This week’s syndicated column: My best guess is the sun is hot. I feel its heat. I see by its light. I understand its role in the growth of crops and other living things. If I were to come across scholarly data attesting to its high temperatures, I would probably look at the fiery […]
Godfather vs. Tax Man So how good a businessman is Herman Cain? During a meeting with Wall Street Journal editors yesterday, the Republican presidential candidate said that his experience as a CEO in the restaurant industry was important training for the job of America’s chief executive. But Mr. Cain was also quick to point out […] Former Congressman and current Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is turning up the heat on the issue of man-made global warming, calling it “patently absurd,” a stance putting him at odds with perceived frontrunner Mitt Romney. “I believe the Earth gets warmer and I also believe the Earth gets cooler, and I think history […] The early GOP presidential front-runner has broken with his party’s conservative ranks to declare global warming a real threat to the planet that merits some sort of action to curb heat-trapping emissions. But the former Massachusetts governor is also quick to trash cap and trade, carbon taxes and other controversial policies that have been […]
The 1967 Six-Day War by Mitchell Bard Israel consistently expressed a desire to negotiate with its neighbors. In an address to the UN General Assembly on October 10, 1960, Foreign Minister Golda Meir challenged Arab leaders to meet with Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion to negotiate a peace settlement. Nasser answered on October 15, saying […]
All Ahmadinejad’s Menby Ali Alfoneh Middle East Quarterly Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s sacking of foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki has opened another chapter in the ongoing power struggle between the president and the supreme leader, Ali Khamene’i. Interpersonal as it may seem, this confrontation symbolizes the struggle between the Islamic Republic’s old elites and Ahmadinejad’s burgeoning patronage […] Bill to stop Sharia law operating in the UK Submitted by Peter Norris Baroness Cox introduced a new Bill to the House of Lords on 7 June which is intended to curb the increasing use of sharia law in Muslim communities. The plans come amid increasing concern about the discrimination suffered by Muslim women […]
Video: Napolitano: Concentrating Terrorists Screening Efforts on Muslim Men Under 35 is Not Good Logic (CSPAN) Bipartisan Group Of Senators Argue Administration Is In Violation of War Powers Act (FOX) U.S. Is Intensifying a Secret Campaign of Yemen Airstrikes (NYT) Healthcare overhaul fight in pivotal Atlanta court Weapons Arsenal Found in Mexico Contains Guns that […],css.print/pub_detail.asp Sexting: When someone sends someone else a naked/nude pictures. Urban Dictionary #14 An individual who hasn’t heard the news reports on Anthony Weiner by now would have to be living under a rock. However, there may be large numbers of people unaware of what may be considered an epidemic in what has become known […] Under heavy police protection, scholar of Islam shouts out for freedom while leftists hurl rocks and bottles: