MARK STEYN: TYRANNOUS REGULATION Cass Sunstein is head of something called the “Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.”  I’ve seen enough conspiracy thrillers to know that when someone has so obvious a blandly amorphous federal-job description as that, it means he’s running some deeply sinister wet-work operation of illegal targeted assassinations in unfriendly nations that the government spooks […]

DANIEL GREENFIELD: WILL ISLAM DESTROY ITSELF? In his address to congress, Netanyahu said that militant Islam threatens Islam. As if there were any such thing as a non-militant form of Islam. An ideology that was militantly expansionistic from birth. And yet that expansionism does threaten it. It’s not mere militancy that threatens Islam, but its own lack of proportion. Had […]


The Messiah finds his time warp By Wesley Pruden Obama doesn’t any longer move Americans as he once did. The eloquence once thought cast in gold has been revealed as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. But he found comfort in a warm, wet time warp in London. You couldn’t blame him if he had […]

DAVID SOLWAY: KISHINEV THE CITY OF SLAUGHTER The City of Slaughter Posted By David Solway Chaim Nachman Bialik’s great poem about Russia’s Kishinev pogrom of 1903 needs to be read and re-read. In 1903, the Jewish community in the town of Kishinev, the capital of the Russian province of Bessarabia, was decimated by a pogrom, a frequent occurrence in that part […]


Know your enemy Jerry Philipson On this Memorial Day Weekend in the United States Americans should pause to honor the brave men and women of the Armed Forces who are fighting and dying to protect freedom and the American way of life in Afghanistan, Iraq and other places around the world. They should then […]

MARK STEYN: THE BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC by Julia Ward Howe and William Steffe This essay is drawn from Mark’s book A Song For The Season: Memorial Day in America – or, if you’re a real old-timer, Decoration Day, a day for decorating the graves of the Civil War dead. The songs many of those soldiers marched to are still known today – “The Yellow Rose Of Texas”, […]

GO AHEAD AND BOYCOTT ISRAEL…SEE HOW This is a cross-post by Michael Ordman of  Good News From Israel and shows the hypocrisy and ignorance of those who would, in their blindness and ideological zeal, boycott divest and sanction Israel. Note that this is not simply boycotting goods manufactured in the ‘occupied territories’ but ALL goods. Following the decision of the […]

ON A MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA CAMPUS VIOLENT INCIDENT MARS A PRO-ISRAEL RALLY Jewish Student Allegedly Attacked On Australian Campus For Celebrating Israeli Independence Day Melbourne, capital of the state of Victoria, Australia, was founded in 1835, and Jews, of English origin, were among its earliest inhabitants.  Immediately before, and following, the Second World War, the Melbourne Jewish community  – by that time highly assimilationist and eroded […]

Obama’s warm reception in Britain can’t hide the fact he’s the weakest US president in living memory: ROBIN SHEPHERD Obama gets meetings with the Queen, high fives with Cameron and a speech to parliament. But his lack of global leadership overshadows all. Consider the world-view of the first American president. In his inaugural address, President George Washington spoke passionately about the “…sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of […]

Navy too politically correct for ‘old salts’ By Rowan Scarborough – The U.S. Navy is sailing into politically correct waters, sometimes at a speed too fast for the Obama administration to keep up. Whether it is policies on gays and women, or naming ships after social activists, the Navy is charting a course that has some “old salts” worried. “It’s pretty dire,” said John Howland, […]