ISRAEL LIVES@GMAIL.COM JANET LEHR OBAMA’S ADVISORS SAMANTHA POWERS, formerly at the Harvard Kennedy School and on the NSC senior staff, has accused Israel of war crimes (Jenin 2002) and argued for use of multilateral forces to enforce unilateral peace agreements in Palestinian territories. SUSAN RICE, US UN Ambassador, has been a proponent of global nuclear […]


Obama Middle East Speech: A Big and Revealing Mistake That Nobody Has Noticed There is a small detail at the end of Obama’s big Middle East speech that everyone has overlooked up until now but which shows how inept this administration is at understanding the IsraelI-Palestinian issue and why it continually makes Israel mistrustful. […]


Pondering a choice of words: “..hamas has been and is an organization that has resorted to terror, that has refused to acknowledge israel’s right to exist…” Hamas is NOT an organization that has resorted to terror. Hamas is a terrorist group. Designated so. There’s a big difference? Think about the ramifications…AQ is a terrorist group […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: THE WEEKLY ROUNDUP PART TWO There’s a more extensive roundup of articles at Ruthfully Yours But good news. Obama is sending Penny Pritzker, that nice lady whose hotel hosted Ahmadinejad, to talk to Jews. Talk about not getting it. Maybe he should send her to raise money from Ahmadinejad. Since his advisers may be wizards, maybe they can magic […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: PEACE IN OUR WEEKEND….THE ROUNDUP OF NEWS PART ONE TAXES FOR TERRORISTS Haven’t you always wanted to send your money directly to imprisoned terrorists? Well now you can thanks to cooperation between the Obama Administration and the Palestinian Authority which will now be paying salaries to imprisoned terrorists. The PA doesn’t have much of a tax base, except the Americans, Israelis and Europeans […]

THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD MARCHES ON: FSM,css.print/pub_detail.asp The Muslim Brotherhood Marches On… The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report Islamic Development Bank Awards Prize to U.K. Islamic Foundation Arab News has reported that Islamic Development Bank (IDB) announced Wednesday that the Islamic Foundation, UK, is the winner of the IDB Prize in Islamic Economics for the year 2011. According to the report: […]

A Story of How Deep the Palestinians Have Sunk Into the Moral Abyss Posted By Dr. Arieh Eldad

A Story of How Deep the Palestinians Have Sunk Into the Moral Abyss Posted By Dr. Arieh Eldad URL to article: I was instrumental in establishing the Israeli National Skin Bank, which is the largest in the world. The National Skin Bank stores skin for every day needs as well as for war time […]

MARK STEYN: YES THEY KAHN! Yes They Kahn! Dominique Strauss-Kahn and the other elevated souls of the governing class are above your bourgeois standards. Back when he was still the officially designated Next President of France and not an accused rapist, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was glimpsed at the annual IMF soccer tournament wearing a T-shirt emblazoned “YES, WE KAHN!” (Monsieur […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: BORDERLINE TREACHERY ***** Borderline Treachery Obama proposes leaving Israel indefensible. Would that the president of the United States were as worried about Arizona’s border as he is about “Palestine’s.” There was less fanfare about this latest Obama oration on the future of the Middle East, staged at Foggy Bottom, than there was about his 2009 Cairo speech. […]

DAVID SOLWAY: DECONSTRUCTING CHOMSKY Those who regard Noam Chomsky as one of the world’s premier thinkers might be advised to reconsider. It is, of course, mainly his political writings that have earned him his current reputation for crusading fearlessness, uncompromising candor, and lacerating intelligence. That they consist largely of cant and drivel erected on a foundation of dishonesty […]