Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques by Mordechai Kedar and David Yerushalmi Middle East Quarterly Summer 2011, pp. 59-72 (view PDF) How great is the danger of extremist violence in the name of Islam in the United States? Recent congressional hearings into this question by Rep. Peter King (Republican of New York), chairman of […] American Mosques: Jihad’s Incubators Center for Security Policy | Jun 07, 2011 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. How’s this for a wake-up call: America’s most cherished civil liberties and the Constitution that enshrines them are actually enabling Muslim Brotherhood operatives and other Islamists who have the declared mission of destroying our freedoms and government “from within…by […]
My Fellow Americans: Last night, when I spoke with you about the fall of Rome, I knew at that moment that troops of the United States and our Allies were crossing the Channel in another and greater operation. It has come to pass with success thus far. And so, in this poignant hour, I ask […] First it was Venezuela, then Bolivia, then Ecuador, then Nicaragua. Now it’s my native Peru. One by one, largely unremarked here, Latin America’s nations are turning to the authoritarian Left. Ollanta Humala, who won yesterday’s presidential run-off, is typical of the breed of modern caudillo. A cashiered former army officer, he had concocted an […] Alabama has suddenly become the leader in comprehensive immigration reform, passing up Arizona, whose laws have had so much news coverage. By large margins, the Alabama state legislature passed a bill, known as HB56, that covers most areas of abuses by illegal aliens. HB56 requires proof of citizenship or residency before voting, a giant […]
Lessons for Libya Combatants Knew What They Wanted, They Wanted Their Side To Win by Taylor Dinerman The June 3, 2011 vote in the US House of Representatives, (268-145), demanding that President Obama explain his policy towards the Civil War in Libya, embarrassed the administration, but did little to clarify NATO or US political […] Last week, Congressman Clyburn reached into his deck, discarded the queens, aces and jokers, and played the ‘Race Card’. “The fact of the matter is, the president’s problems are in large measure because of the color of his skin,” quoth Clyburn. Not the economy, an unwanted war or a politician who acts like a […] Afghanistan-bound Marines learn farming practices Jun 6 10:16 PM US/Eastern By GOSIA WOZNIACKA Associated Press FRESNO, Calif. (AP) – At a university farm in California’s crop-abundant Central Valley, a group of U.S. Marines trudged through muddy fields on Monday to learn how to tend pomegranate trees, a crop popular in war-torn Afghanistan where they […] Over the weekend, Drudge posted an alarming story from high on the page: “China Divests 97% of Holdings in US Treasury Bills.” What does that mean? I checked with financial hawkeye George Ford for his take. As I read it, there’s good news and bad news in his analysis (below). The good news […]
Back from Israel – by Guy Milliere Google translation; original article in French is at: “I returned to Europe, and I feel like returning to a vast insane asylum. I will return to Israel to find the truth. I can also be found in America, those who are neither Semitic nor useless idiots, volunteers […]