A Long Walk Through New York Yesterday I walked across half the width of the city. To walk across New York City is to see a study in contrasts. The ambitious skyscrapers of the real estate bubble and the declining working class neighborhoods being eaten away at by Halal markets and mosques. It is […] Introduction: Since the fraudulent June 12th, 2009 Presidential Election in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), an increasingly emboldened opposition, the Green Movement, has arisen to demand the overthrow of the IRI. The Green Movement refuses to desist from launching massive street protests in Tehran, and other major Iranian cities. All this is occurring […] According to the Commission, the EU now faces its gravest crisissince the Second World War. Why does anyone want to clamber aboard such a visibly listing and dilapidated vessel? The question occurred to me over the weekend at a conference in Croatia for Centre-Right parliamentarians from the Balkans region, organised by the Alliance of European Conservatives and […] VIDEO: President Obama Announces Afghanistan Troop Reduction – Will this put U.S. Military Gains at Risk? 2. VIDEO: Sen. Rand Paul [R] Questions Invasive TSA Searches 3. VIDEO: Glenn Beck on Finding a Job During a Bad Economy 4. VIDEO: Muslim Marine Reservist Linked to D.C. Military Building Shootings 5. VIDEO: MSNBC’S Chris Matthews’ […]
Yale and the study of Antisemitism Peter Salovey, Yale University’s Provost, sent out a brief ‘Dear Friends’ note Sunday that announced the end of the Yale Interdisciplinary Initiative for the Study of Antisemitism (YIISA) and the founding of a new ‘scholarly enterprise’, the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism (YPSA). A number of […]
Ibn Warraq: Westminster Institute Conference [May 25, 2011]: Fighting the Ideological War. Strategies for Defeating al-Qaeda. (Part 3) Westminster Institute Conference [May 25, 2011]: Fighting the Ideological War. Strategies for Defeating al-Qaeda. by Ibn Warraq Part I here. Part II here. Dr Patrick Sookhdeo superbly summarizes the historical roots and the theological components of […] By Ben Wolfgang House Republicans charged Wednesday that the Obama administration is aiming to establish a “propaganda office” for Democratic initiatives on global warming through a proposal to consolidate operations in a new “climate service” office within the Commerce Department Tensions boiled over at a congressional hearing as officials of the National Oceanic and […]
The great California foreskin fight of 2011 By Jonah Lowenfeld cover_story/article/the_great_california_foreskin_fight_of_2011_20110621/ SHOULD BE CALLED A BALLOT PREPUCEITION ……..PREPUCE IS THE MEDICAL TERM FOR FORESKIN……..RSK Jena Troutman, right, was the proponent of a short-lived Santa Monica ballot initiative seeking to ban circumcision in that city. She and other “intactivists” — including, from left, 10-time candidate […] “This is an incredible piece by that well known scientist, Albert Gore, Jr., writing in Rolling Stone – a fitting outlet for his diatribe. Perhaps my favorite sentence in this article is Gore’s statement that ” there are scientists on one side of the debate and deniers on the other.” Gore advances the manichaean view […]
The Netherlands to Abandon Multiculturalism by Soeren Kern So multiculti is now the polite word for Muslim immigrants who want to create parallel laws and values to conform with Sharia…..rsk The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the […]