the economy is in recovery, but according to recent reports the unemployment rate has […]

$10.00 FOR A PHOTO WITH MICHELE OBAMA AT A FUNDRAISER? FIONA ROBERTS Would you pay $10k for a photo with the First Lady? Michelle Obama flies to LA to raise money for husband’s re-election By Fiona Roberts If Barack Obama’s worried about finding enough cash for his 2012 election campaign, he needn’t be – his wife’s got it covered. The First Lady charged lucky – and […]

Hearing Offers Eyewitness Accounts of Prison Radicalization

Hearing Offers Eyewitness Accounts of Prison Radicalization A former federal prosecutor and a former New York state prison official who investigated radical Islamist recruitment will discuss the threat of prison radicalization during a House hearing Wednesday. Former prosecutor Kevin Smith likely will discuss a California case in which inmates radicalized at Folsom prison plotted […]

Victory Over Islamic Influence at the National Defense University Foundation: Jerry Gordon On June 10th, a board fight erupted at the National Defense University Foundation (NDUF) meeting at Fort McNair in Washington, DC. Fort McNair is the home of the National Defense University – our nation’s premier senior military education institution, established by the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff (J-5).  The NDUF board has 26 members, 18 of whom have […]


Bachmann Smart, Media Dumb June 14, 2011 8:27 A.M. By Stanley Kurtz Seems like only yesterday when Michelle Bachmann was supposed to be dumb. Come to think of it, it was yesterday, until about 8:30pm anyway. I found out how silly it was to think of Bachmann that way late last year, when I heard […]