Click here: Informed Civil Discussion – Maggie’s Farm This post may seem to some as “inside baseball” but it illustrates a wider issue of being diligently informed for civil discourse and for effectiveness in supporting a cause, while not shirking from calling out those — even allies — who dangerously undermine that cause. Europe […]

DAVE MONTGOMERY: IS PERRY A POSSIBILITY? McClatchy Washington Bureau AUSTIN, Tex. — The just-concluded Texas legislative session has armed Gov. Rick Perry with a host of red-meat issues that could entice conservative Republican voters if he jumps into the wide-open presidential primary race.  But analysts say some of those issues could carry consequences in reaching broader constituencies in the general […]

THE TSA: A PORTRAIT IN ISLAMIZATION…BY RABBI ARYEH SPERO On June 18th in an airport in Florida, Transportation Security Administration agents required a 95-year-old woman with leukemia to remove her adult diaper if she wanted to pass their inspection and travel.  The TSA says they would have been satisfied with merely feeling around the garment, but it was wet.  Whatever version, this constitutes […]


Khomeini Celebrated in … Kansas City. On July 4.  By Patrick Poole URL to article: Supporters of Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic Republic of Iran are gathering in Kansas City this weekend, as the Muslim Congress convenes their annual national convention [1]. The topic? “The Divine Concept of Freedom.” Apparently, the American concept of […]

SWISS INDEPENDENCE PARTY FEATURES OUTRAEOUS ANTI-SEMITIC AD,7340,L-4089824,00.html Swiss party ad features Jewish doll Jewish community outraged: Anti-Semitic group in Geneva distributes ad for independence day party showing doll wearing yarmulke with arrow on its head, Israeli flag painted on Ads promoting an independence party in Geneva featured a doll of a man wearing a yarmulke with an arrow in its head […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE WEEKLY ROUNDUP PART 2 RAPPROCHEMENT BETWEEN TURKEY AND ISRAEL IMMINENT Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed a local crowd in Diyarbakır, saying that: “We are the grandchildren of Saladin Ayyubi’s army that conquered Jerusalem.” Funny, Saladin was a Kurd and Erdogan is busy stealing Kurdish seats in parliament. If Saladin were around today, he’d be at war with […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE WEEKLY ROUNDUP PART ONE Friday Afternoon Roundup – Put Some Teeth In It DON’T WORRY, BE MUSLIM Forget all the worrying and fussing over Muslim immigration and terrorism. The future looks bright for Britain. We’re probably only days away from the first female Imam and drive through abortion clinics in local mosques. Mecca is going to host its […]

BARRY SHAW: ISRAEL-RECLAIMING THE NARRATIVE ‘ISRAEL – RECLAIMING THE NARRATIVE is a prosecution of Israel’s enemies. This book is suggested as a valuable resource for Israel’s fight back against the lies and deceit of the Palestinian camp that has succeeded in capturing the high ground in the information war that is an integral part of the Middle East conflict. […]

RAY COOK: FLOTILLA 11-THE AUDACITY OF HYPE Remember the Flotilla that set sail for Gaza one year ago? Remember the Mavi Marmara? Remember the worldwide outrage when the IDF killed 9 IHH members on board? Israel was accused of piracy on the high-seas and murder. I wrote about it here here and here. Well, the flotillaniks are at it again. So […]

NIDRA POLLER: DOMINIQUE STRAUSS KAHN MAY BE A FOOL BUT NOT A KNAVE The Dizzying Rebound of Dominique Strauss Kahn Chapter 2: in which we learn that the former IMF chief may well be a fool but perhaps not a knave N.B. I am deliberately writing and filing this analysis before the surprise NY Supreme Court hearing in the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, reportedly scheduled for 17:30 […]